Monday, October 31, 2011
Cause & Effect: Episode 1.3
The third episode of the VTES webshow Cause and Effect has been broadcasted live on this Sunday (October 30th, 2011). This time the members of the Cause and Effect team discuss Lutz von Hohenzollern and decks based on him as well different aspects of Auspex-based bleed bounce cards.
Memorable Quotes (Part 2^7)
"One man's crazy is another man's card text". -- LSJReference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Friday, October 28, 2011
Did you know, that ... (Part 77)

Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
Gelsenkirchen VtES League 2011: October 26th
This time here's just the overview what happened during the weekly Gelsenkirchen VtES League meeting on October 26th, 2011.
- Thomas -- Obt/Cel Anarch Rush Gun Combat -- 0.5 VP
- Zille -- EuroBrujah Pot Combat -- 0.5 VP
- Martin V. -- Ishtarri Wallish/Combatish -- 0.5 VP
- Ralf -- Mata Hari Summon History Ally -- 0.5 VP
- Martin E. -- Neo-Brujah Vote -- 0.5 VP
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Cause & Effect: Episode 1.2
The second episode of the VTES webshow Cause and Effect has been broadcasted live on this Tuesday (October 25th, 2011). This time the members of the Cause and Effect team discussed ally decks at length.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
VampiDroid Smartphone App

Wakey, wakey, ..

So the question remains, when will 18 Wakes and 14 Wakes hit the TWDA?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"Cause and Effect" VtES Webcast
Last week saw the first full episode of the new (the first?) regular VtES webcast "Cause and Effect". The show is about VtES (of course) and produced by members of the Örebro (Sweden) playgroup. In the first episode the three Swedish players discuss (literally) one of the tournament winning deck classic, the Ventrue antitribu Grinder deck (also known as "Stick Men" by a certain Englishman who made the deck successful & popular). And they're doing it in great detail, discussing the crypt, the different parts of the deck as well as strengths and weaknesses of the deck.
If you're interested in VtES, you should really take a look! Especially because when listening to the discussion, it becomes quite apparent that these players know what they're talking about. Even though you may not agree with all that is being said, the discussion is quite insightful.
Beside the Cause and Effect channel on YouTube, you can also contact the guys on Facebook or on The next episode the webcast is scheduled for tonight, so stayed tuned ...

Beside the Cause and Effect channel on YouTube, you can also contact the guys on Facebook or on The next episode the webcast is scheduled for tonight, so stayed tuned ...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Villains and Vigilantes Card Game
This post is strictly speaking totally unrelated to VtES, but since one of the authors, Ben Swainbank, has spent a significant portion of his spare time for promoting VtES (for example as former Storyline Event Coordinator), I'd give the game a little promotional:
You can leave your questions and comments to the game on VTES production stopped and my Storyline Coordinator duties ended I started up my own gaming company: Superhuman Games. We are focusing on a living-card-game style superhero game, the Villains and Vigilantes Card Game.
We are lining things up to start our first print run. But first we’re trying expand the circle of people playing the game and providing feedback. We’ve started up a V&V R&D product series where the decks are available from a print-on-demand service.
Currently, there are 3 sets available:
And more information about the game is available on our website: Super Human Games.
The design for the V&V CG was heavily influenced by my long love affair with VTES. There is the concept of characters having powers, and the different cards in the game represent the way those powers can be used. The characters themselves are not intrinsically awesome. But they can play cards that let them do awesome things. There is also very rapid card flow that lends itself to building exciting chains of card plays. And I loved the narrative aspect of the VTES: the idea that an exciting story can be told through a strategy card game.
Beyond that the V&V CG is quits different from VTES. It is more narrative, less abstract, less complex, and more fluid. The action takes place on a grid of locations. The game doesn’t have tapping or all sorts of phases. If you want to move a hero you play a power card that lets the hero move. If you want to punch a villain you play the power card that does that. etc...
I know so well that VTES players are and intelligent and charming bunch. And you have such excellent taste in games. I wanted to let you know about the Villains and Vigilantes Card Game and hope you'll check it out. If you have any feedback I would love to hear it. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
-- Ben Swainbank
EC 2011 Website Updates
Currently the official VtES EC 2011 Website is updated more frequently and you should definitely take a look yourself. I want to draw your attention to a series of posts there by The Dude, who has written some pretty interesting stuff about staying in Warsaw during the EC:
And as of today, there are 116 players from 20 countries pre-registered for the event!
- The Dude's Guide, Part I -- General Information
- The Dude's Guide, Part II -- Things to see in Warsaw
- The Dude's Guide, Part III -- Recommended Walks

