Cel·er·i·ty [sɪˈlɛrɪtɪ] -- NounCelerity from Old French celerite, from Latin celeritas, that is from 'celer' meaning 'swift'.
- Rapidity
- Swiftness
- Speed
Friday, December 31, 2010
Results "Fee Stake: Frankfurt" Tournament in Frankfurt a. M., Germany

1. Joscha D. -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Jack Drake & Friends Open WarCongratulations to Joscha for his victory in the tournament. Draft basis were 3x Twilight Rebellion, 2x 3rd Edition and 1x Keepers of Tradition boosters. In addition, there were some special rules in effect (making the event a non-rated one):
2. Robert F. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Ventrue antitribu something ..
2. Rudolf G. -- 1 GW 2,5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Lasombra & Friends Steely Tenacity
2. Alexander T. -- 0 GW 2,5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Tremere Steely Tenacity
2. Ralf L. -- 0 GW 2 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Gangrel feat. Dimitra Monkey Wrench
- Due to time constraints, the time limit for each round was limited to 90 minutes only. Despite this in 5 games there were 3 game wins.
- There were six (local) Fee Stakes available (see below), each with its own card text. Before each round from these six two Fee Stakes were given to each of the tables and placed in the middle of the table. Every Anarch (with capacity above 4) could take an action to acquire one of the Fee Stake in the middle of the table. If the Fee Stake is voted down, or the current Baron of a particular Fee Stake is burned or removed from game, the Fee Stake card is moved back to middle of the table.

Left: Fee Stake Frankfurt a.M.

Right: Fee Stake Mainz

Right: Fee Stake Wiesbaden
The specific cities for the Fee Stakes were selected because there are (or were) VtES playgroups in these cities of the German state of Hesse.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
VtES Internet Presences .. Old and New
Some smaller and bigger changes to a number of internet presences for VtES have happened this week.
In summary check out two of the currently most important VtES internet presences:
First of all LSJ (the current/former VtES game designer) has announced that he's moving away from the VtES Usenet Newsgroup and will use the Board Game Geek (BGG) website for answering rules questions (and similar stuff).
Johannes Walch (VEKN Chairman) has announced that the new VEKN website is (almost) finished now. Currently only the event calendar and the rating system application is missing from the website, but the VEKN team is working on it, hoping to make it publicly available soon. The site currently offers:
- a forum for VtES related discussions
- the rulebook, a rule reference , the card rulings, etc.
- a comprehensive list of expansion card lists
- a web interface for the VtES IRC Channel (#vtes)
Sadly also two UK websites (Anarch Freepress and Powerbase Bath) are down for the moment, but it seems Team UK is working on bringing those two back
In summary check out two of the currently most important VtES internet presences:
- Also one of the two French VtES websites, namely Sabbat in France will be removed by the end of the year and (hopefully) replaced soon after.
- Anarch Freepress is back again (after being moved to another domain).
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
NAC 2011 Early-Bird Registration Now Online

at the Origins gaming convention. The least expensive way to purchase a convention badge is with early bird registration. Origins 'Early Bird Registration' is now available online and has been extended until January 15th, 2011. If you are coming to Origins and/or the North American Championship, you really need to save yourself the $20 and do this before January 15th, 2011.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Pictures from the "Fang' dir den Nikograus" VtES tournament in Mainz
Here are a few pictures of the VtES Constructed Tournament take place on December 18th, 2010 in Mainz, Germany with 8 players participating.

Left: Ralf and Joscha in the heads-up at this table.
Right: Alexander, Jörg and Bob.

