Monday, January 24, 2011

Poll Results: "Deck of the Year 2010"

After having presented twelve decks of the month in the past year, I have asked you to pick the Deck of the Year 2010. 242 votes have been cast in this poll.

So the winner for the Deck of Year 2010 is Francesco d'Alessio (ITA) with his "Il Fakiro d'Alessio" deck. Congratulations to Francesco for building and winning with this deck. Unfortunately for Francesco, there is no actual prize support for this "award" other than your five minutes of fame. Here are decks that made it the top three of the list:
  1. May 2010: Il Fakiro d'Alessio -- a powerbleed deck based on Fakir al Sidi played by Francesco D'Alessio (ITA) -- 68 (28%)
  2. November 2010: True Power -- a True Brujah equipment Bleed deck played by Péter Botos (HUN) -- 42 (17%)
  3. October 2010: Snakes on the Plane -- a Followers of Set Set's Curse/Ilomba deck by Ivan Marin-Rivas (SWE) -- 21 (8%)
The complete results of the poll look like this:
  1. May 2010: Il Fakiro d'Alessio by Francesco D'Alessio (ITA) -- 68 (28%)
  2. November 2010: True Power by Péter Botos (HUN) -- 42 (17%)
  3. October 2010: Snakes on the Plane by Ivan Marin-Rivas (SWE) -- 21 (8%)
  4. August 2010: Tryphosa Bleed/Defense by Erol Öngün (GER) -- 18 (7%)
  5. September 2010: Eze like the Sunday by Matt Wedge (USA) -- 18 (7%)
  6. February 2010: Wax On, Wax Off by Martin Schumacher (GER) -- 16 (6%)
  7. June 2010: The World's Biggest Multirushers by Darby Keeney (USA) -- 15 (6%)
  8. April 2010: Singing in the Ground by Randal Rudstam (SWE) -- 12 (4%)
  9. January 2010: The Rats in Sheep's Clothing by Roger Carhult (SWE) -- 11 (4%)
  10. March 2010: Paella au d'Erlette by Jordi Tomás (ESP) -- 10 (4%)
  11. December 2010: Obey Redux by Mike Zajac (USA) -- 7 (2%)
  12. July 2010: Laibon Vote feat. Lutz by Kelly Schultz (USA) -- 4 (1%)

1 comment:

Francesco D'Alessio said...

Really thanks for voting! The idea of a fakir bleeding deck was born while building a casual gangrel combat deck, trying to find out some ousting power. After choosing Fakir and Aksynia the deck has grown himself, by playing and trying a lot. I'm very pride of the score it got :D Hope that someone will try it!