Thursday, August 27, 2009

Famous Last Words

Roleplaying games have long tradition of collecting lists of famous last words, that is the words a roleplaying characters utters just before drawing his last breath. In a similar fashion VtES players are known to say brilliant things before their untimely demise (i.e. being ousted):
  • "I forgot to take the pool for the Edge last turn."

  • "Maybe I shouldn't have discarded the Deflection last turn."

  • "No block. He didn't have a Conditioning last turn." -- "Conditioning".

  • "I rush Enkidu."

  • "Bleed for 4." -- "Archon Investigation."

  • "I am down to one pool, so I can play Parity Shift against you." -- "Poison Pill".

  • "Now that all my vampires are tapped out, I hope you're sticking to your part of our deal!?!!"


Juggernaut1981 said...

Player: "Now, you won't bleed me during your turn [predator]?"
Pred: "Nope"
[rest of turn]
Pred:"KRC, ooops *snicker*"

extrala said...

Also works perfectly with bounce.
Pred: "Bounce bleed to prey. Hey, I didn't bleed you as promised!"