Tuesday, July 21, 2009

¿Se Habla Español?

Since the European VtES Championship 2009 is taking placing in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, it's time to learn some of the more important phrases commonly needed in game of VtES en español:
  • "Soy tu aliado." -- "I am your ally."

  • "Nunca rompo pactos." -- "I never break deals."

  • "No te haré daño." -- "I don't want to harm you."

  • "Te sangro de ocho, con dos de sigilo." -- "I bleed you for eight, with +2 stealth."

  • "Por favor, no me ataques." -- "Please don't rush me."

  • "Desvio el sangrado a mi presa." -- "I bounce the bleed to my prey."

  • "Voto a favor." -- "I vote in favour."

  • "Voto en contra." -- "I vote against."
.. and most importantly:
  • "¿Habla Ingles?" -- "Do you speak English?"
If you know more valuable bits and pieces of VtES lingo en español, please feel free to comment. And please include the English translation!!


Vezintroll said...

In spanish,I vote in favour is Voto a favor.

Anonymous said...

Una cerveza, por favor - One beer, please

mondragon lasombra said...

im spanish.

Buddy = colega

rescue from torpor = rescatar del sopor

redirect = redirigir

Warning with him (indicates the dangerous one)!! this guy will eat us all = cuidado con ese!!(indicates the dangerous one). Que nos come a todos (not literal)