Thursday, April 3, 2008

VtES Rules: "Jake Washington" Q&A

There are often questions regarding Jake Washington, so here's a short "Questions and Answers" summary for the card. Most of the information is taken from the Usenet newsgroup "":

Q: Can "Jake Washington" act the turn he's been put into play?
A: Yes. Since he was not recruited, he can act during the same turn (in the minion phase) he was put into play (in the master phase).

Q: Can I burn "Jake Washington" for a "Warghoul".
A: Yes. Of course. While in play he's a regular (unique) ally just like "Carlton van Wyk" or a "Mylan Horseed (Goblin)".

Q: If "Jake Washington" is burned - either in combat or for putting 4 blood on a vampire or as cannon fodder for a "Warghoul" - does this results in a counter for "Khazar's Diary"?
A: Yes. He's a unique ally (while in play) and he has been burned, so this fulfills the criteria given on "Khazar's Diary", and therefore a counter is placed on "Khazar's Diary".

Q: Can you play "Compel the Spirit" (or similar cards) to bring "Jake Washington" back into play?
A: No. Since he's not an ally while the card is in the ash heap, he cannot be named as target in the ash heap by cards referring to allies. The same applies to cards like "The Summoning" which targets an ally card in the library.

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