Left: The final table with Josha (the winner of this game), Alexander, Ralf, Bob and Rudolf.
Right: The close-up of the final table.
Right: Alexander, Jörg and Bob.
Right: The close-up of the final table.
Friday, December 24, 2010
For·ti·tude [ˈfɔːtɪˌtjuːd] -- nounFortitude derives from Latin fortitūdō, meaning courage.
- Strength and firmness of mind
- Resolute endurance
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Memorable Quotes (Part 96)
"Remember that the goal of the game is to win by taking the most VPs, not by making the player to your left the most miserable." -- The LasombraReference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Monday, December 20, 2010
Results "Fang dir den Nikograus" Tournament in Mainz, Germany

1. Joscha D. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 3 VP -- Weenie Animialism feat. Nana Buruki Deep SongCongratulations to Joscha for his victory in the tournament. The TWD can be found in the German VtES forum.
2. Ralf W. -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 2 VP -- Serenna & Tremere antitribu Spirit Marionette Bleed
2. Alexander T. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Salubri antitribu Wall
2. Rudolf G. -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Potence w/ Anarch Revolts
2. Bernhard "Bob" B. -- 0 GW 2 VP -- 0 VP -- Brujah antitribu feat Jacques Molay Rush Combat
Friday, December 17, 2010
De·men·ta·tion [krey-zee] -- NounDementation derives from Late Latin dementare, to drive mad, from Latin de- + mens mind.
- The act of depriving of reason
- Madness
Thursday, December 16, 2010
VEKN Announces Participation in the Grand Masquerade 2011
V:TES Players To Join Other World of Darkness Fan Communities in New Orleans Celebration
New Orleans, Louisiana - December 16th, 2010 – As a follow-up to the incredible success of the inaugural event, White Wolf, in cooperation with World of Darkness fan organizations, will host The Grand Masquerade 2011 at The Hotel Monteleone, in the very heart of the New Orleans French Quarter on September 15-18, 2011.
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network is excited to once again be represented among the other fan communities. The V:EKN, The Camarilla, One World By Night, The Garou Nation, and The Wrecking Crew and inviting you all to celebrate the historic 20th Anniversary of Vampire: The Masquerade. Multiple Vampire: The Eternal Struggle events will again be hosted at the Masquerade and will offer the special experience of playing in this historic venue.
More details for the V:TES events will be released as the event draws nearer. The Grand Masquerade website can be reached at www.thegrandmasquerade.com.
About Vampire: Elder Kindred Network
Founded in 1997, the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network is the official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Players' Organization dedicated to the continued health of V:TES. The V:EKN endeavors to help the game grow in popularity through the embracing of new players as well as through the support of the existing fans.
About Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a Deckmaster™ trading card game set in White Wolf’s popular World of Darkness. Created in 1994 by Richard Garfield as the follow-up to his groundbreaking Magic: The Gathering trading card game, V:TES is one of the most enduring games in the genre with fans and organized play events in countries across the globe.
© Vampire: Elder Kindred Network 2010. All rights reserved.
Robert Goudie
Director of Marketing
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network
Marketing (/at/) VampireTheEternalStruggle (/dot/) com

