Right: Fourth Cycle -- Another weenie (and imbued) hoser card, but the use is rather limited due the requirements of two Gehenna cards in play.
Right: Marakech Codex -- this is a game winner card. I would consider this an auto-include for any wall deck, since they can defend it and will profit greatly from using it.
Right: Rubicon -- again, like "Rogue" too situational for general purpose use; almost all the time a dead card in your hand.
Right: SchreckNET -- another very good card for the Nosferatu, especially for a Nosferatu Royalty deck, where passing votes is one of the cornerstones.
Looks like WW is granting us with good promos(better than the last set of 8 where the best card was a werewolf that allows you to pay 1 pool per master card, remember ^^)
Some very nice ideas, I am very eager to use them in tournament
Abactor is a great card, could use it with Muaziz, Ariadne or Samat Ramal-Ra, while Tariq has no use of it, he is cap 3 basic or Theo who needs a price or a justicar. I allready see a bloat deck based on Muaziz, she's the only one with bleed defense :)
And Fourth Cycle with Anthelios and Scourge of the Enochians is a very bad combo, cause it completely destroys weenie concept :( No more decks based on AUS, CEL, DOM, PRE,...
Not that I'm complaining :) All promos are super, but these two are the best.
Rogue looks good compared to Rubicon. I think that says more about Rubicon's craptasticallity than Rogue's goodness. Move over 6th Tradition, your corner just got more crowded!
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