Monday, March 10, 2008

Useless Statistics

Here's something from the department "Useless, but interessing statistics" for VtES . When seeing the n-th question regarding "Mask of 1K Faces" in the Usenet Newsgroup "", I was wondering what are the cards with the most questions asked about? So for some cards that came into my mind I entered the search phrase "cardname author:lsj" for a number of cards, and voila! here are the results of the top five cards with the most rules questions:
  1. Form of Mist -- 347 posts
  2. Psyche -- 343 posts
  3. Rotschreck -- 320 posts
  4. Deflection -- 234 posts
  5. Mask of 1K Faces -- 227 posts

The list is not representative and not exhaustive, I only checked about 30 or so card names. By the way, it seems to be important for the Google group search if you enter the card names in small letters only.

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