Vampire: Elder Kindred Network is excited to once again be represented among the other fan communities. The V:EKN, The Camarilla, One World By Night, The Garou Nation, and The Wrecking Crew and inviting you all to celebrate the historic 20th Anniversary of Vampire: The Masquerade. Multiple Vampire: The Eternal Struggle events will again be hosted at the Masquerade and will offer the special experience of playing in this historic venue.
More details for the V:TES events will be released as the event draws nearer. The Grand Masquerade website can be reached at www.thegrandmasquerade.com.
About Vampire: Elder Kindred Network
Founded in 1997, the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network is the official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Players' Organization dedicated to the continued health of V:TES. The V:EKN endeavors to help the game grow in popularity through the embracing of new players as well as through the support of the existing fans.
About Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a Deckmaster™ trading card game set in White Wolf’s popular World of Darkness. Created in 1994 by Richard Garfield as the follow-up to his groundbreaking Magic: The Gathering trading card game, V:TES is one of the most enduring games in the genre with fans and organized play events in countries across the globe.
© Vampire: Elder Kindred Network 2010. All rights reserved.
Robert Goudie
Director of Marketing
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network
Marketing (/at/) VampireTheEternalStruggle (/dot/) com
Memorable Quotes (Part 95)
Question: What decks are you sick of seeing in games (as opposed to posted on the NG)?Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Answer: Mine!
Question: Follow-up question: What have/will you do about it?
Answer: Make new decks?-- Wedge answering Lasombra's question regarding most deck most liked/hated in the VtES newsgroup.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
EC 2010 Rules Question
The head judge of the EC 2010 (Pascal) compiled a list of (rules) question he was asked during the various events of the EC.
This list is exhaustive. No questions were erased because its answer were too trivial (or merely "cardtext"). The answers he gives here are more complete than the answers he gave in the event. Mainly, he tried to answer "Yes" or "No" with, when necessary, some details, but without the part where "it would be better to" or "you can also" gets added.
The questions that were asked more than once were about Antediluvian Awakening's cardtext (When exactly can I burn a vampire? What's the minimum capacity?) and Madness Network / Enkil Cog etiquette (about 4-5 times each).
This list is exhaustive. No questions were erased because its answer were too trivial (or merely "cardtext"). The answers he gives here are more complete than the answers he gave in the event. Mainly, he tried to answer "Yes" or "No" with, when necessary, some details, but without the part where "it would be better to" or "you can also" gets added.
The questions that were asked more than once were about Antediluvian Awakening's cardtext (When exactly can I burn a vampire? What's the minimum capacity?) and Madness Network / Enkil Cog etiquette (about 4-5 times each).
- Question: Can Demonstration cancel a Priscus' vote in the Priscii subreferendum ?
- Answer: Yes. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Question: Can I play Special Report on an untapped vampire?
- Answer: Yes. It doesn't require a tapped vampire.
- Question: I control Orlando Oriundus and Stavros. There is no other Priscus. How many votes can I cast in a vote?
- Answer: 1 for Orlando Oriundus and 1 for Stavros, tallying up to 5 votes without any other Priscus.
- Question: My library is empty. I play Visit from the Capuchin. Do I burn counters when my library is empty?
- Answer: Yes. You would replace a card when you don't have handsize cards in your hand. (I got this one wrong)
- Question: I play Govern the Unaligned, replace Seduction. Can I play Seduction?
- Answer: Yes. The "as announced" window happens after the replacement of the action card.
- Question: I play Entrancement, replace Strange Day. Can I play Strange Day?
- Answer: Yes. The "as announced" window happens after the replacement of the action card.
- Question: Can I play Daring the Dawn after resolving the action?
- Answer: No. Action modifiers can't be played after resolution (as usual, unless cardtext says they can, per the Golden Rule of cardtext)
- Question: What's the change with the new Madness Network cardtext?
- Answer: Using the sequencing rules makes the acting player get the impulse after another player performs an action.
- Question: Can I tap the Coven during my untap phase, untap it with all my cards, and tap it again?
- Answer: No. Untapping your cards is the first thing you do during your untap phase.
Question: Can I play Enrage inferior or superior on a vampire with a Sire's Index Finger?
- Answer: Yes. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Does the Soul Gem of Etrius trigger if I diablerize its bearer?
- Answer: Yes. Cardtext has been changed since VTES. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Can Nephandus prevent one from Catatonic Fear?
- Answer: Yes. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Can I Amaranth a vampire with 1 blood when my strike is 3 agg?
- Answer: No. He isn't sent to torpor and burns right away.
- Question: If I steal 1 blood from a vampire with 1 blood striking with a Zip Gun, and I have no blood, do I go to torpor? Do I gain 1 blood and lose it? Does he go to torpor?
