Tuesday, August 5, 2008

VtES Rules: "CrimethInc." Q&A

(c) 2008 by White Wolf Inc.Lately a number of questions came up regarding CrimethInc, so here's a short "Questions and Answers" summary for the card. Most of the information is taken from the Usenet newsgroup "rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad":

Q: After what kind of actions an Anarch can play "CrimethInc"? Is the cardless "Go Anarch" action included?
A: As the cardtext of "CrimethInc" implies all actions that require an Anarch or make a vampire an Anarch are meeting the requirements, this includes
On the other hand the following scenarios are not covered by "actions requiring or making an anarch"-clause are the following:
The reasons are that these cards/abilities are not actions (and therefore you cannot play action modifiers like "CrimethInc").

Q: What about actions that require a "Baron"?
A: Yes, they also allow to play "CrimethInc afterwards, since a vampire can only be a "Baron" while being an Anarch, the requirement is implicitely met. This applies to regular action cards as well as political actions.

Q: Can "Calvin Cleaver" use "CrimethInc" to untap after using his special ability? Can another Anarch play "CrimethInc" after using "Calvin Cleaver" special ability to give him a blood?
A: No and yes. The action in the first question only requires "Calvin" himself, he does not need to be an Anarch to attempt the action. On the other hand, the action in the second question specifically requires an Anarch, Calvins having the Anarch trait is irrelevant.

Q: Can I use the same "CrimethInc" card (played at "Thaumaturgy" earlier) in play for multiple minions (or same minion) as long as I pay the pool? Or do I need multiple "CrimethInc" in play?
A: You need multiple copies of "CrimethInc" in play. The "during phase X do Y" template implies that you can only use a particular "CrimethInc" once during your turn. On the other hand, if you have four "CrimethInc" cards in play, you can untap a single minion four times, or two minions two times each, or any other combination.

Q: Can an Anarch use "CrimethInc" (using "Quietus") multiple times a turn to untap the same fellow Anarch vampire several times?
A: Yes, you can. Provided you have enough actions requiring Anarchs and enough "CrimethInc" at hand, you can take multiple actions requiring Anarchs and use multiple "CrimethInc" to untap fellow Anarchs. So in theory the following sequence is possible:
  1. Anarch A plays does some action.
  2. Anarch B plays "Keystone Kine" and "CrimethInc" to untap Anarch A.
  3. Anarch A plays "Undue Influence" and "CrimethInc" to untap Anarch B.
  4. Anarch B plays "Skullduggery" and "CrimethInc" to untap Anarch A.
  5. Anarch A plays "Constant Revolution" and "CrimethInc" to untap Anarch B.
  6. Anarch B plays "Undue Influence" and "CrimethInc" to untap Anarch A.
  7. ...
Q: Can I use "CrimethInc" (using "Protean") the same way as "Freak Drive"?
A: Not exactly in the same way, but it's comparable. The main difference are that "Freak Drive" can played even after an unsuccessful action (at superior "Fortitude"), and that you can use "Freak Drive" after any action. "CrimethInc" can only be played after a successful action requiring (or making) an Anarch.

Q: How do you pronounce "CrimethInc."?
A: As "crimethink"; as one word. The name originates from an anarchist organization of the same name. Check this Wikipedia article for details

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