- Samedi Newsletter October 2008 aka "Top Hat Times #2".
- Assamite Newsletter October 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
VtES Clan Newsletters in October 2008
Two new clan newsletters have been posted in the "rec.trading-cards.jyhad" usenet newsgroup this month. Beside using a newgroup reader, you can also access the newsgroup by Google Groups.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Results "Life is Blood" VtES Tournament in Essen
Here are the results of the "Life is Blood" VtES Constructed tournament in Essen, Germany after 2 rounds and final. The tournament was played on October 25th, 2008 with 20 players participating. Here are the standings after the final round:

Left: In round 1 Martin and Sascha are trying to oust Fabio, after they'd struck a deal.
Right: Didi, Jeroen, Kristian and Stefan are struggling for VPs after Ralf has been ousted in round 1.

Left: Jörg's Garou are fighting Bart's Trophy deck, and Jörg can barely make it into the timeout (also in round 1).
Right: The final during the mid-game, everybody is wary of Martin's Malkavian antitribu and Hardy's Khazar's Diary deck.
1. Martin S. -- 1 GW 4,5 VP -- 3 VP -- Malkavian Kindred Spirits BleedCongratulations to Martin for his victory in the tournament. You can find the final standings and the winner's decklist in the German VtES Forum (requires registration) or the Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Hardy R. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 2 VP -- Giovanni Khazar's Diary
2. Bart De N.-- 1 GW 4,5 VP -- 0 VP -- Trophy Big Game Combat
2. Ralf W. -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Nosferatu Old School
2. Michael H. -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Toreador antitribu Anarch Presence Bleed
Right: Didi, Jeroen, Kristian and Stefan are struggling for VPs after Ralf has been ousted in round 1.
Right: The final during the mid-game, everybody is wary of Martin's Malkavian antitribu and Hardy's Khazar's Diary deck.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"Keepers of Tradition": Preconstructed Deck "Ventrue"
Here's the deck list -- copied from the Sabbat In France forum -- of the "Ventrue" preconstructed deck of the "Keepers of Tradition" expansion.
The individual Ventrue have the following stats:
Deck Name: "Ventrue" Starter Deck (Keepers of Tradition)
Created By: L. Scott Johnson
Description: "Ventrue" Preconstructed Starter Deck from "Keepers of Tradition".
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 14, Max 42, Avg: 7,83)
2x Jackson Asher dom 2, Ventrue
2x João Bilé pre DOM FOR 5, Ventrue
2x Johannes Castelein DEM DOM FOR PRE 9, Ventrue
2x Gotsdam, the Tired Warrior 9 ani AUS DOM FOR PRE 9, Ventrue
2x Gustav Breidenstein 10 aus cel pot DOM FOR PRE 10, Ventrue
2x Hardestadt 11 cel pro DOM FOR POT PRE 11, Ventrue
Library (77 cards)
Master (14 cards)
1x Dominate
2x Esgrima
1x Fortitude
1x Golconda: Inner Peace
2x Instability
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Presence
1x Social Ladder
2x Special Report
2x Vessel
Equipment (1 card)
1x Martinelli's Ring
Action (4 cards)
1x Dominate Kine
3x Fourth Tradition: The Accounting
Combo (5 cards)
5x Murmur of the False Will
Action Modifier (15 cards)
3x Aura of Invicibility
5x Conditioning
3x Freak Drive
4x Seduction
Political Actions (19 cards)
3x Can't Take it with You
5x Honor the Elders
6x Kine Resource Contested
2x National Guard Support
1x Praxis Seizure: Atlanta
1x Praxis Seizure: Miami
1x Reins of Power
Combat (16 cards)
4x Armor of Vitality
2x Haymarker
4x Majesty
6x Soak
Reaction (3 cards)
3x Second Tradition: Domain
The individual Ventrue have the following stats:
Jackson Asher
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 2
Disciplines: dom
João Bilé
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 5
Disciplines: pre DOM FOR
Camarilla. When João has no title, he cannot block titled vampires. He gets +1 stealth on actions to put vampires into play.
Johannes Castelein
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 9
Disciplines: DEM DOM FOR PRE
Camarilla. Prince of Amsterdam: If a political action card Johannes plays or a referendum he calls is canceled, the Methuselah canceling it burns 2 pool.
Gustav Breidenstein
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 10
Disciplines: aus cel pot DOM FOR PRE
Camarilla. Prince of Berlin: Gustav may tap during a referendum to gain 5 additional votes. +1 bleed.
Gotsdam, the Tired Warrior
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 9
Disciplines: ani AUS DOM FOR PRE
Camarilla. Gotsdam may end combat as a strike that costs 1 blood. He treats aggravated damage as normal damage in combat. He is immune to frenzy cards.
Clan: Ventrue
Group 4:
Capacity: 11
Disciplines: cel pro DOM FOR POT PRE
Camarilla. Ventrue Inner Circle: Any vampire contesting Hardestadt's title must yield during his or her untap phase. +1 bleed. +2 strength.
Keepers of Tradition,
Preconstructed Decks,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Results NAC 2008: Day 1

