Sunday, August 26, 2012
Next "Cause & Effect" Episodes

VtES Tournament "Vampire Heart" in Bochum
On the occasion of the annual Essen Games Fair, the playgroup in Bochum will hold the traditional Midnight Tournament on Saturday, October 20th, 2012. The pub the tournament will be played at, is less than 20 km away from the Essen fair area.
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - Constructed Tournament
Vampire Heart
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - Constructed Tournament
Vampire Heart
- Time:
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Doors open at 19:00 h
Start first round at 19:30 h - Location:
Zu den Vier Winden
Hofsteder Str. 94
44809 Bochum
Germany - Round system: 2 rounds plus final (time limit: 2h each)
- Format: VEKN Constructed
(In case there are less than 12 players, the multi-deck system will be used) - Entrance fee: 3 EUR
- Remarks
- Please note: The location is a pub, so you may not bring your own food and drinks.
Pre-registration is possible via email to the organizer or a post in the German VEKN web forum in this thread.
- Please note: The location is a pub, so you may not bring your own food and drinks.
- Contact:
Gerhard "Hardy" Range
prinz (/dot/) bochum (/at/) gmx (/dot/) de
German VtES Forum
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
State of the V:EKN: August 2012
As posted on VEKN.net on August 22nd, 2012:
Fellow Methuselahs,I am daring the bursting sunlight to get you some news of things happening within the V:EKN.
We had an announcement a couple of months back that we wanted to staff some (new) positions within the V:EKN. I am pleased to announce that we have chosen Antonio Cobo Cuenca to become the Vice Chairman. He is originally from Spain but currently residing in Paris. I would think he is an excellent choice, having a background in different playgroups and also being a long time contributor. Of course the availability of a Vice Chairman will help me and help smoothing out the situations where I am stuck with real-life situations. On top of that Mike Nudd will take up the responsibility of Storyline Coordinator. He is from the UK and currently the prince of London. With an extensive background in game development he will be working closely with the Design Team to bring you some exciting new storyline ideas. Expect something for late in the year, we will poll on some options soon.
We are still working on Marketing and Spokesperson, but very close to a decision. Expect to hear something in the next couple of days. Certainly it has been very interesting that with all the complaints of the V:EKN being a secretive organization there have been very few actual applications for the positions.
Certainly you have been reading about the new fan-based set that is currently being developed and produced by the V:EKN. Progress is good and from a personal perspective I am very excited to see everything coming together with artwork and actual cards designs. The release schedule is not yet very clear but, barring any unforeseen problems, we should make it available late in the year, certainly there will be a display of cards at the European Championship.
Our Nosferatu have been productive as well so we are currently in the alpha testing stages of the rating system event reporting/upload module. Alpha testing means it does actually look and work like it will in the end but there are still some rough edges and real bugs. We will move to an open beta testing by mid-September, so prepare your Archons and get ready to upload and give feedback. The first priority will be to get the current design and workflow online and in use, we will then do a second round of development where you all can give suggestions for improvement.
Everything is on track regarding the biggest V:TES event of the year, European Championship in Budapest. There are over a 100 people per-registered already so do not hesitate and get your trip booked (www.vtes2012.com/). For those of you who did not attend a continental championship so far I can only encourage you to take part in this certainly unique and worthwhile experience.
Johannes Walch
Chairman of the V:EKN
Monday, August 20, 2012
Announcement Polish National VtES Championship 2012

- Type of Event: National Championship (qualifying for this event is not necessary, everyone is welcome to participate.)
- Location:
4 Art (1st Floor)
ul. Wieczorka 22
44-100 Gliwice - Time Table:
- 10:15 - 10:45 -- Registration
- 11:00 - 13:00 -- First Round
- 13:15 - 15:15 -- Second Round
- 15:15 - 16:00 -- Lunch Break
- 16:00 - 18:00 -- Third Round
- 17:15 - 20:15 -- Final Round
- 10:15 - 10:45 -- Registration
- Entry fee: 30 PLN (8 Euro)
- Format: 3R + final (2h time limit each)
- Rules: Standard Constructed. Detailed rules can be found on the VEKN Tournament Rules webpage.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Playtesting for "Danse Macabre" comes to an end

