"The person seeing the most cards in a game is most likely to win." -- James Coupe (Veteran VtES Player)Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorable Quotes (Part 42)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Results Finnish National VtES Championship 2009

1. Jari Vulli (FIN) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 2 VP -- Tremere ToolboxCongratulations to Jari for his win of the Finnish Nationals 2009. A tournament report and the winner's decklist can be found in the VtES Usenet Newgroup.
2. Marko Lindroos (FIN) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 2 VP -- Lutz & Unmada
2. Jari Åkerström (FIN) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 1 VP -- Huitzilopochtli Bleed
2. Joni Huumonen (FIN) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Obfuscate Dominate Bleed
2. Pauli Kiova (FIN) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Khazar's Diary
Results Polish National VtES Championship 2009

1. Michal Kochanowski (POL) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 3 VP -- Followers of Set Mind RapeCongratulations to Michal for his win of the Polish Nationals 2009. A tournament report and the winner's decklist can be found in the VtES Usenet Newgroup.
2. Marcin Watras (POL) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 1 VP -- Tupdogs
2. Michal Pietrzak (POL) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1 VP -- Cybelotron
2. Pawel Kukielczynski (POL) -- 1 GW 6,5 VP -- 0 VP -- Piper War Ghoul
2. Mikolaj Sochanski (POL) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Potence
Monday, May 25, 2009
"Ebony Kingdom" Spoilers #3
Here are some updates of the information on the new VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom". Orange Devil posted this as comment to an earlier post, but for added visibility I put it up here (and did some formatting):
Both "Taming the Beast" and "Devil-Channel: Feet" are included in the boosters as commons. Aye and Orun are both also included in the boosters as rares. Furthermore, each booster display contains 10 Aye and 10 Orun. Each booster contains, from front to back:
Here are the card texts for the two "missing" cards "Taming the Best" and "Devil-Channel: Feet".
Both "Taming the Beast" and "Devil-Channel: Feet" are included in the boosters as commons. Aye and Orun are both also included in the boosters as rares. Furthermore, each booster display contains 10 Aye and 10 Orun. Each booster contains, from front to back:
- 4 commons
- 3 vampires
- 1 rare
- 2 commons
- 1 rare
Here are the card texts for the two "missing" cards "Taming the Best" and "Devil-Channel: Feet".
#07: Devil-Channel: Feet (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
Cost: 1 blood
[abo] [Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Frenzy (this vampire). Not usable if the opposing minion has flight. Strike: dodge with an optional press.
[ABO]: As above, and this vampire taps an Aye on him or her to untap.
[Draft]: [cel]: As [abo] or [ABO] above.
#35: Taming the Beast (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
[sbo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Strike: Hand strike at +1 damage. This combat, this minion cannot cancel frenzy cards nor press to end.
[ABO]: As above, but strike: burn equipment.
[Draft]: [pot]: Strike: hand strike at +1 damage.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gaining Vampiric Disciplines
In VtES besides the well-known Master: Discipline cards (currently 18 of them) there are several ways of gaining disciplines with the help of library cards, most of them are unique equipments which grant the superior version of a particular discipline:
- Book of Going Forth by Night, The -- Serpentis
- Changeling Skin Mask -- Obfuscate
- Codex of the Damned -- Thaumaturgy
- Drum of Xipe Totec -- Celerity
- Eye of Hazimel -- Chimerstry & Potence
- Hand of Conrad -- Potence
- Reliquary: Akunanse Remains -- Fortitude, Animalism or Abombwe
- Sargon Fragment, The -- Necromancy
- Seal of Veddartha -- Dominate & Fortitude
- Sword of Troile -- Presence & Potence
- Textbook Damnation, The -- Daimonium
- Veneficorum Artum Sanguis -- Thaumaturgy
- Vial of Elder Vitae -- gives one level of a particular discipline for one turn.
- Winchester Mansion -- Dementation
- Agent of Power -- one level of any discipline for a turn.
- Bestow Vigor -- basic Fortitude for a minion (not for vampires only!).
- Blooding by the Code -- one level of Valeren for a Salubri antitribu.
- Camarilla Vitae Slave -- one discipline at superior for a Lasombra (he already posesses) with this retainer; can be changed during each controller's master phase.
- Cloak of Blood -- one level of a discipline a diablerized vampire had for the diablerist.
- Dive into Madness -- superior Dementation for one turn.
- Feral Spirit -- one level of Spiritus to a Gangrel (and making him/her an Ahrimane)
- Haven Affinity -- all disciplines at superior for a Tzimisce for the combat after a successful block.
- Infernal Familiar -- a number of uses (=max. capacity of the vampire) for any discipline at basic level .
- Proxy Kissed -- one level of Potence and one level of Fortitude for a Giovanni.
- Infernal Pact -- any discipline at superior (for Tremere antitribu).
- Sanguine Instruction -- any discipline that another clan member has (at basic if the recipient didn't had the discipline before; at superior otherwise).