Sunday, October 23, 2011
CCP slowing down World of Darkness Development

Results "If I was your vampire" VtES Tournament in Bochum

1. Martin V. -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Akunanse ToolboxCongratulations to Martin (the Martin from Slovakia) for his victory in the tournament. You can find the final standings in the German VEKN forum.
2. Martin E. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1 VP -- Malkavian/!Malkavian Kindred Spirits S&B
2. Michael H. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Followers of Set Vote/Bleed
2. Michael B. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Imbued
2. Gerhard R. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Baali G5/6 Vote
Results Serbian EC Qualifier 2011

1. Gyula Erdos (HUN) -- ImbuedCongratulations to Gyula for his win of the Serbian ECQ 2011. You can find a short tournament report as well as the tournament winning deck on
2. Milos Krstic (SER) -- Anson Guns'n'Ashurs Rush
2. Stevan Krkelic (SER) -- Tremere/Tremere antitribu w/ Fortitude Toolbox/Wall
2. Peter Botos (HUN) -- True Brujah Powerbleed feat. Lydia and Al Muntahtir
2. Csaba Greguss (HUN) -- New Ventrue Lawfirm
VtES European Championship Qualifiers 2011 (Update)

- .. no more EC Qualifiers scheduled. Let's go play VtES in Warsaw!
- Swedish Qualifier -- Gothenberg, Sweden -- April 23rd, 2011 -- Winner: Erik Torstensen (SWE)
- Spanish Qualifier (I) -- Córdoba, Spain -- April 23rd, 2011 -- Winner: ???
- German Qualifier -- Darmstadt, Germany -- April 30th, 2011 -- Winner: Manuel Diehm (GER)
- Hungarian Qualifier -- Budapest, Hungary -- May 7th, 2011 -- Winner: Szilveszter Miklos (HUN)
- Norwegian Qualifier -- Oslo, Norway --- May 7th, 2011 -- Winner: Hugh Angseesing (UK)
- English Qualifier -- Burton-on-Trent, England -- May 14th, 2011 -- Winner: Norbert Flasko (HUN)
- Belorussian Qualifier -- Minsk, Belorussia -- May 14th, 2011 -- Winner: Alexander Loginov
- Danish Qualifier -- Copenhagen, Denmark -- May 15th, 2011 -- Winner: Nikolaj Wendt (DEN)
- Dutch Qualifier -- Utrecht, Netherlands -- May 21st, 2011 -- Winner: Paul Wiggers (NED)
- Portuguese Qualifier -- Lisbon, Portugal -- May 21st, 2011 -- Winner: Igor Pereira (POR)
- French Qualifier (I) -- Paris, France -- May 28th, 2011 -- Winner: Timothée Daudé (FRA)
- Belgian Qualifier -- Brussels, Belgium -- June 4th, 2011 -- Winner: Jelmer Wedholm (NED)
- Italian Qualifier -- Bologna, Italy -- June 19th, 2011 -- Winner: Alessandro Donati (ITA)
- Croatian Qualifier -- Osijek, Crotia -- June 25th, 2011 -- Winner: Denes Kocis (CRO)
- Polish Qualifier -- Bydgoszcz, Poland -- June 25th, 2011 -- Winner: Pawel Kosz (POL)
- French Qualifier (II) -- Toulouse, France -- June 26th, 2011 -- Winner: Jérôme Schwartz (FRA)
- Spanish Qualifier (II) -- Badía del Vallés (Barcelona) -- July 17th, 2011 -- Winner: Genís Prats (ESP)
- Finnish Qualifier -- Espoo, Finland-- July 29th, 2011 -- Winner: Otso Saariluoma (FIN)
- Russian Qualifier -- Moscow, Russia -- September 3rd, 2011 -- Winner: Konstantin Prischepa (RUS)
- Austrian Qualifier -- Vienna, Austria -- September 25th, 2011 -- Winner: ???
- Serbian Qualifier -- Belgrade, Serbia -- October 8th, 2011 -- Winner: Guyla Erdos (HUN)
- 2011 European Championship -- Warsaw, Poland -- November 11th - 13th, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Announcement German National VtES Championship 2011