1. Matt Morgan (USA) -- Assamite Anarch Revolutionary CouncilCongratulations to Matt for winning the Day 1 Tournament. A short tournament report and the winner's deck can be found on the Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Ben Peal (USA) -- Malkavian antitribu Stealth Bleed a.k.a. Cheesequake
2. Orian Gissler (FRA) -- Giovanni Khazaar's Diary
2. Hugh Angeseeing (UK) -- Ventrue antitribu Toolbox
2. Kay Kristoff (USA) -- Kyasid/Lasombra Black Hand Bleed
Monday, October 27, 2008
Results NAC 2008: North American Championship

1. Ben Peal (USA) --Assamite Anarch Revolutionary CouncilCongratulations to Ben for winning the NAC for the second time in a row, and three times in total. Quite an accomplishment!! You can find a whole bunch of pictures on Lasombra's NAC2008 webpage and the winner's decklist in the Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Ferenc Vasadi (HUN) -- Toreador Aching Beauty
2. Pascal "Floppyzedolfin" Bertrand (FRA) -- Weenie Saturday Night DBR w/ Graverobbing
2. Orian "TTC Master" Gissler (FRA) -- Animalism Rush
2. James Messer (USA) --Ventrue Obfuscate Vote
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"Keepers of Tradition": More Spoilers and Art Preview
Reportedly (as there was a pre-pre-release of "Keepers of Tradition" during the NAC 2008) there are some quite interesting reprints in the boosters of this expansion. Looks like as if White Wolf is hitting the seconday market for good:
Also new art previews have surfaced, this time four vampires portraits created by artist Warren Mahy. I can't remember seeing any art works on VtES cards in previous expansion, so this seems to be a first.

I like the artwork very much, they remind me of those from the first of VtM "Giovanni Chronicles" books. It contained quite nice drawings of the founding members of the Camarilla in a similar style.
You can see the full picture at the artists website (see link above).
- Blood Weakens
- Frontal Assault
- Heart of Nizchetus
- Heart of the City
- Jake Washington
- Magic of the Smith
- Mind Rape
- Monocle of Clarity
- Powerbase Montreal
- Sniper Rifle
- Soul Gem
- The Unmasking
- Veil the Legions

