Saturday, October 17, 2009

Poll Results: "Would you like to see a VtES expansion that is based on the new World of Darkness?"

Here are the results of the latest poll, if the readers of this blog would you like to see a VtES expansion that is based on the new World of Darkness. 263 readers of this blog voted in the poll:
  • Yes, definetly. -- 31 (11%)
  • Only if it is fitted in well. -- 38 (14%)
  • Maybe, depends. -- 22 (8%)
  • No, old/new WoD don't mix. -- 93 (35%)
  • No, just a terrible idea. -- 46 (17%)
  • No interest in such a thing. -- 33 (12%)
As you can see the majority of the readers don't like the idea (52%) or have no interest (12%) in such an expansion. Only a quarter of the readership (25%) like would to see such an expansion (or 32% if you also count those undecided).


Weirdling Library said...

V:tes based on nWoD would have sense only if crypt would exclude mixing both settings.
I would like to see vtes based on new vampire but only as new vampires with revised access to cards (clans changed, some disciplines also, new ones appeared) not meant to mix on the same tournaments.
It would be fun as similar product compatible for house games.

Brent said...

The nWoD would be a complete mess to include... the cosmology is completely different. You could use it as a source, grabbing characters, equipment and abilities and backtracking them to fit the oWoD, but the nWoD should never truly be involved in the game.

Besides, there's plenty of oWoD stuff still to use... the Eastern Kindred could be added much easier than nWoD. The basic idea would be to make them similar enough to not rock the boat, but still capture as much of the flavour that the Eastern Kindred have in the oWoD. At the very least, I'd certainly have them qualify as "vampires" for the purposes of cards like Disarm (ie no wacky exceptions all over the place like the Imbued get).

Maegnar said...

Certainly not as an expansion, no. But rather as a standalone game with similar mechanics. nWoD and oWoD don't mix...

Unknown said...

No, new world of darkness would require brand new game (with similiar mechanic - it's nearly perfect) - total reboot.

My thought in the mattern can be seen on the path of blood. I'll create new expansion in my spare time.