Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bochum VtES League 2012: March 16th

Here are the decks of the Bochum VtES League 2012 from the meeting on March 16th, 2012 (the next prey is from top to bottom), with some quick remarks about the decks being played that evening.
  • Ralf -- Nosferatu/Nosferatu antitribu G3/4 Obf/For Bleed -- reasonable start and setup, but a single Muddled Vampire Hunter in turn two by his prey was the deck's ultimate downfall. Also getting a master card hand jam doesn't help either.

  • Markus -- Old School Malkavian Toolboxy Vote -- defended quite well, but lacked forward motion for a long time due to pressure by Ralf. Got back into the game with Minion Tap and Parity Shift, but then lacked enough follow-up votes to oust Michael.

  • Michael -- Obf/Pre Midcap Bleed -- initially had no predator and very good forward pressure, until Cesewayo got his second or third Aye. This cost Michael 2 or 3 rounds, which eventually prevented him from getting more than 1.5 VPs. But then had enough True Love's Face to oust the wall before him.

  • Hardy -- Cesawayo & Friends Aye Wall -- also had a very slow start. When Cesawayo (after Andrew Stuart) hit the table he was already very low on pool. But with Bowl of Convergence and multiple Aye was able to stabilize for a reasonable couple of turns, even being able to block political actions by his prey, but then run out of gas (read: untaps & pool).

  • Sascha -- Lasombra G2 Bleed/Vote -- had a very, very slow start, but landed some heavy bleeds and top-decked a Govern the Unaligned when trying to oust Ralf before he in turn would have ousted Markus.

Result: Michael 1.5 VP, Sascha 1.5 VP, Markus 0.5 VP


Prince of Lisboa said...

Hi, there is something wrong with the players order (predator-prey), the way they appear at the page now, it is not possible for Michael and Sasha to have both 1,5vps, since the first is the second's predator.


extrala said...

Oh, right! In the article I had mixed up Sascha's and Hardy's positions.