You can see the full picture at the artists website (see link above).
"Keepers of Tradition": Preconstructed Deck "Toreador"
Here's the deck list -- copied from the Sabbat In France forum -- of the "Toreador" preconstructed deck of the "Keepers of Tradition" expansion.
The individual Toreador vampires have the following stats:
Deck Name: "Toreador" Starter Deck (Keepers of Tradition)
Created By: L. Scott Johnson
Description: "Toreador" Preconstructed Starter Deck from "Keepers of Tradition".
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 12, Max 40, Avg: 6,83)
2x Sean Andrews cel 2, Toreador
2x Thomas De Lutrius aus cel pre 4, Toreador
2x Kateline Nadasdy AUS CEL PRE 7, Toreador
2x Eugene AUS CEL FOR PRE 8, Toreador
2x Epikasta Rigastos cel AUS DOM PRE 9, Toreador
2x Rafael de Corazon AUS CEL DOM OBF PRE 11, Toreador
Library: (77 cards)
Master (10 cards)
1 Auspex
1 Celerity
2 Contingency Planning
2 Fame
1 Presence
1 The Rack
2 Vessel
Actions (7 cards)
6 Public Trust
1 Entrancement
Action Modifiers (11 cards)
4 Approximation of Loyalty
4 Crocodile's Tongue
3 Suppressing Fire
Political Actions (6 cards)
4 Kine Resource Contested
1 Praxis Seizure: Houston
1 Praxis Seizure: Washington DC
Equipment (16 cards)
1 Bowl of Convergence
1 Mark V
5 Beretta
3 Desert Eagle
1 Ivory Bow
2 IR Googles
3 Sniper Riffle
Combat (14 cards)
6 Pursuit
2 Concealed Weapon
3 Psyche!
3 Taste of Vitae
Reaction (13 cards)
3 Eagle's Sight
4 Minor Irritation
2 On the Qui Vive
4 Telepathic Misdirection
The individual Toreador vampires have the following stats:
Sean Andrews
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 2
Discipline: cel
Thomas De Lutrius
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 4
Discipline: aus cel pre
Camarilla Primogen. If Thomas goes to topror, burn 1 pool.
Kateline Nadasdy
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 7
Discipline: AUS CEL PRE
Camarilla. During a political action, Kateline may burn 1 blood to force a non-acting vampire to abstain.
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 8
Discipline: AUS CEL FOR PRE
Camarilla Primogen. Once each combat, Eugene may dodge as a strike.
Rafael de Corazon
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 11
Camarilla Inner Circle Member. Any vampire contesting Rafael's title must yield during his or her untaps phase. +2 bleed.
Epikasta Rigastos
Cardtype: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Group: 4
Capacity: 9
Discipline: cel AUS DOM PRE
Camarilla Prince of New York. You may move an action card Epikasta plays from your ash heap to your library at the end of the action (shuffle afterward)
Keepers of Tradition,
Preconstructed Decks,
Results NAC 2008: Last Chance Qualifier

1. Pascal "Floppy" Bertrand (FRA) -- Obfuscate/Presence VoteCongratulations to Pascal for winning the LCQ. A short tournament report and the winner's deck along with some pictures can be found on the NAC 2008 Blog.
2. Hugh Angseeing (UK) -- Followers of Set Bima Dominate
2. Alexandre Bustros (CAN) -- Ventrue G3/4 Vote & Bleed
2. John Eno (USA) -- Imbued
2. Johannes Walch (GER) -- Weenie Saturday Night DBR w/ Graverobbing
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Conventional VtES Wisdom
Here's some conventional wisdom regarding VtES I'd like to share:
- Nothing is faster than DI. -- The Lasombra
- Ousted players don't gain VPs.
- Your Prey is to your left.
- Decks don't win games, players do.
- Fame on a vampire of your prey can backfire.
- You'll always have poolgain: Oust your prey and gain 6.
- The cheating phase never ends.
- What are you playing today? -- 90 library and 12 crypt cards!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Results Australian Continental Championship 2008

1. Simon Reed (NZL) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 3 VP -- Assamite breed/Bleed/VoteCongratulations to Simon for his win of the Australian Continental Championship 2008. You can find a tournament report in the Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Richard Aumann (AUS) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1 VP -- Ahrimanes Block/Bleed
2. Nick Miller (AUS)-- 1 GW 7 VP -- 1 VP -- Obfuscate Prince Vote
2. Jason Ryan (AUS) -- 3 GW 10 VP -- 0 VP -- Imbued Pokemon Solitaire
2. Steve McRoy (AUS)-- 2 GW 8 VP -- 0 VP -- Turbo Cybele/Great Beast
Results LCQ Australian Continental Championship 2008

1. Ivor Blockey (AUS) -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Saulot/Weenie Auspex Wall/Spirit MarionetteCongratulations to Ivor for his win of the Australian Continental LCQ tournament 2008. You can find a tournament report in the Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Stuart Jacques (AUS) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Malkavian Stealth Bleed
2. Simon Reed (NZL) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1 VP -- ??
2. Steve Harris (AUS) -- 2 GW 8.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Giovani Shambling Hordes
2. Damien Hennessy (AUS) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Obfuscate Vote/Bleed
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Week of Nightmares 2008 has started
Today the Week of Nightmares 2008, a series of VtES related events and tournaments, has started. Traditionally the Week of Nightmares is the prelude to the North American Continental VtES Championship (NAC) which takes place in Montreal, Canada from October 24th to 26th, 2008.
Visit the official NAC 2008 website as well as the new NAC 2008 blog, which has been opened on October 19th, 2008.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Interesting VtES Kit