- Answer: You gain 1 blood (stolen) and burn 1 blood to heal 1 damage. He loses 1 blood (stolen) and gets wounded (sent to torpor).
- Question: Does Telepathic Vote Counting untap the acting vampire?
- Answer: No. It doesn't say it does.
- Question: Are "retainers" mortal retainers?
- Answer: No. Retainers with no type have no type.
- Question: Can I play Deep Song superior on a tapped vampire?
- Answer: Yes. "Tap X and enter combat with X" doesn't require X to be untapped.
- Question: Does the vote to burn the Fee Stake reduce a Priscus' votes?
- Answer: No. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Can I press in round N with the Aid From Bats played in round N-1 ?
- Answer: No. Maneuvers and presses from a combat card are only usable in the round in which the combat card is played.
- Question: Can I tap Vagabond Mystic during an action?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Can I tap Vagabond Mystic during combat?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: What is the timing to discard cards to cancel Target Vitals?
- Answer: It can be canceled as it is played, which is before it is replaced. You need 2 combat cards in your hand (you can't discard one, replace, and discard the second).
Question: Deflection is canceled by Two Wrongs. With a Wake with Evening's Freshness + Deflection on the same action, is deflection canceled? Can I attempt to block?
- Answer: The second Deflection is canceled by Two Wrongs. Block attempts have been declined, so there can't be a new block attempt (unless the target of the bleed changes).
- Question: Can I boost a bleed with Virginie's special ability after playing Foreshadowing Destruction?
- Answer: Yes. Using Virginie's special ability isn't playing an action modifier.
- Question: Can I play Hostile Takeover if my Ventrue is in torpor?
- Answer: No. Master cards with a clan requirement require a ready vampire of that clan.
- Question: Does Charnas burn an empty minion in torpor? ^
- Answer: No. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Can I play Deflection before I get tapped by inferior Spirit Marionnette?
- Answer: Yes. The tapping from inferior Spirit Marionnette is part of the resolution of the action, which happens after players declined to play Deflection.
- Question: Can I play Touch of Clarity with an untapped minion I control when I control the acting minion?
- Answer: Yes, even if that untapped minion isn't the acting minion.
- Question: Can I play Psyche! after a combat with an Illusions of the Kindred?
- Answer: No. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: My prey is on 1 pool, I am on 3. My Edward Vignes has 2 blood and a Fame. Can I bleed with Daring the Dawn, and oust my prey without being ousted?
- Answer: Yes. First resolve the bleed, and then inflict aggravated damage to Edward Vignes (eventually triggering the Fame).
- Question: I play a political action card and play Day Operation. Is the referendum conducted?
- Answer: Yes. The referendum is part of the resolution of the action.
- Question: Can I use the Coven during combat?
- Answer: Yes (but not in the middle of damage resolution).
- Question: Can I play a Babble with my vampire with Dementation in torpor ?
- Answer: No. Only ready vampires can play reaction cards.
- Question: Can I attempt to block after playing Telepathic Counter?
- Answer: Yes. Telepathic Counter (as opposed to superior Telepathic Misdirection) can be played before block attempts are declared, after block attempts are declared, or even after block attempts are declined.
- Question: What is the exact timing of Enkil Cog?
- Answer: You play it after successfully bleeding (same as for Freak Drive). Then, use the sequencing rule to determine when you can attempt an action with Enkil Cog.
- Question: Theft of Vitae superior vs Theft of Vitae sup when both vampires are at full capacity: who gains / loses blood?
- Answer: They both lose and gain 2 blood. They end up at full capacity after this strike resolution.
- Question: Do I play Direct Intervention on the Govern the Unaligned after or before declaring a block attempt?
- Answer: Direct Intervention is played as the Govern the Unaligned is played, which is before block attempts are declared. It's even before the Govern gets replaced. It's even before the acting minion taps.
- Question: Can I tap the Dreams of the Sphinx in combat after strike declaration and before strike resolution? Can I play the Rotschreck I'd draw?
- Answer: Yes. And yes.
- Question: What's the capacity requirement for Approximation of Loyalty?
- Answer: It requires a vampire with capacity 7 or more (KoT misprint).
- Question: Pentweret steals a vampire with his strike. The other vampire's strike is hands. Can the other vampire play Disarm?
- Answer: No. The change of control happens during the strike resolution and it ends the combat. At the end of the round, both vampires have the same controller.
- Question: Does Flesh of Marble prevent Drawing out the Beast's damage?
- Answer: No. You can't prevent unpreventable damage (exception: Rutor's Hand).
- Question: Can I play a second Kine Resources Contested with the same vampire if the first one got DI'ed?
- Answer: "Yes" (if DI stands for Direct Intervention). "No" (if it stands for Dark Influence).
- Question: Can I tap the Barrens during an action?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Direct Intervention on Mirror Walk. Can I replace Mirror Walk?
- Answer: Yes. Its cardtext is canceled, including the part where you don't replace it.
- Question: Can I concede the game if I already have 3 VPs (and the GW)?
- Answer: Yes. The Play To Win rule is to get the game win. Once you have the game win, you are free to do whatever you want to keep it. That is: withdraw, concede, or continue playing are all OK.
