Thursday, March 3, 2011

Did you know, that ... (Part 57)

.. you can untap The Parthenon with the help of House of Sorrows, but you cannot use during the same turn. The reason for this is that The Parthenon follows one of the basic card text paradigms in VtES, namely "During X, do Y". This card text paradigm restricts the use of a card or special ability to once per turn. So even if you have managed to untap The Parthenon in your own master phase, you cannot tap it a second time then.

Observe the difference to card like KRCG Newsradio, which only says "You may tap this card to give +1 intercept to a minion you control, (..)". So you can untap KRCG Newsradio via House of Sorrows you can use it during the same turn, even during the same action.


Hakuron said...

Good to know ... I was thinking about abusing The Parthenon this way ... well, there are other possibilities!

Dr.Mafrune said...

Use it to get 4 pool with the coven... and your predator gets nothing at all.

Randyman said...

THe coven thing is not all together true, You get 4 blood but becasue of the wording of house of sorrow the coven still untaps... but not the house...