Also please take note of the funky logo ..
It's a "Liberty Industries Model BSB-100 V-TES Bridge Substitution Box". Whatever a bridge substitution box really does ...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Auction Prices for old VtES Expansions

- Ancient Hearts Box of Boosters Factory Sealed -- US $202,50 -- EUR 148,26
- Dark Sovereigns Box of Boosters Factory Sealed -- US $104,50 -- EUR 76,51
- Sabbat Box of Boosters Factory Sealed -- US $320,97 -- EUR 235,01
- Final Nights Booster Box Factory Sealed -- US $142,50 -- EUR 104,33
- Final Nights Starter Deck Box Factory Sealed -- US $144,50 -- EUR 105,80
- Camarilla Edition Starter Deck Box Factory Sealed -- US $144,00 -- EUR 105,43
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Point of View: Candidates for Card Bans 2009
After playing in the EC tournament (without much success though) I believe I've found some candidates which are in my humble opinion have a good chance of making it to the list of banned cards for the VtES tournament season 2009. The candidates of which I think one or two will be banned in 2009:
What makes a card getting banned? The simple answer is the card is overpowered or, to use another commonly used term, broken .. but really means broken? The best explanation what defines a broken card (in any card game that uses individual deck building) I found on the internet is the following:
Further readings
What makes a card getting banned? The simple answer is the card is overpowered or, to use another commonly used term, broken .. but really means broken? The best explanation what defines a broken card (in any card game that uses individual deck building) I found on the internet is the following:
"A card can be considered as broken, when every deck (in a particular format) is either running the card, or is having to prepare to deal with the card."Let's have a look at the three cards that I think have a rather high probablity of being banned next year. I am not advocating the ban actively, I merely observe that these cards fit the description or have led to severe abuse in the past.
"Heart of Nizchetus"
The "Heart of Cheating" (as it is called in some places) fits the first part of the above definition perfectly. It makes just any VtES deck better, so it's an auto-include in my humble opinion. There are three steps that lead to the "disaster" of being overpowered:- first drawing (up to) three cards,
- then deciding which cards to keep,
- and finally not wasting them by placing them under your library.
Former Pro player and Magic the Gathering writer Zvi Mowshowitz has declared "Black Lotus" as the best artifact of all time, claiming every deck in the history of Magic is better with a "Black Lotus" in it. So you can rightfully say "Heart of Nizchetus" is the "Black Lotus" of VtES; although "Heart of Nizchetus" is not nearly as costly as "Black Lotus".- first drawing (up to) three cards,
"The Unmasking"
This card fits the second part of the above definition for broken cards. When building any deck you always have to consider that there will be an "Unmasking" on the table. So you always need to include cards that either provide you with actions at +2 stealth (in total) or means to handle allies (i.e. kill or steal them). For example the Ventrue Law Firm" deck in its classic form is nearly unplayable in a major tournament, since it cannot overcome the +1 intercept on a regular basis. "Seduction" and "Dawn Operation" this decktype uses are also not applicable, since "Seduction" does not help against a horde of allies which all have +1 intercept, and "Dawn Operation" does not work at all against allies.
Compare it with any other cards that gives permanent intercept. Either these cards- need to be tapped (e.g. the media locations) for use or
- they are attached to a specific minion (e.g. "Sport Bike" or "Anima Gathering") or
- if the cards also untaps/or let's you block as if untapped, they is either removed when the block fails or it costs a blood (e.g. "Eternal Vigilance" or "No Secrets from the Magji").
"The Unmasking" is way more powerful than these cards:- it's not tapped for use,
- it applies to all allies at the table,
- it does not cost anything when played (neither pool nor any virtual cost like handsize reduction),
- it does not cost anything used.
- need to be tapped (e.g. the media locations) for use or
"Anthelios, the Red Star"
Another favourite during the EC 2008. Pack an "Anthelios" and a "Parthenon" or two and you have an powerful recursion engine. And a dreadful one too, you can recycle (and play later) a "Direct Intervention" each and every turn, or retrieve a "Toreador Grandball" that has just been removed and played it in the same turn. The problem with the card is that (together with the second master phase) it offers too easy and too powerful a recursion engine. The problem here is not "Direct Intervention" (or any other master card) that can be recycled, it is the card that powers the engine.
Further readings
- The Top 50 Artifacts of All Time by Zvi Mowshowitz
- The Leader of the Banned by Michael G. Ryan
- Skullclamp, We Hardly Knew Ye by Aaron Forsythe
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Memorable Quotes (Part 25)
"If you don't expect a deal to maybe get broken, you still have a lot to learn about VtES." -- Joscha Duell
Monday, October 13, 2008
Updated VtES Storyline Website
White Wolf has updated its website containing the V:tES Storyline information for Storylines past and present. Read the full post byBen Swainbank:
We are pleased to announce the new and updated V:tES Storyline website. Come check it out at:
The site has updated rules and reports for all the Storyline Events. We also have the rules and card images for Black Miracles and Lies, the Storyline Event taking place at the NAC in Montreal.
While you are there, check out the updated rules and event listings for the BYO Storyline Series. We've pulled together information from the past BYO events and will be updating more of them in the days to come.
You should also check the rules for running and reporting BYO events.
These rules have changed in some important ways. Significantly, the requirement that you win a Continental Championship has been dropped. Each year we will be printing event and rewards cards from the best BYO Storyline Events. We will also updating the updating web site with coming BYO events, and these results may influence the main Storyline.
If you have ever run a BYO Storyline Event, we would be happy to include the details of your event on the site and consider your rewards card submission. Please follow the reporting format indicated on the event rules page and send your event submissions and reports to: vtesstoryatXXX@atXXXwhite-wolf.com
Ben Swainbank
V:tES Storyline Coordinator
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"Black Miracles and Lies" Storyline Event