- Question: If my inferior Govern the Unaligned is canceled with Dark Influences, can I bleed with this vampire?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Can I play Wash and then Sudden Reversal during the same player's master phase?
- Answer: No. A Methuselah can play only one Master: out of turn before his master phase.
- Question: Stanislava is acting. Do I get +1 intercept with my Raptor?
- Answer: Yes. Stanislava's special ability only affects animal retainers in combat.
- Question: Can Psyche! be played after Blissful Agony?
- Answer: No. A new combat is already queued, so you can't squeeze another one in between.
- Question: Can a vampire perform both actions from Kaymakli Fragment on the same turn?
- Answer: Yes. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: The controller of Rumors of Gehenna is ousted. Do I still get 2 MPAs?
- Answer: No. Similarly, the chosen Methuselah(s) won't get 2 MPAs if the Rumors are burned.
- Question: Can I play Villein on an empty vampire?
- Answer: Yes. You move 0 blood.
- Question: Am I still wounded in the second round of combat if I played Undead Persistence in the first?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Can I play Eagle's Sight without declaring a block attempt?
- Answer: No, Eagle's Sight is a block attempt.
- Question: Can I play Gremlins on a vampire's equipment if that vampire has a Secure Haven?
- Answer: Yes. Secure Haven only protects the minion it is on, not other cards (equipment, retainers, or even the Secure Haven itself) that also are on the minion.
- Question: I play Spirit Marionnette on Tupdog. I have a Heidelberg Castle and no other untapped minion. I don't control a ready Tremere. When does Tupdog's control changes?
- Answer: After the next action, if it didn't burn at the end of your minion phase.
- Question: Can I use the Vagabond Mystic's special ability during damage resolution?
- Answer: No. http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad/msg/9e8e...
- Question: When can I use Hide the Heart at inferior during an action?
- Answer: It can be played at any time before resolution, but only after the "as announced" window. That is: You can play it whenever you could declare a block attempt, and after blocks have been declined. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Question: Can I use Maris Streck's special to give Unleash Hell's Fury some intercept?
- Answer: Yes. Unleash Hell's Fury is considered as a vampire during the block attempt.
- Question: Tenebrous Form has been played. Can I attempt to block with Carlton Van Wyk?
- Answer: No. Carlton van Wyk cannot "burn 1 blood".
- Question: My Wash was Suddened. Do I get to play a Master in my turn?
- Answer: No. Canceled trifles don't award another MPA.
- Question: If a Laibon becomes Bahari, is he still a Laibon?
- Answer: Yes. Bahari is not a sect, it's a trait (as are "Red List", "Advanced", ..)
- Question: I am bled for 1. I play Telepathic Counter at sup. If the acting player plays Eyes of Chaos at superior, is it a bleed for 1 or for 2 ?
- Answer: When you play superior Telepathic Counter on a bleed for 1, it becomes a bleed for -1. When you add superior Eyes of Chaoes, it becomes a bleed for 1.
- Question: Can I play Taste of Vitae and then press?
- Answer: No. The press step is before the end of the round.
- Question: Can I play Telepathic Misdirection after Spying Mission is burned for +2 bleed?
- Answer: No. Spying Mission burns at resolution, when Telepathic Misdirection can't be played anymore.
- Question: Can I play a Govern the Unaligned if someone played a Touch of Clarity on a Govern the Unaligned I played this turn ?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Can I play Fake Out to maneuver to long range?
- Answer: Sure.
- Question: My Mind Rape was cancelled by Veil of Darkness. Am I tapped?
- Answer: No. Veil of Darkness cancels the action card before the acting vampire taps.
- Question: My vampire with Anathema and 1 blood plays Slam to maneuver. Does he burn before strike resolution?
- Answer: Yes. He burns in the "determine range" step.
- Question: I control Rachel Brandywine. Do I get to put back into my library the cards I discard to Fragment of the Book of Nod?
- Answer: Yes, if you tapped the Fragment during your discard phase.
- Question: Can a vampire without Enkil Cog play Mask of a Thousand Faces on the action of the vampire with Enkil Cog during another player's turn ?
- Answer: No. The vampire without Enkil Cog couldn't declare the action card in the first place.
- Question: Can I play Familial Bond on an action at 0 stealth (and I have 0 intercept) ?
- Answer: No. Intercept cannot be gained when not necessary.
- Question: Can I play a Freak Drive after replacing my Bum's Rush?
- Answer: No. When Bum's Rush is replaced, the action has ended: you can't play action modifiers after the end of the action.
- Question: Can I play Power of All on a Nephandus brought to play via Antonio d'Erlette's ability?
- Answer: No. The Nephandus card isn't played.
- Question: I play Earth Meld, but my vampire gets Rotschrecked. Do I untap my vampire before going to torpor?
- Answer: No. Rotschreck ends the combat before strike resolution.
- Question: Can I tap the Dreams of the Sphinx in response to a player declining the block (in order to draw Conditioning) ?
- Answer: You can tap the Dreams of the Sphinx when the impulse comes back to you, which happens either when a player declares a block attempt, or when all players decline attempting to block.
- Question: I play Majesty, and the opposing guy plays Catatonic Fear: Does my vampire untap and take 1 damage?
