1. Rudolf G. -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 2,5 VP -- (!)Gangrel Dominate Protean BleedCongratulations to Rudolf for his victory in the final round and the tournament. You can find a tournament report, the final standings and the finalist's decklist in the Usenet newsgroups.
2. Joscha D. -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1,5 VP -- Nosferatu Prince Block/Vote
2. Michael H. -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ahrimanes Bleed & Block
2. Chris F. -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 0 VP -- Cybele/Nergal Soul Gem Nastiness
2. Ralf W. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Stanislava & Friends Dominate Protean Bleed
Right: Round 2 Table 3: The moment where Rudolf's Gangrel are about to oust Lukas' Nosferatu Royalties.
Right: Round 3 Table 1: Chris's Cybele deck dominates the table and is about to finish off Bernd's Gangrel Toolbox deck.
Right: Details of the decks at the final table. Michael has just lost "Howler" to Rudolf by "Graverobbing".
Haha! on the top right picture it looks like the cards are foiled! I'd die for foiled vampire cards personaly :P
Congratulations to the finals Ralf, youre on a roll!
It wasn't me who made the finals; there is/was another Ralf who piloted the "Stanislava" decks. I played a "Nephandus" deck and scored 1 GW 4 VPs and finished 7th (out of 19).
Foil cards ... hmm, I'm not sure about this. If they weren't made "secret rare" or "mythic rare" I think it would be ok.
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