The event resolves around the struggle of the Sabbat, Camarilla and the Inferalists lead by Helena for the Kaymakli Fragment in Montreal. There are a number of special rules for the event including new advanced vampires and Kaymakli Fragment the itself:
Kaymakli FragmentAll of these vampires and card are used storyline only, although there are plans for publishing the pictures of these cards, so it is possible to print and use them for a local (non-official) storyline event.
Unique equipment.
This Sabbat vampire may allow you to draw 5 cards from your library as an action (discard afterward). This infernal minion may move 3 blood from the bank to a vampire in your uncontrolled region as a +1 stealth action. Any minion may steal this equipment as a strike.
The full post in the Usenet Newsgroup contains a long fiction section as well as the specific rules for the event.
First VtES Invitational Tournament

- the top 50 players worldwide,
- the top 25 players of each country, and
- the winners of dedicated qualifier tournaments.
"Keepers of Tradition" Update

The card spoilers earlier this week are taken from "Mana Rouge", a french CCG magazine, which also contains an interview with L. Scott Johnson, taken during the EC 2008 by the french player "Huruem".
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Release Date for "Keepers of Tradition"
Spoilers "Keepers of Tradition"
The first spoilers for the next VtES expansion "Keepers of Tradition" have surfaced in the french VtES forum Sabbat in France. As usual I have "blacked out" the spoiler text, so if you mark the text below you can see the card text of the first three vampires and two library cards.
Clan: Ventrue
Group: 4
Capacity : 11
Disciplines: cel pro DOM FOR POT PRE
Camarilla Ventrue Inner Circle: Any vampire contesting Hardestadt's title must yield during his or her untap phase. +1 bleed. +2 strength.
Mary Anne Blaire
Clan: Ventrue
Group: 5
Capacity: 10
Disciplines: ani pot AUS DOM FOR PRE
Camarilla Ventrue Justicar : Mary Anne can move 2 blood from the bank to a vampire in your uncontrolled region as a +1 stealth action. Inner Circle members get -2 bleed while she is ready.
Viktor, The Night General
Clan: Gangrel
Group: 5
Capacity: 9
Disciplines: obf ANI CEL PRE PRO
Independent. +1 stealth.
White Nights Massacre
Event. Transient.
During your next discard phase, you must burn this card, and you may either burn a vampire in torpor or by tapping a ready werewolf ally you control or discarding a White Nights Massacre from your hand, burn all vampires in torpor.
Clan: Tremere
Unique Wraith with 1 life, 0 strength, 0 bleed.
Ponticuls cannot take actions or have or use equipment. He gets +1 intercept during (D) actions against you. He may tap to give any Tremere +1 intercept. He is immune to non aggravated damage.
Cost: 2 Pool
Memorable Quotes (Part 24)
"Psst... the secret to playing Guard Duty is to make sure you have a guard Hellhound to go with it. The Hellhound can't act so it's always ready to attempt to block all those zero stealth burn location actions and force them to play stealth so the guard will finally notice that someone is Rampaging the place. :) " -- Brent Ross
"I'll play this card that sucks, so this other card that sucks won't suck so much! Nah, that's silly. Perhaps if first I Clan Impersonate Gargoyles..." -- SalemReference: Usenet Newsgroup