- Answer: Yes. And he untaps.
- Question: Can I play Eyes of Argus to attempt to block the action to burn my Madness Network?
- Answer: At superior: Yes. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup. At inferior: Only if intercept is needed.
- Question: If I control a protected ressources, and someone bleeds me for 1 and burns the Spying Mission, how much pool do I burn?
- Answer: The bleed is for 3, but you only burn 2.
- Question: Can I influence on the crypt card brought to my uncontrolled region on the turn the Anarch Convert brings it into my uncontrolled region ?
- Answer: No. You first spend transfers, and then move out the influenced minions. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: Can I use Anarch Convert to convert anarch an Anarch Convert?
- Answer: Yes. Anarch Convert can convert Anarch vampires.
- Question: Can I play Conditioning if the target of the bleed plays Telepathic Counter?
- Answer: Yes. You get the impulse back.
Question: If Sargon successfully performs the second action to burn the Seeds of Corruption, do I get the Edge?
- Answer: Yes.
- Question: Can I recruit two different allies with the same vampire in one turn?
- Answer: Yes. The NRA restricts you to one Warghoul per turn per vampire, but you can recruit a Repo Man and a Warghoul on the same turn with the same vampire.
- Question: Xeper tries to steal a Warghoul. Warghoul burns to burn a Metro Underground. There is no block. Does Xeper gain 1 blood from Perfectionist?
- Answer: Yes. The action is not blocked, so it is successful. It fizzles due to a lack of target, but Xeper still gets his blood from Perfectionist. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: I play Grooming the Protege selecting my ready vampire with a Secure Haven and a younger vampire of the same clan in my uncontrolled. Does this cost me 1 pool?
- Answer: Yes. Choosing a vampire with a Secure Haven for Grooming the Protege (or Tend the Flock, or the Rack) increases the cost of that master by 1 pool.
- Question: Can I attempt to rescue the same vampire from torpor twice in a single turn with the same vampire?
- Answer: Yes. NRA doesn't apply to rescue from torpor.
- Question: Does the bidding for Hostile Takeover go clockwise?
- Answer: No. The default format for any bidding is open format. (re-checked, and it didn't change since 1999)
- Question: If the blocking minion has a Sniper Rifle, can the acting minion set the range in the before range step, before the blocking minion gets the opportunity to do so ?
- Answer: Yes. And if the acting minion sets the range, the blocking minion can't re-set it (the acting minion can't re-set it either).
- Question: Can I play Mind of the Wilds before block attempts get to be declared? If there is no block attempt, is there any effect?
- Answer: Yes (at inferior). If there is no block attempt, its cardtext is: "[ani][aus] "
- Question: If my Wash is Suddened, do I replace it?
- Answer: Yes. Cardtext of cancelled cards is cancelled, even the part where you don't replace them.
- Question: The vampire targetted by the Rack got banished. Does the rack move blood to him in the uncontrolled region?
- Answer: No. Reference in VtES Usenet Newsgroup
- Question: If Mata Hari plays SchreckNET, does she untap?
- Answer: Yes. SchreckNET considers her as a Nosferatu for the resolution of the card. Since she's a 7-cap, SchreckNET sees her as a 7-cap Nosferatu, so it untaps her.
- Question: I played On the Qui Vive and Familial Bond. The action is successful. Can I enter combat with the acting vampire after resolution?
- Answer: No. "Tap to enter combat" requires an untapped minion.
- Question: Can I cancel the combat due to Yawp Court with Crypt's Sons?
- Answer: No. The combat due to Yawp Court doesn't result of a successful block.
- Question: Can I play Tier of Soul inferior on a vampire with no blood?
- Answer: Yes. The target is the minion, not the blood counters.
- Question: Is High Stakes legal in the First Chance Qualifier?
- Answer: No.
- Question: If the result is 2-2-1-0-0, is there a GW?
- Answer: No. You need 2 VPs (or more) and strictly more than other Methuselahs to get the GW.
- Question: Can I hunt after playing Change of Target on a hunt action?
- Answer: Not with the same hunt action.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The First Turbo Deck
There was some discussion in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup over what the first Turbo deck actually was (based on Lucita, Arika or The Baron), it turned out to be based on Aurora Van Brande, Paladin. At least, this deck was posted by Chris Berger back in 1998:
Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup.Just for laughs, I've decided to post this deck. Any ideas on how to make it actually reliable (as it is, it works sometimes but not usually)?
In the same light as Regarding Henry, Feeling Minnesota, and Eating Raoul, it's... (dum dum DUMMMMMM!!!!)
Recycling Aurora
20 Aurora Van Brande
(or any unreasonable number - if you're playing JOL, go with 500 so you're sure not to run out)
LIBRARY (100 cards - use more for JOL, less for most real games)
6 Dominate Masters
6 The Barrens
10 Soul Gem of Etrius
10 Freak Drive
18 Camarilla Vitae Slave
18 Force of Will
16 Daring the Dawn
16 Conditioning
I think the idea should be obvious. It's a lot like most other infinite loop combos, except that this one can be done multiple times on your turn with virtually no set up. I'm almost hesitant to play this deck in JOL because people would get so pissed off. Maybe I should try to build it in RL... 8) I wonder where I'd get that many Soul Gems from.
Announcement German National VtES Championship 2010

