Spanish National VtES Championship 2012 will be held in
Mataró (near
Spain from October 13th to 14th, 2012. The championship is a two day event, first a last chance qualifier will be held and then the actual championship tournament. The details are as follows:
- Date: Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October 2012
- Location:
Civic Center Cabot i Barba
Miquel Biada Square 5
Mataró (Barcelona, Catalunya)
- Organizers: Banshee Errante club role and the Prince of Mataró.
- Sponsors:
- City Council of Mataró
- Pla Jove per Mataró
Last Chance Qualifier (Qualifier for the National Championship)
- Date: Saturday October 13th, 2012
- Fee: 8 EUR (includes two boosters)
- Timetable
- Registration at: 9:00 h
- First round starts at: 10:20 h
- Price Support:
- Pre-constructed deck for the winner of the third table.
- Pre-constructed decks and boosters for the finalists and winners.
The First (Tournament for the non-qualified players)
- Date: Sunday, October 14th, 2012
- Fee: 10 EUR (includes promo pack + 1 booster + "National Gift" + raffle ticket)
- Timetable
- Registration at: 9:00 h
- First round starts at: 10:00 h
- Price Support:
- Pre-constructed deck for the winner of the third table.
- Pre-constructed decks and boosters for the finalists and winners.
Spanish National V:tES Championship 2012- Date: Saturday October 13th, 2012
- Fee: 10 EUR (includes promo pack + 1 booster + "national gift" + raffle ticket)
- Time Table:
- Registration: 9:00h
- First round starts: 10:00h
- Second round starts: 12:00h
- Lunch break: 14:00h - 15:20h
- Third round starts: 15:30h
- Final starts: 17:30h
- Awards ceremony and raffle start: 19:30h
- Awards:
- Pre-constructed decks for the winner of the third table.
- Pre-constructed decks and boosters for the finalists and winners.
- Gift for the finalists and winner of the 2012 Spanish National.
Remember all participants on Sunday enter in the raffle for various lots and merchandising V:TES at the end of the national championship tournament.
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