Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Results Australian Continental VtES Championship 2010

The Australian Continental VtES Championship 2010 has been played on June 13th, 2010 in Brisbane, Australia with 16 players attending the tournament. The standings of the final round were as follows:
1. Jason Ryan (AUS) -- 3 VP -- AAA Ashur Tablets
2. Nick Miller (AUS) -- 1 VP -- Gangrel Stanislava Bleed&Vote
2. Justin Evans (AUS) -- 1 VP -- Daughters Choir/Harmony
2. Tim Smith (AUS) -- 0 VP -- Lutz S&B
2. Simon Reed (NZL) -- 0 VP -- Ravnos Chimerstry/Dementation S&B
Congratulations to Jason for his win of the Australian Continental Championship 2010. You can find a tournament report and the tournament winning deck in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.


Kerath said...

hi extrala, would be possible to see the decklist of the stanislava deck?

extrala said...

This is a question for the newsgroup. I don't have the deck lists (or otherwise access to them). Sorry.