While looking for methods of testing decks in
VtES I stumbled across this beauty of a deck (from
March 2000). It's a 90 card deck where the library consists only of master cards. The deck is not working anymore, because
Anarch Revolt got reworded in the
Kindred Most Wanted expansion, but as monument for a "
master card only" deck type it's still quite impressive. And at least, when playing this deck your turns are quite short: play 2-3 master cards, take influence (or not) and then possibly discard a card. On the other hand, I think it's incredible boring to play this deck after a little while, since taking actions, blocking or interacting in any other (significant) way with the other players is a huge part of the game.
Deck Name: Methuselah Madness
Author: Rob Grau
Description: The deck gains pool with Minion Taps & Golcondas, does damage to its prey (and the rest of the table) with Anarch Revolts and Antediluvian Awakenings. It will also help out its grand prey and others at the table from being ousted with the Life Boons.
It is not a deck to be played by the weak of will, or those who must act. Two cards played per turn, three when lucky, and then sit around until it is your turn again. Knowing what to discard and will also take quite a while to get the hang of.
Crypt (Capacity min=8 max=11 avg=8.86; 14 cards)
1x Angelica, The Canonicus 10 cel obf DOM OBT POT Lasombra:2
7x Anson 8 aus dom CEL PRE Toreador:1
1x Arika 11 aus cel DOM FOR OBF PRE Ventrue:2
1x Cassandra, Magus Prime 10 cel pre AUS DOM THA Tremere:1
3x Ingrid Rossler 9 dom ANI FOR PRO Gangrel:2
1x Ulugh Beg, The Watcher 10 cel for pot AUS DOM THA Tremere:1
Library (90 cards)
Master (90 cards)
17x Anarch Revolt
4x Antediluvian Awakening
2x Archon Investigation
1x Art Museum
6x Ascendance
4x Barrens, The
1x Blood Doll
3x Effective Management
3x Elder Library
1x Elysium: The Arboretum
3x Giant's Blood
8x Golconda: Inner Peace
3x Information Highway
6x Life Boon
2x Malkavian Dementia
13x Minion Tap
6x Parthenon, The
2x Protected Resources
5x Sudden Reversal
Created with Secret Library v0.9.3. (Oct 8, 2010 12:14:22)
The deck was later greatly enhanced with non-master cards like
Obedience or
Anthelios the Red Star, but the foundation of the deck is already here. An example for the enhanced deck is the
Anson Master Revolt tournament winning deck played by
Kamel Senni (in 2004)