The Tournament
- Sunday, December 11th, 2011 will be devoted to the German VtES Championship -- please note that you will not have to qualify for this event. The top 5 players will automatically be qualified for participation in any Continental Championship in 2012.
- Jugendhaus "Alte Feuerwache"
Johannisstrasse 5
61231 Bad Nauheim
- German Championship: Standard Constructed, detailed rules can be found on the VEKN Tournament Rules webpage.
- Sunday -- German VtES Championship 2011
- 1st Round -- 11:00 - 13:00
- 2nd Round -- 13:45 - 15:45
- 3rd Round -- 16:00 - 18:00
- Finals -- 18:15 - 20:15
- 3 EUR admission fee
- tba
- After each round the participants vote for the most creative deck at their table. The deck with the most votes win (counted after the preliminary rounds).
- Please register in the thread in the German VtES Forum or
Thursday, October 20, 2011
VtES Calendar 2012

From the upcoming VtES calendar for the year 2012. A limited edition can be bought on the Great Auction during the VtES European Championship 2011. You can also take a look at the trophies the winner of the EC tournaments will take home on the official EC website.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Results Asian Continental VtES Championship 2011

1. Stephen Sing (SGP) -- 3 GW 11 VP -- 3 VP -- Ahrimanes Howler ToolboxCongratulations to Stephen for his win of the Asian Continental Championship 2011. This is the second time Stephen won this championship. You can find an extensive tournament and the tournament winning deck on
2. Karl Cheng Chua (PHL) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 2 VP -- True Brujah Toolbox
2. Gee Hwan (SGP) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 2 VP -- Weenie Obf/Dom Stealth & Bleed
2. Troy Espiritu (PHL) -- 2 GW 8.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ravnos Bleed & Sensory Deprivation
2. Frederick Tomas (PHL) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- Cock Robin Wall
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Results VtES Tournament "Games of Instinct" in Bonn, Germany

1. Martin S. -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 3 VP - Tzimisce BigCap ControlCongratulations to Martin for his victory in the tournament! You can find the tournament winning deck and a tournament report in the
2. Frederick E. -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 2 VP -- Tzimisce Midcap ToolBox
2. Joerg A. -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP - Nosferati Royalty
2. Sebastian R. -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Nana Buruku w/ ANI support
2. Ed Trollope -- 1 GW 6 VP 0 VP -- Anarch Ravnos Swarm Bleed
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Results Australian Continental VtES Championship 2011

1. Jason Ryan (AUS) -- 2 GW 9.5 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Dirty ImbuedCongratulations to Jason for his win of the Australian Continental Championship 2011, the third in his VtES career. You can find a tournament report and the tournament winning deck in the
2. Simon Reed (NZL) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Assamite BH Stealth & Bleed
2. Nick Miller (AUS) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Brujah Vote
2. Tim Smith (AUS) -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Lasombra Bruise Bleed
2. Ivor Blockley (AUS) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Lutz Inner Circle Vote
Results "Aire of Elation" VtES Tournament in Darmstadt, Germany