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Deck of the Month: September 2008: Akunanse Trophy
To choose for this time for the deck of the month was very hard. With all the EC 2008 finalists' decks at hand there were so many good choices. For example, the "Unexpected Coalition" deck that David Wittmann piloted to the final of the EC day 1 tournament or the "Una Freak Show" played by Jukub Baranski that made it to the final table of the EC2008. My final choice is Martin Varga's Akunanse Trophy deck, which he played during the EC Silence of Death tournament and which won the tournament. It shows that a Red List/Trophy deck can actually work quite well, even if the deck archetype is (clearly) no tier-1 deck.
The first goal of the deck is to red list a (preferably soft) target, e.g. an "Anarch Convert", a hapless ally like "Mylan Horseseed (Goblin)", or a nameless Weenie. The second goal is kill the red-listed minion to get first and foremost both a "Trophy: Domain" and "Trophy: Hunting Ground" on the same Magaji. Finally the deck aims to mutate into a wall deck deck with the help of "Trophy: Domain" and "No Secrets from the Magaji", which both allow to block a wide range of actions from its prey and predator (where necessary).

The first goal of the deck is to red list a (preferably soft) target, e.g. an "Anarch Convert", a hapless ally like "Mylan Horseseed (Goblin)", or a nameless Weenie. The second goal is kill the red-listed minion to get first and foremost both a "Trophy: Domain" and "Trophy: Hunting Ground" on the same Magaji. Finally the deck aims to mutate into a wall deck deck with the help of "Trophy: Domain" and "No Secrets from the Magaji", which both allow to block a wide range of actions from its prey and predator (where necessary).

Silence of Death
Prague, Czech Republic
Sept 20, 2008
32 players
3R + F
Martin Varga's Tournament Winning Deck with 3VPs in the finals
Deck Name : Akunanse Trophy
Author : Martin Varga
Description :
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 8 average: 5.66667
3x Nkule Galadima 8 ABO FOR ani aus pre magaji Akunanse:4
3x Uchenna 7 ABO ANI FOR magaji Akunanse:4
2x Kikiyaon, The 5 FOR abo ani Akunanse:4
2x Hasani 4 ABO for Akunanse:4
1x Dolie 3 abo ani Akunanse:4
1x Meno Ngari 2 abo Akunanse:4
Library [90 cards]
Action [12]
5x Big Game
2x No Secrets From the Magaji
5x Red List
Action Modifier [5]
5x Freak Drive
Action Modifier/Combat [5]
5x Predator's Transformation
Action Modifier/Reaction [2]
2x Akunanse Kholo
Combat [35]
6x Amaranth
4x Devil-Channel: Back
8x Devil-Channel: Hands
6x Invoking the Beast
6x Rolling with the Punches
5x Unflinching Persistence
Master [17]
2x Blood Doll
1x Parthenon, The
1x Trophy: Diablerie
3x Trophy: Domain
3x Trophy: Hunting Ground
1x Trophy: No Questions
3x Trophy: Progeny
3x Vessel
Political Action [12]
5x Consanguineous Boon
1x Rumors of Gehenna
1x Secret Must Be Kept, The
5x Trumped-Up Charges
Reaction [2]
2x Predator's Communion
Thursday, October 2, 2008
VtES Clan Newsletters in September 2008
One clan newsletter has been posted in the "rec.trading-cards.jyhad" usenet newsgroup this month. Beside using a newgroup reader, you can also access the newsgroup by Google Groups.
- Samedi Newsletter September 2008 -- also known as "Top Hat Times #1"
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