Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Results German VtES Draft Championship 2007

On December 2nd, 2007 the German VtES Draft Championship was held in Ludwigshafen, Germany with 21 players attending the final tournament. The final standings were as follows:
  1. Benoit Moyen (FRA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1,5 VP
  2. Joscha Duell (GER) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1,5 VP
  3. Orrian Gissler (FRA) -- 1 GW 4,5 VP -- 0,5 VP
  4. Marko Lindroos (FIN) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP
  5. Otto Kukkasieniemi (FIN) -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 0 VP
Congratulations to Benoit Moyen for his win of the German Limited.

Erik, Otto, Didi and Vincent(?) are struggling for the win (Round 3, Table 1).

After Robert has de-facto ousted himself, Andreas tries to prevent the tablesweep by Joscha (Round 3, Table 2).

Marko tries to oust Mart's bloat & breed, Christoph's Lasombra cannot get past Otto's "Keith Moody" with a "Guardian Angel" (Round 3, Table 3).
The french players (Benoit & Orrian) are trying to out-talk Konrad and Richard (Round 3, Table 4).

Alex makes his move, after Johannes has made a gamble which brought him down to 4 pool (Round 3, Table 5).
The five finalists (Benoit, Marko, Orrian, Joscha and Otto) are eyeing each other's progress suspiciously, so the table is in balance for quite some time (Final Round).

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