Read the full post on VEKN.net.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Announcement Dutch EC Qualifier 2012

- Standard Constructed. Detailed rules can be found on the VEKN tournament rules webpage.
- Saturday, 15th September 2012
- Doors open/registration: 10:00 h
- First round starting time: 11:00 h
- Expected End: 20:00 h
- De Korenbeurs
Croeselaan 91
3521 BL Utrecht
The Netherlands - Since the location is a cafe/restaurant, it is not allowed to bring your own food or drinks. Parking space is available and day tickets can be bought at the bar for €6.
- 3 rounds, plus final (time limit: 2 h each)
- 5 Euro
- Please register in advance by replying in the relevant post on the dutch VtES forum. Any questions you might have concerning the tournament can be asked in the same way.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Announcement Swedish National VtES Championship 2012

- Swedish VtES Nationals 2012
- Date: September 29th, 2012
- Time: 10:30 – 21:00
- Fee: 50 SEK
- Format: Constructed: 3 rounds + final round
- Swedish VtES Draft Nationals 2012
- Date: September 30th, 2012
- Time: 10:30 – 21:00
- Fee: 180 SEK
- Format: Draft: 2 rounds + final
- Venue:
ABF Örebro
Drottninggatan 38
Örebro, Sweden - Travel: The easiest way to get to Sweden is by plane; either to Arland (ARN) or Skavsta (NYO) and then get on a bus/train to Örebro.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Bochum VtES League 2012: August 3rd
Here are the decks of the Bochum VtES League 2012 from the meeting on August 3rd, 2012 (the next prey is from top to bottom), with some quick remarks about the decks being played that evening.
Result: Ralf 1.5 VP, Hardy 1.5 VP, Sascha 0.5 VP, Didi 0.5 VP
Hardy -- Cesawayo & Friends Aye Wall -- with one transfer Neighbour John was the obvious first vampire to show up. And right from the beginning he began to harass his prey and predator by continually blocking. And with Martin occupied with Ralf's numerous minions Hardy could build up his resources (like putting multiple Ayes and a gun on Cesawayo), but lacked enough punch to reduce Sascha's pool significantly. Ceswayo's greatest coupe was taking control of Sascha's Escaped Mental Patient and torporizing the recruiting Malkavian antitribu.
Sascha -- Malkavian G2/3 antritribu Bleed /w Escaped Mental Patient -- feared Didi's back rush capabilities (w/Deep Song) and with a lack of stealth performed a number of undirected actions, which allowed in turn Hardy to block with either Cesawayo or Neighbour John. He got under great pressure (and never really recovered) after Hardy stealing his Escaped Mental Patient and Vasantasena got torporized from that same Patient. In the end he was lucky to stay in the game.
Didi -- Cailean & Friends Ani/Gun Rush/Wall -- had a very slow start especially after being bled for 5 in a turn and couldn't manage to grab enough intercept for blocking the Malkavians antitribu behind him. But threatening to rush backwards kept his predator at bay during the midgame. Eventually Didi had all the necessary resources (Mark V, Nosferatu Kingdom, Tier of Souls, ..) on his minions at his disposal, but at that point the game was almost over.
Ralf -- Giovanni G2/3 Shambling Hordes -- very reasonable start with a lot of minions (and no pressure from his predator for most of the game), but then having a bit of trouble to deal with the weaponary popping up left and right in the mid-/late game. But then he managed to finally oust Martin with around 10 minutes on the clock.
Martin -- Assamite Black Hand Toolbox -- initially had to suffer from repeated blocks of his Reunion Kamut by Hardy. Only in the mid-endgame the Assamites could get a Gun and Sport Bike, but a Tattoo Signal (or two) were sorely missed. But with a wall to the left and a rush deck to his right, the deck had trouble showing his potential. In the end, the one gun and one intercept didn't turn out to be enough to hold the Shambling Hordes and their Giovanni master at bay.
Result: Ralf 1.5 VP, Hardy 1.5 VP, Sascha 0.5 VP, Didi 0.5 VP
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