Much has been made of the effectiveness of The Barrens on the newsgroup lately, so I figured I'd explain why I put it in every deck I build...
- Stealth-bleed decks especially like the Barrens when some smart-ass pulls the "don't block" trick. With the Barrens, you can clear out the unneeded stealth cards quickly, and get to the happy bleed cards so you can smite the punk.
- Dude, it's free. Who cares if they contest it? It's free.
- It allows you to prepare for one more contingency. You'll typically be exposed to a fair number of different deck types over the course of a tournament. Account for everything that could possibly be thrown at you is impossible, but that extra discard per turn allows you to include another measure or countermeasure against a certain deck type without diluting your deck.
- Even if you're not a fan of including that extra contingency measure, and prefer to stick to your guns and build the most efficient deck you can (trusting your assumptions of the metagame), there will still be occasions where you'll still have too much of one type of card and not enough of another type of card. Hand jam can strike anyone at any time. The Barrens can help maintain the proper ratio of card types in your hand.
- It helps me play with more kinds of master cards in my deck. Don't need one? Cycle it out! It's not that I need the Barrens because I have so many masters in my deck. I have so many masters in my deck because I have the Barrens.
- For that matter, it helps me play with more of any type of card in my deck. For card cycling to the extreme, check out my winning deck from DragonCon '99 on The Lasombra's site (http://www.thelasombra.com). 2 Barrens, 2 Dreams, and 2 Books of Frag let me rapidly switch between bleed, combat defense, bleed defense, and intercept modes. With all three in play, I could have almost a whole new hand in one turn.
I typically use two in a deck so I can draw into it a bit more quickly. If I draw the second one, I use the Barrens to discard it. :) I typically don't need it in my initial draw. I rely on it more for that second wind in the middle of a game.Ben Peal, Prince of Boston and contributing writer for Rustwurk, resides in Somerville, Massachusetts.
1. Iñaki Puigdollers -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 4 VP -- Weenie AuspexCongratulations to Iñaki for winning the first spanish ECQ 2009. You can find the tournament winning deck in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup, and the final standings in the spanish VtES forum.
2. César Ruiperez -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1 VP -- !Ventrue/Ventrue Power Bleed)
2. Esau Mejias -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Stanislava Bleed/Vote
2. Sergio Gracia -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Lawfirm Group 4/5
2. Tomás López Jimenez -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Lasombra Black Hand Descent into Darkness / Corporal Reservoir
1. Mark Loughman 1 GW 5 VP -- 3 VP -- Carna Wall /w Smiling JackCongratulations to Mark for his win of the Great Lakes (Ohio) NACQ 2009. You can find the winner's decklist and a tournament report in the VtES Usenet newsgroup.
2. Evan Lloyd -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 2 VP -- Assamite swarm bleed w/Alamut & Reckless Agg.
2. Kurt Kopp -- 3 GW 12 VP -- 0 VP -- Gangrel PRO/DOM Bleed
2. Brad Cashdollar -- 2 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Toreador G1/2 Block w/ .44s
2. Will Kristoff -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP --Tremere THA/AUS/pre/dom Bleed
1. Orian "TTC Master" Gissler -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 2 VP -- Guillaume Giovanni PuppeteerCongratulations to Orian for winning the french ECQ 2009. You can find the tournament winning deck and final ranking in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup, as well as a detailed report of the tournament on TTC Master's brand new VtES blog.
2. Rodolphe "Krid" Danac -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 2 VP -- Weenie Presence Vote
2. Antonio Cobo Cuenca -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1 VP -- Ventrue Group 1/2 Vote [spanish version]
2. Lucas Bonroy -- 2 GW 9 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Group 3/4 Vote
2. Romain Naim -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Council of Doom New School
1. Marc-Etienne -- 2 GW 6 VP - 3 VP -- Group 1/2 Celerity GunCongratulations to Marc-Etienne for his victory in the tournament; so now he's qualified for the EC 2009! You can find the tournament winning deck and a tournament report in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Jeroen -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 2 VP -- G3/4 Malkavian Bleed
2. Lukas -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- G1/2 Nosferatu Royalty
2. Jörg -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Gangrel Renegade Garou Rush/Intercept
2. Michael B. -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Dominate/Protean Bleed feat. Christopher Houghton
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." -- Sun Tzu in "The Art of War"This is so true for VtES. Not only should you know, how your own deck is working, but also how other decks are working. And this best achieved by playing the different decktypes yourself. Even if you loathe Stealth Bleed or a Weenie Presence Vote deck, having played these decks makes you understand the strength and weakness of the deck, and makes you a better player eventually. More quotes from The Art of War are available on WikiQuote.
1. Erik Torstensen -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 4 VP -- Guillaume Giovanni PowerbleedCongratulations to Erik for his win of the Swedish ECQ 2009. In the international newsgroup you can find final standings as well as the finalist's decks.
2. Henrik Klippström -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1 VP -- Weenie Potence Computer Hacking
2. Adam Esbjörnsson -- 2 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Mid-Cap Auspex Wall
2. Hugh Angseesing -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Antitribu Block/Bruise/Bleed
2. Ola Hansson -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue antitribu For/Dom Bruise & Bleed
Cardtype: Action
Clan: Nosferatu
+1 stealth. Unique.
If this Nosferatu's capacity is 6 or more, he or she untaps. Put this card in play. Whenever a referendum succeeds, you may tap this card to look at any Methuselah's hand.
Cardtype: Master
Unique master.
Put this card on a vampire of capacity 1, and put three cards from your hand, ash heap or library on this card, face up but out of play. This vampire may play other copies of these cards as if he or she had the Discipline required (if any) at superior.
Cardtype: Action
+1 stealth hunt action.
Gain 5 blood. After successful resolution, a referendum is called to call a blood hunt on this vampire (independent of the action, just as if he or she had committed diablerie).
Salt of Thoth
Cardtype: Reaction
Clan: Tremere
Cost: 2 blood
Usable by a tapped Tremere. Cause a (D) action targeting a location you control to fail and put this card on that location. You may burn this card to cause a (D) action targeting this location to fail.
The Marrakech Codex
Cardtype: Master
Unique Master.
Tap to look at and reorder the top four cards of your library. Any vampire may steal this card for his controlled as a (D) action.
Cardtype: Action
+1 stealth action. Requires a titled vampire.
(D) Burn a younger non-titled vampire who has burned one of your non-Red list vampires since your last turn.
The Fourth Cycle
Cardtype: Event
Requires at least two other Gehenna cards in play.
When this card is played, burn all Gehenna cards and conviction cards, and send all vampires with capacity 3 or less in torpor. No Gehenna cards may be played while this card remains in play.
1. Jeff Kuta -- Old School Malkavian S&B -- 4 VPCongratulations to Jeff for his win of the SF Bay Area Qualifier 2009. You can find a report and the tournament winning deck in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Ian -- Laibon Harbingers -- 1 VP
2. Andy Haas-- Malkavians with Dementation -- 0 VP
2. Jeff Yin -- Followers of Set Mummy Ally -- 0 VP
2. Brandon Haas -- Followers of Set Bleed/Corruption -- 0 VP