1. Erol H. -- -- 1 GW 3.5 GW -- 3 VP -- Nana Buruki Pot/Ani Rush/BleedCongratulations to Erol for his victory in the tournament. You find the final standings, the tournament winning deck and a tournament report (in German) in the German VtES forum.
2. Ben H. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1 VP -- Tremere Bleed
2. Michael H. -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 1 VP -- Kiasyd Stealth Bleed
2. Joscha D. -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Summon History Toolbox?
2. Ali A. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue antitribu Grinder
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Deck of the Month: September 2011: Assamite Dementia
This month's deck is the tournament winning deck "Assamite Dementia" played by Simone Longobardi. Although it was "only" a ten-player-tournament he won, I quite like the fusion of the strengths of an Assamite bleed with the advantages of the Malkavian antitribu/Dementation (i.e. Kindred Spirits, Touch of Clarity), and Sybil's Tongue. Beside this deck other notable decks (e.g. candidates for the Deck of the Month) were the Assamite Bleed & Bloat deck by Jay Kristoff and the Una-style Gerald Windham Freakshow deck by Stewart MacLeod.

Deck Name: Mountain Top: Assamite Dementia
Author: Simone Longobardi (Pandemic)
Mountain Top
Bolzano, Italy
August 28, 2011
10 players
2R + F
Crypt (Capacity min=3 max=10 avg=7.5; 12 cards)
1x Jackie 3 DEM !Malkavian:4
4x Luc 5 dem vic OBF !Malkavian:4
2x Nizzam al-Latif 9 dem ANI CEL OBF QUI Assamite:5
1x Santaleous 9 AUS CEL DEM OBF Malkavian:5
4x Thucimia 10 for pro CEL DEM OBF QUI Assamite:4
Library (90 cards)
Master (16 cards)
1x Alamut
2x Blind Spot
2x Dementation
1x Fortitude
2x Perfectionist
1x Secret Passage
1x Secure Haven
3x Vessel
2x Wider View
1x Yoruba Shrine
Action (28 cards)
1x Blessing of Chaos
1x Blithe Acceptance
6x Haqim's Law: Leadership
1x Khabar: Glory
12x Kindred Spirits
5x Sibyl's Tongue
2x Web of Knives Recruit
Equipment (5 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
2x Helicopter
1x Sacre Cour Cathedral, France
1x Sargon Fragment, The
Ally (1 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Action Modifier (23 cards)
5x Deed the Heart's Desire
5x Elder Impersonation
1x Enkil Cog
6x Eyes of Chaos
3x Faceless Night
3x Lost in Crowds
Reaction (5 cards)
5x Wrong and Crosswise
Combo (12 cards)
2x Hide the Mind
4x Swallowed by the Night
6x Touch of Clarity
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Asian VtES Continental Championships 2011

- Sunday, October 9th, 2011
- 09:00 AM to 11:00 PM

- Schizo Art Cafe197 Katipunan Avenue, Brgy. Milagrosa,Quezon City, Philippines
- Standard Constructed. Detailed rules can be found on the VEKN tournament rules webpage.
- 3 rounds plus final (time limit: 2h each and 2.5h for the finals)
- Php800 (includes food for the whole event, giveaways and prizes)
- The Qualification requirements for the Continental Championship will be the same as those for the Australian Nationals. Which means the top 50% of players (up to a maximum of 10 players) in each constructed Championship Qualifier events qualify for the main event.
- Hotels near the tournament venue:
Results Swedish National VtES Championship 2011

1. Otto Kukkasniemi (FIN) -- 3 GW 10 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Giovanni Shambling HordesCongratulations to Otto for his win of the Swedish Nationals 2011. You can find the final standings, the top five decks and a transscript of the finals on as well as a tournament report on the Lord of the Clog blog.
2. Daniel Teige (SWE) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Ventrue antitribu Grinder
2. Ville Kaijasaari (FIN) -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Guruhi Master Heavy Rush
2. Stefan Karlsson (SWE) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 0 VP -- Council of Doom
2. Henrik Klippström (SWE) -- 2 GW 7.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Grinder w/ votes
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