- Saturday, January 29th, 2011 will be devoted to the German VtES Championship -- please note that you will not have to qualify for this event. The top 5 players will automatically be qualified for participation in any Continental Championship in 2011.
- Community Hall of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Kreuzgemeinde
Gahlensche Str. 146-150
44809 Bochum, Germany
- German Championship: Standard Constructed, detailed rules can be found on the VEKN Tournament Rules webpage.
- Saturday (January 29th) -- German Championship 2010
- Registration 10:00 am - 10:45 am
- 1st Round starts at 11:00 am
- Pre-Registration is not required, but is very much appreciated, for example in the German VtES Forum or by contacting the organizer, Hardy Range via email (prinz (/dot/) bochum (/at/) vekn (/dot/) de).
Monday, December 13, 2010
Kindred Spirit Newsletter #8

- with Erik (Sweden), who won both the Legendary Vampire and Day 1 tournament,
- with Csaba (Hungary), who won the Last Chance Qualifier,
- with Jerome (France), who won the First Chance Qualifier, and
- with Brian (USA), who won the Day 2 tournament (also know as EC Championship),
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Three Fates
The Moirae, Moerae or Moirai (in Greek Μοῖραι – the "apportioners", often called The Fates), in Greek mythology, were the white-robed personifications of destiny (Roman equivalent: Parcae, euphemistically the "sparing ones", or Fata; also equivalent to the Germanic Norns). Their number became fixed at three, the three Moirae were:
Read the whole article on the Moirae on Wikipedia.
- Clotho (English pronunciation: /ˈkloʊθoʊ/, Greek Κλωθώ [klɔːˈtʰɔː] – "spinner") spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle. Her Roman equivalent was Nona, (the 'Ninth'), who was originally a goddess called upon in the ninth month of pregnancy.
- Lachesis (/ˈlækɨsɪs/, Greek Λάχεσις [ˈlakʰesis] – "allotter" or drawer of lots) measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod. Her Roman equivalent was Decima (the 'Tenth').
- Atropos (/ˈætrəpɒs/, Greek Ἄτροπος [ˈatropos] – "inexorable" or "inevitable", literally "unturning", sometimes called Aisa) was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner of each person's death; and when their time was come, she cut their life-thread with "her abhorred shears". Her Roman equivalent was Morta ('Death').

