"The thing that trips me up the most is when winning becomes too important. When I'm able to just relax and play is when I'm the most effective." -- Matt T. Morgan (NAC 2011 Winner)Reference: VEKN.net
1. Pawel Kosz (POL) -- 2 GW 5.5 -- 4 VP -- Malkavian/Malkavian antitribu S&BCongratulations to Pawel for his win of the Polish ECQ 2011. You can find the final standings and the tournament winner's deck in the Polish VtES Forum.
2. Marcin Watras (POL) -- 2 GW 11 VP -- 1 VP -- Tupdog multirush
2. Tomasz Kowalewski (POL) -- 2 GW 11.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Saulot
2. Michal Kaszubski (POL) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Malkavian Rachel Brandywine PRO
2. Michal Kurzycki (POL) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Malkavian(?) S&B
1. Denes Kocis (CRO) -- Ventrue Lawfirm feat. ArikaCongratulations to Denes for his win of the Croatian ECQ 2011. You can also find the tournament winning deck on VEKN.net.
2. Nikica Novakovic (SRB) -- Ventrue antitribu G3/4 Grinder
2. Milos Krstic (SRB) -- Nana Ashur/Ani Combat
2. Ivan Gudelj (CRO) -- Akunanse No Secrets
2. Roko Veic-Sukreski (CRO) -- Tremere antitribu Toolbox Ally
"Please please please shhhhhh about Art of MemoryReference: VEKN.net
Right now, I think there are maybe a half a dozen people on the tournament scene who really know what the value of that card is. Good. We only have to eliminate four other people and the tech is ours alone!" -- TryDeflectingThisGrapple (US VtES Player)
"Light as air.With the help of the community on VtES Newsgroup he came up a number of (more or less) ingenious decks. From time to time Preston sold (and still) sells these decks on eBay. The deck consist of 60 library and 12 crypt cards, examples look like this:
Stronger than whiskey.
Cheaper than dirt."
Hotel Eurostars Sevilla Congresos
Avenida Alcalde Luis Uruñuela s/n, East
41020 Sevilla
1. Alessandro Donati (ITA) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 3 VP -- Giovanni Powerbleed DOMCongratulations to Alessandro for his win of the Italian ECQ 2011. You can find the final standings on Italy by Night.
2. Dennis Floreano (ITA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 2 VP -- D'Erlette/Nephandus Trick
2. Danilo Torrisi (ITA) -- 3 GW 11 VP -- 0 VP -- Tupdog/Rock Cat/Nephandus
2. Enrico De Stefano (ITA) -- 3 GW 9 VP -- 0 VP -- Ravnos Carnival w/ Embraces
2. Nicola Lonardi (ITA) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Toreador antitribu/Embrace/ Palla Grande
1. Sven Randy Rudstam (SWE) -- 3 VP -- Gangrel Tap&BleedCongratulations to Randy for his win of the Great Lakes (Origins) NAC Qualifier 2011.
2. Rodd Closson (USA) -- 2 VP -- Malkavian antitribu G3/4 Dementation Bleed
2. Brad Cashdollar (USA) -- 0 VP -- Toreador Cel Gun Wall
2. Sarah Ritzius (USA) -- 0 VP -- Malkavian antitribu G2/3 Dementation Bleed
2. Pascal Bertrand (FRA) -- 0 VP -- Ishtarri No Secrets from the Magaji
MJC La Chesnaie
Allée des chataigners
49240 Avrillé
Deck Name: The Friendmaker
Author: Kevin Scribner
Description: See also Jyhad Deck Archive
Crypt (Capacity min=1 max=3 avg=1.85; 13 cards)
1x Antoinette DuChamp 1 cel pre Caitiff:2
1x Brooke 3 dom tha !Tremere:2
1x Cameron 3 dom pot Lasombra:2
1x Christine Boscacci 2 dom vic Pander:2
1x Jing Wei 3 dom tha Tremere:1
1x March Halcyon 1 for Pander:2
1x Marciana Giovanni, Investigator 2 dom Giovanni:2
1x Mustafa Rahman 2 dom Tremere:2
1x Navar McClaren 1 ani Caitiff:1
1x Ohanna 2 dom Malkavian:2
1x Royce 1 dom Pander:2
1x Samson 2 dom !Ventrue:2
1x Smudge the Ignored 1 -none- Caitiff:1
Library (90 cards)
Master (30 cards)
4x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Barrens, The
4x Effective Management
1x Gird Minions
8x Information Highway
6x Misdirection
4x Parthenon, The
2x Tribute to the Master
Action (22 cards)
22x Computer Hacking
Action Modifier (8 cards)
4x Command of the Beast
4x Conditioning
Reaction (22 cards)
8x Deflection
8x Delaying Tactics
6x Wake with Evening's Freshness
Combat (8 cards)
8x Fake Out
Created with Secret Library v0.9.3. (Jun 12, 2011 18:43:30)
1. Stewart MacLeod (AUS) -- 1 GW 2.5 VP -- 3 VP -- True Brujah G5/6 Toolboxish VoteCongratulations to Stewart for his win of the Sydney ACQ 2011. You can find the winner's decklist and a tournament report in the VEKN.net forum.
2. Michael Tomkins (AUS) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 1 VP -- Brujah G4/5 Anarch Chameleon
2. Simon Reed (NZL) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 1 VP -- Giovanni G2/3 Shambling Hordes
2. Chris Arthur (AUS) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Gangrel G1/2 Wall feat. Mirembe
2. Steve Harris (AUS) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Assamites
1. Igor Pereira (POR) -- Weenie Celerity with SticksCongratulations to Igor for his win of the Portuguese ECQ 2011. You can find the tournament winning deck and a tournament report in the VEKN.net forum.