- Shared Strength -- basic/superior Fortitude for a vampire in combat.
- Sponteaneous Power -- one level of any discipline.
- Treaty of Laibach -- one level of Thaumaturgy equal to their Serpentis for every Follower of Set, and one level of Serpentis equal to their Thaumaturgy for every Tremere.
- Trophy: Discipline -- any discipline at superior after burning a Red List minion.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
"Ebony Kingdom" Spoilers: Complete Library
Here's the complete list of library cards of the new VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom" (as spoilered in the French VtES forum). In addition to the announced 40 new library cards there are copies of "Aye" and "Orun" included.
##01: 419 Operation (EK:C)
Clan: Osebo
+1 stealth action.
Put this card in play. during your untap phase, you may move 1 pool from your prey's pool to this card or move the pool on this card to your pool. Your prey can burn the Edge to move the counter on this card to his pool and burn this card.
[Draft]: Put this card on the Laibon and untap him or her. The card counts as an Aye or an Orun, even when not in play.
##02: Bamba (EK:C)
Cardtype: Action
Cost: 1 blood
Requires a non-sterile Laibon with a capacity of 4 or more. +1 stealth action.
Put this card in play. It becomes a 1 capacity non-unique Laibon of the same clan and cannot act this turn. If the acting Laibon is a magaji, you may search your library, hand or ash heap for a master: Discipline card to play on this vampire (pay cost as normal) and you may move 1 blood from that magaji to this Laibon.
#03: Bestial Vengeance (EK:R)
Cardtype: Combat
Requires a Laibon
[ani]: Only usable before range is determined, choose a retainer on this Laibon. This combat this Laibon is immune to frenzy cards and the opposing minion takes 1 damage during strike resolution if the retainer is ready. A vampire can only play one Bestial Vengeance each combat.
[ANI]: As above, but for 2 damage.
#04: Blood Shield (EK:R)
Cardtype: Equipment
Clan: Osebo
Cost: 2 pool
Unique equipment.
The minion with this equipment may prevent one damage from an opposing minion's strike each round. If used to prevent damage from a strike made by a vampire with capacity 6 or less, that vampire burns 2 blood.
#05: Brutal Influence (EK:C)
Cardtype: Action
Cost: 1 blood
[pot]: Bleed at +1 bleed. When the action is announced this vampire may tap X Orun on him to get an additional +X bleed.
[POT]: +1 stealth action. Tap X Orun cards on this vampire to move X blood from the blood bank to a younger Laibon in your uncontrolled region.
#06: Despiral (EK:C)
Clan: Ishtarri
Cost: 1 Blood
+1 stealth action.
Put this card on this Ishtarri and put 1 counter on this card. This Ishtarri get +X bleed, where X is the number of counter son this card. This Ishtarri can add a counter to this card as a +1 stealth action that costs X blood.
[Draft]: Put this card on this Laibon and untap him or her. This card counts as an Aye and an Orun, even when on in play.
#07: Devil-Channel: Feet (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
Cost: 1 blood
[abo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Frenzy (this vampire). Not usable if the opposing minion has flight. Strike: dodge with an optional press.
[ABO]: As above, and this vampire taps an Aye on him or her to untap.
[Draft]: [cel]: As [abo] or [ABO] above.
#08: Dusk Work (EK:C)
Cardtype: Action Modifier
Burn Option.
Requires a Laibon ith three or more Aye.
Play after resolving an action (successfully or not). Tap three Aye on this Laibon to untap him or her.
#09: Edge of the World (EK:R)
Cardtype: Action Modifier
Clan: Guruhi
Usable only by a ready Guruhi you control (acting or not). Only usable if you have gained a victory point during this action.
You gain 4 pool. If this Guruhi is acting, he untaps and gains enough blood from the blood bank to reach full capacity. Only one Edge Of The World can be played each action.
#10: Exile (EK:C)
Cardtype: Action
Cost: 2 blood
+1 stealth action
[pre]: Tap an ally or younger vampire and untap this vampire.
[PRE]: Tap X Orun on this vampire to send a vampire or imbued with capacity or cost less than 2X to his or her uncontrolled region.
#11: Familial Bond (EK:C)
Cardtype: Reaction
Cost: 1 blood
Requires a Laibon.
Only usable on an action directed at another Laibon you control or on a bleed against you.
+1 intercept. If this block fails, the acting minion may choose to make the action fail. If the action is successful, this Laibon may tap (after resolution) to enter combat with the acting minion.
##12: Guinea-Bissau Carnival (EK:R)
Cardtype: Master
Put this card in play. Each Laibon gets +X stealth when hunting and gains X+1 additional blood from the bank if successful, where X is the number of Aye he or she has. Burn this card during your next untap phase. Only one Guinea-Bissau Carnival may be played in a game.
#13: Hiding in the Open (EK:R)
Cardtype: Political Action
Requires a Laibon.
If this referendum is successful, this Laibon get +1 bleed.
Cards which require a non-Laibon title cannot be played on this Laibon nor when this Laibon is acting.
