Sunday, February 6, 2011

Results "Undead Persistance" VtES Tournament in Utrecht, Netherlands

Here are the results of the "Undead Persistance" VtES constructed tournament in Utrecht, Netherlands after 3 rounds and final. The tournament was played on February 5th, 2011 with 23 players participating. Here are the standings after the final round:
1. Peter B. -- 1 GW 4,5 VP -- 5 VP -- Ishtarri Vote
2. Thomas K. -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 0 VP -- Tha/Pre/Dom Bleed + Mages
2. Puck J. -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie G2/3 DOM Bleed
2. Nikolaos T. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- G2 Lasombra Vote/Bleed
2. Caspauw T. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Toreador G1/2 Aus/Cel Guns
Congratulations to Peter for his victory in the tournament. You can find the tournament winning deck and the final standings in the Dutch VtES forum.

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