Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Did you know, that ... (Part 54)

.. that you can cancel a Master or Event card when it is played by using Power of All, but you cannot use Power of All to cancel a Combat card. The reason is that, while Power of All explicitly says it can be played when there's no action (allowing to cancel Events and Masters), it does not explicitly says it can be played during combat. And the VtES rules (section "6.4. Combat") explicitly state that non-Combat minion cards cannot be played during combat.

Two other things to note:
  • It requires two untapped Anarchs to play Power of All in the master card phase or discard phase, since you cannot play (allmost all) other reaction cards like On the Qui Vive in these phases.

  • In contrast to other cards that cancel cards like Direct Intervention, Power of All makes the other player pay for the card he played, even though it was canceled.



Serazahr said...

Just a small typo:
"And the VtES rules (section "6.4. Combat") explicitly state that non-Combat cards cannot be played during combat."

Should read "[...] that non-Combat minion cards cannot be played during combat."
As master cards e.g. can still be played.

extrala said...

Oh, right, thanks for the correction. Otherwise cards like Rotschreck or Direct Intervention could not be played during combat!