2. Tiago Brum (POR) -- Boys Will Find Inner Peace
2. Marco Fernandes (POR) -- Tup Dogs
2. Nuno Moure (POR) -- Hardestadt Pure Rush
2. Luis Santos (POR) -- Weenie Celerity with Sticks
Paladin's Place
Kirchstraße 21
64283 Darmstadt,Germany
1. Selen Turkay (USA) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 5 VP -- Weenie DementationCongratulations to Selen for her win of the New York City NAC Qualifier 2011 (for the second time after 2010!). You can find an extensive tournament report on VEKN.net.
2. Wayne Chin (USA) -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Followers of Set Cryptic Mission
2. Shawn Stanley (USA) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Personal Involvement?
2. Peter Oh (USA) -- 0 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue antitribu
2. Jen Goldberg (USA) -- 0 GW 2 VP -- 0 VP -- Lasombra/Kiasyd Bleed
Nergal Bleed, Nergal call the Great Beast, Nergal activate the Great Beast (Nergal burn), Great Beast bleed, Great Beast Eternal Mask to Nergal with all the blood and daring inferior (Great Beast burn). Repeat until game win.The only drawback of the deck is its repetitiveness (due the small number of different cards) and complete devotion to the combo, which may led to a rather boring games (even for the players). On the other hand I appreciate the original idea and the execution of the idea which led to the tournament win.
Deck Name: Los susurros del Baali: Turbo Nergal
Los susurros del Baali
Badia del Valles, Spain
May 15th, 2011
25 players
3R + F
Nergal Bleed, Nergal call the Great Beast, Nergal activate the Great Beast (Nergal burn), Great Beast bleed, Great Beast Eternal Mask to Nergal with all the blood and daring inferior (Great Beast burn). Repeat until game win.
Crypt (Capacity min=1 max=10 avg=5.77; 13 cards)
2x Aimee Laroux 2 for pre Daughter of Cacophony:4
2x Andy 1 for Caitiff:4
1x Neel Ramanathan 3 ani for Ravnos:4
6x Nergal 10 AUS DAI FOR OBF PRE THA Baali:5
1x Rashiel 3 for val !Salubri:4
1x Rosemarie 3 mel FOR Daughter of Cacophony:4
Library (90 cards)
Action (27 cards)
11x Call the Great Beast
11x Eternal Mask, The
5x Scrounging
Action Modifier (56 cards)
12x Daring the Dawn
3x Elder Impersonation
5x Faceless Night
33x Freak Drive
3x Psychomachia
Combo (7 cards)
7x Sense the Sin
Created with Secret Library v0.9.3. (Jun 5, 2011 23:02:55)
1. Alexander Loginov (BLR) -- 2 GW 6,5 VP -- 3 VP -- Ahrimanes WallCongratulations to Alexander for winning the Belorussian ECQ 2011. You find the full results and more information on VEKN.net.
2. Andrew Kashpar (BLR) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 1 VP -- Maris Streck w/ Warghouls
2. Prischepa Konstantin (RUS) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1 VP -- Daughters of Cacophony G2/3 Choir
2. Maria Semenova (BLR) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue G2/3 Lawfirm
2. Alex Minov (BLR) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Toreador AAA Grandball
1. Jelmer Wedholm (NED) -- 0 GW 2 VP -- 3 VP -- Giovanni G5/6 Bleed feat. Anu DiptinatpaCongratulations to Jelmer for winning the Belgian ECQ 2011. A tournament report by two of the finalists and the tournament winning deck can be found in the Dutch VtES Forum (in English).
2. Martin Varga (SVK) -- 2 GW 7.5 VP -- 1 VP -- Tremere G2/3 Wall(lish)
2. Koen Tabak (NED) -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 1 VP -- Followers of Set G4 Bima
2. Peter Bouwman (NED) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Assamite G4 Bleed/Vote feat. Mukhtar Bey
2. Lucien De Prins (BEL) -- 0 GW 2 VP -- 0 VP -- Tremere antitribu G3/4 Nephandus Rush/Bleed
"Red lights, grey morning
You stumble out of a hole in the ground
A vampire or a victim
It depends on who's around"-- Stay (Far away, so close) by U2
1. Timothée Daudé (FRA) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- Kiasyd Stealth BleedCongratulations to Timotée for winning the French ECQ (North) 2011. You can find the tournament winning deck and the final standings on VEKN France.
2. Pierre Tran Van (FRA) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- Toreador Triple-A
2. Arnaud Baigts (FRA) -- 2 GW 5 VP -- Unnamed/Great Beast Shatter the Gates
2. Mathieu Subra (FRA) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- Followers of Set Temptation
2. Dean Garratt (SUI) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- Brujah G4/5 Toolbox?
1. Norbert Flasko (HUN) -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 2.5 VP -- Midcap G1/2 Presence BleedCongratulations to Norbert for his win of the English ECQ 2011. The full standings and the tournament winning deck can be found in the English VtES Forum.
2. Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0.5 VP --
2. Sebastian Meurer (GER) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 0.5 VP -- Ravnos Wall feat. Gabrin
2. Phil Thompson (UK) -- 1 GW 2.5 VP -- 0 VP --
2. Seamus O'Toole (UK) -- 0 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP --