One clan newsletter has been posted in the Usenet Newsgroup "" this month. Beside using a newsgroup reader, you can also access the VtES Usenet Newsgroup by using Google Groups.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Announcement Belgian EC Qualifier 2010

- Standard Constructed. Detailed rules can be found on the VEKN tournament rules webpage.
- Saturday, 29th May 2010
- Doors open/registration: 11:30 h
- Start first round 12:00 h
- Expected end: 21:15 h
- The Outpost
Rue de la Tribune 8
1000 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 (0)2 2180400 - Please take note, that it is not allowed to bring your own drinks into the shop.
- 3 rounds, plus final (time limit: 2 h each)
- 3 Euro
- Pre-registration is very useful to ensure appropriate prize support and a timely start of the tournament. If you intend to participate, please sign up as soon as possible by replying to the thread on the Belgian forum or by writing to emiliano (dot) imeroni (at) gmail (dot) com.
- By train: The Outpost is situated less than 10 minutes walking from Brussels Central Station (Gare Centrale).
If you arrive from Paris/London, you will end up at Brussels South Station (Gare du Midi). From there, take the metro line 2 or line 6, direction "Simonis (Elisabeth)", get off after about 8 minutes at the stop "Madou", then walk 5 minutes to the Outpost.
The above directions can be clarified with a map linked in the Belgian VtES forum as well. - By car: there is usually plenty of free parking space around Rue de la Tribune.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Memorable Quotes (Part 74)

"Why are all the other players leaving the table?" ..
.. "The Una deck is taking his turn!"
-- Conversation during the
Praxis Seizure: Hilversum
tournament on April 24th, 2010
Praxis Seizure: Hilversum
tournament on April 24th, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pictures from the "Praxis Seizure: Hilversum" VtES tournament
Here are a few pictures from the Praxis Seizure: Hilversum VtES tournament, that took place on April 24th, 2010 in Hilversum, Netherlands with 20 players from the Netherlands and Germany attending the tournament:

Left: The tournament took place in a venue named "De Akker" right next to this church, the Oud-katholieke Kerk St. Vitus.
Right: The prize support, a really nice metal VtES edge, and some Heirs to the Blood stuff.

Left: The inside of the "De Akker" during the second round of the tournament.
Right: Round 3 Table 1 with Rens, Yuri, Koen, Debbie and Manuel.

Left: Round 3 Table 2 with Boris, Laurien, Bart, Jeroen and Paul.
Right: Round 3 Table 3 with Herman, Mark, Jarno, Izaak and Didi.

Left: Round 3 Table 4. Desperate card cycling for bouncing an unblockable bleed. It didn't help ...
Right: This guy didn't make it to the final, and it clearly shows .. sooo sad!

Left: The Una Freakshow is running on the final table. Always a sight to behold.
Right: The final table with Jelmer, Laurien, Herman, Izaak and Koen.
Right: The prize support, a really nice metal VtES edge, and some Heirs to the Blood stuff.
Right: Round 3 Table 1 with Rens, Yuri, Koen, Debbie and Manuel.
Right: Round 3 Table 3 with Herman, Mark, Jarno, Izaak and Didi.
Right: This guy didn't make it to the final, and it clearly shows .. sooo sad!
Right: The final table with Jelmer, Laurien, Herman, Izaak and Koen.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Results "Praxis Seizure: Hilversum" VtES Tournament in Hilversum, Netherlands

1. Izaak H. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 4 VP -- Toreador Antitribu Undue InfluenceCongratulations to Izaak for his victory in the tournament. You can find the tournament winning deck (along with some comments from the creator) in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup and a tournament report by the winner in the Dutch VtES forum.
2. Laurien van D. -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 1 VP -- Ventrue Neo-Lawfirm
2. Herman J. -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 0 VP -- Una Freakshow
2. Koen T. -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Pro/Dom Bleed/vote w/ Stanislava
2. Jelmer W. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Aus/Cel Intercept w/ Big Guns
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The mad prophetic Sibyl

"The mad prophetic Sibyl you shall find,
Dark in a cave, and on a rock reclin'd.
She sings the fates, and, in her frantic fits,
The notes and names, inscrib'd, to leafs commits.
What she commits to leafs, in order laid,
Before the cavern's entrance are display'd:
Unmov'd they lie; but, if a blast of wind
Without, or vapors issue from behind,
The leafs are borne aloft in liquid air,
And she resumes no more her museful care,
Nor gathers from the rocks her scatter'd verse,
Nor sets in order what the winds disperse.
Thus, many not succeeding, most upbraid
The madness of the visionary maid,
And with loud curses leave the mystic shade."
-- The Aeneid by Virgil (17 BC)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Announcement French EC Qualifier 2010 (II)

More information in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup or VEKN France forum. And, by the way, great promotional flyer/poster.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
US National VtES Championship 2010

- Jay Kristoff's Pre-Origins: Constructed #0, 2R+F
-- Wednesday, June 23rd, ~7:00 PM - Constructed #1, 2R+F
-- Thursday, June 24th, 11:00 AM - Constructed #2, 2R+F
-- Thursday, June 24th, 5:00 PM - U.S. National Championship, 3R+F
-- Friday, June 25th, 1:00 PM - North American Qualifier, 3R+F
-- Saturday, June 26th, 09:00 AM - Recursion Draft, 6 Packs, 2R+F
-- Saturday, June 26th, 5:00 PM
-- Draft will use 3x Anarchs and 3x Twilight Rebellion
-- $20 entrance fee, 24 spots available
-- All participants will receive 2x HttB booster - Constructed #3, 2R+F
-- Sunday, June 27th, 11:00 AM
French National VtES Championship 2010

Maison RavierAccessibility:
7 rue Ravier
69007 Lyon
- From La Part Dieu station ..
- Take the B metro line towards Stade de Gerland ..
- Exit at the Jean Jaurès stop..
- Exit the station and follow Avenue Jean Jaurès towards the Stade de Gerland (i.e. the same way the subway goes) until next crossroads. Turn left to get in Rue Ravier.
- Deck format is official (constructed w/ 60 to 90 library cards).
- The tournament follows the VEKN Tournament Rules.
- A print or paper copy of your deck list (mentioning your first name, last name and VEKN number) is mandatory and we will ask for it during the registration for each tournament.
- Opaque card sleeves are mandatory.
- Saturday 28th August 2010 : Last Chance Qualifier
- Registration start: 11:00
- First round: 13:00 - 15:00
- Second round: 15:30 - 17:30
- Third round: 18:00 - 20:00
- Final round: 21:00 - 23:00
- Sunday 29th August 2010 : France Championship & First Chance Qualifier
- Registration start: 9:00
- First round: 9:30 - 11:30
- Second round: 12:00 - 14:00
- Third round: 14:30 - 16:30
- Final round: 17:00 - 19:00
- 10 euro for either LCQ or France Championship.
- 16 euro for both days (LCQ and France Championship/First chance qualifier)
- A refreshment area will have sandwiches, snacks and drinks on sale.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Announcement French EC Qualifier 2010