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Did you know, that ... (Part 53)

Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Remark: This one's a classic, not really something that came up lately in the newsgroup or in my playgroup.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
V:EKN Announces Location for 2011 European Championship

WARSAW, POLAND -- December 7th, 2010 -- In a close vote, European National Coordinators have selected Poland to host the 2011 European Championship. Scheduled for November 11-13, 2011, the Polish event team will be hosting the affair at the Gromada Airport Hotel in Warsaw. Radoslaw "Szewski" Staszewski, Poland's National Coordinator, expects the event to draw 150 players who will compete in multiple tournaments as well as attend a welcoming party and experience Warsaw's sightseeing.

The Polish EC Team expects to launch a website with details for the event by the end of the first quarter of 2011.
About Vampire: Elder Kindred Network.
Founded in 1997, the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network is the official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Players' Organization dedicated to the continued health of V:TES. The V:EKN endeavors to help the game grow in popularity through the embracing of new players as well as through the support of the existing fans.
About Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a Deckmaster™ trading card game set in White Wolf’s popular World of Darkness. Created in 1994 by Richard Garfield as the follow-up to his groundbreaking Magic: The Gathering trading card game, V:TES is one of the most enduring games in the genre with fans and organized play events in countries across the globe.
© Vampire: Elder Kindred Network 2010. All rights reserved.
Robert Goudie
Director of Marketing
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network
Marketing (/at/) VampireTheEternalStruggle (/dot/) com
Motivated By ..
When trying to motivate myself for an upcoming VtES season, I always try to set some goals for myself for the next year. I must admit when it comes to VtES tournament games (or any other form of organized game like a VtES league), I am a competitive type of player. Sure, meeting and talking to other players is important to me as well, but regarding deck building and preparation as well as in the tournament I am really trying to win the game(s). Maybe not Ayrton Senna-intensive, but still..
So setting goals helps me and motivates me building reasonable decks, going to tournaments and being competitive in the games. One important thing is that these goals must be (realistically) achievable. Winning a tournament is a reasonable goal, winning the Last Chance Qualifier, Day 1 and Day 2 tournament in a Continental Championship is not.
Some of the goals I set myself in the past included the following:

Some of the goals I set myself in the past included the following:
- getting a game win in a (local) league game.
- getting a game win in a tournament.
- reaching a final in a tournament.
- qualifying for the continental championship (I failed to do this for four consecutive years (2004-2008))
- winning a tournament.
- winning the local league.
- winning a major tournament (national championship or qualifier) -- this is a tough one
- making it to the VtES Hall of Fame (one tournament only missing here)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Mel·pom·e·ne [mɛlˈpɒmɪnɪ]Melpomene (Greek Μελπομένη) is derived from the Greek verb melpô or melpomai meaning "to celebrate with dance and song."
- "to sing" or "the one that is melodious"
- Initially the Muse of Singing, Melpomene then became the Muse of Tragedy, for which she is best known now.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Results Italian National VtES Championship 2010

1. Guido Canciani (ITA) -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 3 VP -- Ventrue Law FirmCongratulations to Guido for his win of the Italian National VtES Championship 2010. The seating at the final table was: Stefania --> Guido --> Danilo --> Emanuele --> Roberto. You can find several tournament reports (in Italian) in the Italian VtES forum.
2. Stefania Cantarelli (ITA) -- 1 GW 6,5 VP -- 2 VP -- Kiasyd Bleed
2. Danilo Torrisi (ITA) -- 3 GW 12 VP -- 0 VP -- Cybele/Inner Circle Heavy Bloat
2. Roberto Venturi (ITA) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Inner Circle Multi Master Deck
2. Emanuele Iacusso (ITA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue anitribu Grinder
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