You can go to VEKN France forum to check for the latest updates, but here are the main details:
- Crous
45 Boulevard Diderot
(12th arrondissement)
75012 Paris - The place is located about 5 minutes (by foot) from the main station Gare de Lyon.
- On Google Maps
- 10:15 - 10:35: Registration
- 10:35: First round announcement & seating
- 10:45 - 12:45: First round
- 12:45 - 13:25: Break
- 13:25: Second round announcement & seating
- 13:30 - 15:30: Second round
- 15:30: Third round announcement & seating
- 15:40 - 17:40: Third round
- 17:40: Final round and qualified players announcement
- 17:55 - 19:55: Final round
- 10 Euro
- .. in the VEKN France forum
- .. or by email : veknfrance (at) gmail (dot) com
- There's a very tight planning, so the organizers require you to be very punctual with:
- your sleeved deck (opaque sleeves mandatory)
- your decklist
- your pool
- You'll be able to eat some very good sandwiches, drinks, cacao bars...
- You'll also be able to buy some cards, pool...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Anatomy of a VtES Crypt Card
VtES cards, as cards from other trading card games, are the living proof, how much information you can cram onto a rather small piece of cardboard.
There are generally two types of VtES cards, library and crypt cards. Crypt cards can be identified by the amber marble card backs (in contrast to the green marble of the library cards). At the start of the game you have crypt (card stack) consisting of at least 12 crypt cards. After the start of your game you immediately put the top four cards of your crypt into your uncontrolled region (face down). Once you put more or equal blood counters than the vampires capacity (usually from your pool) to a crypt crypt , he is moved face up into the ready region (during the influence phase). In general, a crypt card represents a vampire (or in some cases an Imbued, a mortal vampire hunter), which the Methusalem (the player) can use to attack other player's resources and defend his own resources.
A VtES crypt card usually consists of the following elements:
There are generally two types of VtES cards, library and crypt cards. Crypt cards can be identified by the amber marble card backs (in contrast to the green marble of the library cards). At the start of the game you have crypt (card stack) consisting of at least 12 crypt cards. After the start of your game you immediately put the top four cards of your crypt into your uncontrolled region (face down). Once you put more or equal blood counters than the vampires capacity (usually from your pool) to a crypt crypt , he is moved face up into the ready region (during the influence phase). In general, a crypt card represents a vampire (or in some cases an Imbued, a mortal vampire hunter), which the Methusalem (the player) can use to attack other player's resources and defend his own resources.
A VtES crypt card usually consists of the following elements:
- Card Name -- the name of the vampire (or the Imbued).
- Clan -- the name of the clan the vampire belongs to. Like the disciplines some cards require a vampire belonging to a certain clan. The card background is also clan-specific.
- Disciplines -- each vampire has a set of disciplines which allow him to play cards that require one (or more) of these disciplines.
- Group -- technically you're only allowed to have vampires in your crypt from two consecutive groups. During an ongoing game there are no further effects of the group number.
Card Text -- this is description of the vampire extra abilities, e.g. the sect the vampire belongs to, the title of the vampire (if any) and additional abilities (if any).
- Capacity -- the number stands for the capacity of the vampire. The higher the capacity is the more powerful the vampire generally is, but at the same time you need to put more blood counters on him before you can move him to the ready region.
- Card Image -- in the oval central area the depiction of the vampire can be found.
- Expansion Symbol -- this shows the VtES expansion this card is from. The symbol has no actual meaning in the game.
- Copyright -- the copyright statement of White Wolf/CCP.
- Artist -- the name of artist.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Anatomy of a VtES Library Card
VtES cards, as cards from other trading card games, are the living proof, how much information you can cram onto a rather small piece of cardboard.
There are generally two types of VtES cards, library and crypt cards. Library cards can be identified by the green marble card backs (in contrast to the amber marble of the crypt cards). Library cards make up the bulk of your VtES deck (betweeen 60 and 90 in tournaments), and at the start of your game, they are in the library (drawing card stack). Immediately after the start of your game you are dealing the top seven library cards to yourself to form your hand. From there on you play your library cards from your hand, they represent the things you or your minions can do or use, when you play them.
A library card usually consists of the following elements:
There are generally two types of VtES cards, library and crypt cards. Library cards can be identified by the green marble card backs (in contrast to the amber marble of the crypt cards). Library cards make up the bulk of your VtES deck (betweeen 60 and 90 in tournaments), and at the start of your game, they are in the library (drawing card stack). Immediately after the start of your game you are dealing the top seven library cards to yourself to form your hand. From there on you play your library cards from your hand, they represent the things you or your minions can do or use, when you play them.
A library card usually consists of the following elements:
- Card Name -- the name of card.
- Type -- the symbols show the card (sub-)type. If there's no symbol the card is a master card, other card types are action, political action, action modifier, reaction, combat, equipment, ally, retainer and events cards.
- Requirements (Clan / Discipline) -- this symbol shows the requirement of the cards. Usually this is a clan or one (or more) discipline(s).
- Cost -- the cost of the card. If the cost is in the form of a red blood drop, it is the blood cost to be paid by the minion who uses it. If the cost is in the form of white diamond, it is the pool cost the player has to pay.
Card Text -- the actual effects of the card are described here. If the card text is preceded by discipline symbols (as shown in the picture), the card usually has two effects. The first text is the inferior version with the discipline symbol as a square. The second text is the superior version with the discipline symbol as a diamond.
- Draft Text -- this text with the grey background can only be used in a draft game. Take note, that the requirements on the left side of the card do not apply for the draft, unless explicitly named in the draft text.
- Expansion Symbol -- this shows the VtES expansion this card is from. The symbol has no actual meaning in the game (as the other items following as well).
- Card Image -- in the rectangular central area the artist's depiction of the card can be found.
- Flavour Text -- some cards have a flavour text. The text does not have any actual meaning, but provide some flavour from the World of Darkness background or real world references.
- Copyright Notice -- the copyright statement of White Wolf/CCP.
- Artist -- the name of artist.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Memorable Quotes (Part 73)
"I wanted a game that was dedicated multiplayer, complete with cards just for multiplayer play."-- Richard Garfield on VtES in an interview with Robert Goudie (2001)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pictures from the Swedisch ECQ 2010 in Gothenburg
Here are a few pictures from the Swedisch VtES European Championship Qualifier 2010, that took place on April 3rd, 2010 in Gothenburg, Sweden with 37 players from 3 countries attending the tournament:

Left: During GothCon: Swordfighting in Gothenburg (complete with stroller in the foreground).
Right: The front of the main building of the Hvitfeldtska gymnasium in central Gothenburg.

Left: Round 1 Table 1: Randal's Tap and Bleed deck vs. Tomas Giovanni Powerbleed deck.
Right: Round 2 Table 4: War Ghouls vs. War Ghoul. Daniel (left) managed to overcome Michael's numerical superiority.

Left: Round 2 Table 2: Not much crosstable love at this table with hate events played and vampires graverobbed crosstable.
Right: Round 2 Table 2: Guillaume Giovanni vs. the Imbued. New rule: the player with the most cards in play wins (.. or not).

Left: Round 3 Table 2: Stefan's Kiasyd managed to keep Michael's War Ghouls under control, even managing to kill two of them with Earth Swords + Target Vitals.
Right: Round 3 Table 4: Anders, Ola, Markus, Marko and Alex concentrating on the game.

Left & Right: The finalists of the Swedish ECQ were Robert (Weenie Presence), Adam (Tremere/!Tremere Powerbleed), Ida (Kiasyd S&B), Anders (Ani/Dom Bruise & Bleed) and Erik (Cybele Girls find inner peace).

Left: The final table after the first player (Robert) had been ousted by Erik.
Right: My favourite deck during GothCon: Randal's Ani/Pro Tap & Bleed deck. He got 2 GW 6 VPs in the preliminary rounds, but got DQed due to an illegal crypt (Huang had accidentally slipped in).
Right: The front of the main building of the Hvitfeldtska gymnasium in central Gothenburg.
Right: Round 2 Table 4: War Ghouls vs. War Ghoul. Daniel (left) managed to overcome Michael's numerical superiority.
Right: Round 2 Table 2: Guillaume Giovanni vs. the Imbued. New rule: the player with the most cards in play wins (.. or not).
Right: Round 3 Table 4: Anders, Ola, Markus, Marko and Alex concentrating on the game.
Right: My favourite deck during GothCon: Randal's Ani/Pro Tap & Bleed deck. He got 2 GW 6 VPs in the preliminary rounds, but got DQed due to an illegal crypt (Huang had accidentally slipped in).
Friday, April 9, 2010
Gelsenkirchen VtES League 2010: April 7th
Here are the decks of the Gelsenkirchen VtES League 2010 from the meeting on April 7th (prey is from left to right, from top to bottom):

Left: Didi fielded his Tremere / Tremere antitribu Big Cap Toolbox deck. Slow to build up, hard to oust in the long run!
Right: Kinner played his well-known Anarch Presence Bleed deck, with no pressure early on, he was becoming a force of nature in the game.

Left: Martin's Ventrue/Brujah Royalty was pressured hard from the start, although he managed to get two Progenies out, he hardly had a chance against the Presence Weenies.
Right: Another player without a predator early on, was Zille with his Ravnos bleed deck.
Left: Although Ralf had a good start with his Tzimisce/Toreador antitribu War Ghoul deck, being able to bleed Didi a couple of times, he overextended by playing three vampires and two War Ghouls, and was ousted after Zille played a Week of Nightmares for his Ravnos.
Result: The first one to go was Ralf, after the Ravnos overran his defenses with the Week of Nightmares. Soon after Martin had to succumb to the bleed power of Kinner's horde of Anarch vampires. Since Zille had influenced out 4 rather big Ravnos vampires, and had little pool gain, he also was ousted more or less quickly by the Anarchs. In the heads-up game it was the Anarchs' raw attack power against the well-laid defenses (Carlton and Ponticulus) of Didi's deck. Eventually the game timed out -- with Kinner emerging as victor with 2.5 VPs.
Right: Kinner played his well-known Anarch Presence Bleed deck, with no pressure early on, he was becoming a force of nature in the game.
Right: Another player without a predator early on, was Zille with his Ravnos bleed deck.
Result: The first one to go was Ralf, after the Ravnos overran his defenses with the Week of Nightmares. Soon after Martin had to succumb to the bleed power of Kinner's horde of Anarch vampires. Since Zille had influenced out 4 rather big Ravnos vampires, and had little pool gain, he also was ousted more or less quickly by the Anarchs. In the heads-up game it was the Anarchs' raw attack power against the well-laid defenses (Carlton and Ponticulus) of Didi's deck. Eventually the game timed out -- with Kinner emerging as victor with 2.5 VPs.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Website for the VtES European Championship 2010 online

The newly designed website offers the following information:
- The schedule for the EC weekend is now available.
- You can now register for the EC.
- You can book a room at the venue (the Résidence Internationale de Paris or short R.I.P.).
Currently not determined in detail are the events during the Week of Nightmares-style extension before the VtES EC 2010 weekend.
The most interesting new event is the Legendary Vampire tournament, which will take place in parallel to the Last Chance Qualifier on October 29th, 2010. The tournament is an invitional tournament for the top 25 players in the world (as per VEKN ranking).
For more information, please visit the website for EC 2010 or send an e-mail to info (ad) ec2010vtes (dod) com.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Results from the "VtES 2010 Nossies" Awards
The VtES 2010 Nossies Awards is an online award the VtES blog Charlotte by Night has introduced in 2008 to allow fans of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle to vote and acknowledge the best new VTES cards from the past year.
The voting for the VtES 2010 Nossies Awards has ended April 3rd, 2010, with the following winners by category:

- Best Card of the Year -- Nana Buruku
- Best Vampire in a Leading Role -- Nana Buruku
- Best Vampire in a Supporting Role -- Nana Buruku
- Best Equipment -- Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers
- Best Ally or Retainer -- Impundulu
- Best Event -- The Bitter and Sweet Story
- Best Artwork in a Library Card -- Remnant of the Endless Storm by Ron Spencer
- Best Artwork in a Crypt Card -- Abiku by Matthew Kollros
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Results Swedish EC Qualifier 2010

1. Erik Torstensen (SWE) -- 3 GW 9 VP -- 3 VP -- Girls will find inner peaceCongratulations to Erik for his win of the Swedish ECQ 2010 with an astonishing game win (with 3 VPs) in every single round he played.
2. Adam Esbjörnsson (SWE) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1 VP -- Tremere/Tremere antitribu powerbleed
2. Ida Olson (SWE) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1 VP -- Kiasyd Stealth Bleed
2. Robert Doktorow (SWE) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Presence Bleed
2. Anders Löf (SWE)-- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Ani/Dom Bruise & Bleed
Results "GothCon 2010 Draft" VtES Tournament in Gothenburg, Sweden

1. Alex E. (SWE) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 3 VPCongratulations to Alex for his victory in the draft tournament.
2. Marko L.(FIN) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 2 VP
2. Randal R. (SWE) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP
2. Erik T. (SWE) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP
2. Alex G. (SWE) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0
Right: Closeup of the final table.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Deck of the Month: March 2010: Paella au d'Erlette
This month's deck is the tournament winning deck "Paella au d'Erlette" played by Jordi Tomás. I am sucker for hybrid decks, and for decks with Nephandi mages as well, so this one was an easy choice. The deck is your regular Antonio D'Erlette Nephandus deck mixed with the well-known Toreador antitribu Palla Grande deck. The deck follows the pattern of the Paella y Tortilla de Patata deck (originally Iñaki Puigdollers by which mixed the Tzimisce War Ghoul deck with the same kind of Palla Grande deck.

Torneo en Badia
Badia del valles, Barcelona, Spain
February 28, 2010
39 players
3R + F
Jordi Tomás' Tournament Winning Deck with 3.5 VPs in the finals
Deck Name : c
Author : Ignasi Vilagrasa
Player: Jordi Tomás
0,5+3VP+3VP FINAL:3,5VP
Crypt 12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 5 average: 3.91667
4x Antonio d'Erlette 5 THA dom for pot !Tremere:4
1x Cristos Mantigo 5 aus cel dom obf pre !Toreador:3
1x L'Epuisette 4 aus cel pro !Toreador:4
1x Loonar 4 PRE cel !Toreador:4
1x Sabrina 4 aus cel pre !Toreador:3
1x Jonathan Gursel 3 aus pre !Toreador:4
1x Monique Kim 3 aus cel !Toreador:4
1x Justine Chen, Inno 2 pre !Toreador:4
1x Nicholas Chang 2 aus !Toreador:3
Library 72 cards]
Action [15]
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
10x Art Scam
4x Embrace, The
Action Modifier [6]
6x Change of Target
Ally [10]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Gregory Winter
6x Nephandus (Mage)
1x Ossian
1x Young Bloods
Combat [8]
4x Dodge
4x Target Vitals
Equipment [1]
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Event [4]
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Slow Withering, The
2x Unmasking, The
Master [17]
1x Anarch Troublemaker
2x Direct Intervention
1x Fortschritt Library
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
4x Life in the City
1x Not to Be
3x Palla Grande
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Secure Haven
Reaction [14]
7x Deflection
3x Delaying Tactics
4x On the Qui Vive
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