A minion can have only one Hiding in the Open.
#14: Ilomba (EK:R)
Cardtype: Retainer
Animal with 1 life. Requires a Laibon
Put Ilomba on any minion (this action is +1 stealth if that minion is controlled by another Methuselah). If Ilomba would burn a life (or would be burned), this minion burns a blood or life instead.
If he cannot, he is burned. A minion can have only one Ilomba.
##15: Impundulu (EK:R)
Cardtype: Ally
Cost: 3 blood
Unique demon with 1 life, 1 strength, 0 bleed.
Impundulu has flight, gets one optional maneuver each combat, and may strike: 1R damage. He may steal 1 blood or life as a +1 stealth (D) action.
#16: Invoke Poison Glands (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
[abo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Strike: hand strike at +1 damage
[ABO]: Strike: burn the opposing animal or mortal, or strike: hand strike with +X damage where X is the number of Orun on this vampire.
#17: Ishtarri Warlord (EK:R)
Cardtype: Master
Clan: Ishtarri
Cost: 1 pool
Put this card on an Ishtarri you control. This Ishtarri gets an optional press or maneuver each combat.
A minion can have only one Ishtarri Warlord.
##18: Jua Vema (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
[for]: This vampire treats aggravated damage as normal damage this round.
[FOR]: As above, but for the remainder of the action if you tap an Aye on him or her.
[Draft]: [for]: Prevent 1 damage.
#19: Kuta (EK:C)
Cardtype: Political Action
Requires a Laibon.
Choose a younger vampire with a capacity of 6 or less. If this referendum is successful, put this card on that vampire. Directed actions cost this vampire an additional blood. This vampire cannot block older vampire. Any vampire may call a referendum to burn this card as a +1 stealth political action.
#20: Make an Example (EK:R)
Cardtype: Action Modifier
Clan: Guruhi
Only usable by a non-acting Guruhi when an acting Laibon you control is blocked (before combat).
Inflict 2 unpreventable damage on both the acting and blocking minion and end the action (without combat).
#21: Mapatano Utando (EK:R)
Cardtype: Unique Master
Clan: Akunanse
Put this card in play. you may tap this card to reduce a bleed against you by 1. During your influence phase you may burn the edge and tap this card to gain 4 transfer. Any vampire can burn this card as a (D) action that cost 1 blood.
##22: Mundane (EK:C)
Cardtype: Master
Put this card on a Laibon with no Orun or Mundane. Cards that require Disciplines cost this vampire one additional blood. Burn this card if this vampire gets an Orun. Alternatively, when a minion with no Orun plays an action card requiring a Discipline or Virtue, play this card to your ash heap to cancel that card as it is played.
#23: My Kin Against the World (EK:C)
Cardtype: Political Action
Cost: X blood
Choose X younger vampire of the same clan as this acting vampire. If this vampire is a Laibon you may choose younger Laibon regardless of clan. If this referendum passes, untap this acting vampire and the chosen vampire. Only one My Kin Against The World can be called each turn.
##24: Neebi (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
Burn Action
Requires a Laibon with three or more Aye.
Only usable before range is determined. Set the range for this round. Skip the determine range step this round.
[DRAFT]: As above, but requires only two Aye.
#25: Nkishi (EK:R)
Cardtype: Equipment
Unique equipment. Requires a Laibon.
You may use a master phase action to search your library or ash heap for an Aye or Orun cards and put that card on this Laibon.
#26: Pallid (EK:C)
Cardtype: Master
Put this card on a Laibon with no Aye and no Pallid. This vampire gets -1 stealth. Burn this card if this vampire gets an Aye. Alternatively, when a vampire with no Aye or a zombie is acting, play this card to your ash heap as an out of turn master to give a vampire you control +1 intercept.
#27: Powerbase: Luanda (EK:R)
Cardtype: Master
Master: Unique Location
Requires a ready Laibon
Tap during your master phase and choose a vampire you control. Once this turn this vampire may enter combat with any minion as a +1 stealth action. Any vampire may steal this location as a (D) action.
#28: Reliquary: Trinket (EK:C)
Cardtype: Equipment
Cost: 1 pool
If the bearer is a ready Laibon, you get +1 hand size.
This Laibon may discard up to 3 cards from your hand as a +1 stealth action. A minion can have only one Reliquary: Trinket.
##29: Remnant of the Endless Storm (EK:R)
Cardtype: Ally
Cost: 6 pool
Unique werewolf with 5 life. 1 strength, 0 bleed. Requires a magaji.
The Remnant gets +1 strength for each life it has. The Remnant may enter combat with any minion as a (D) action. If any effect does more than 2 damage to the Remnant, ignore the excess. If the Remnant has 4 or fewer life during your untap phase, it gains 1 life from the blood bank.
#30: Savannah Runner (EK:R)
Cardtype: Reaction
Requires a Laibon.
[cel]: This Laibon burns 1 blood to have +1 intercept.
[CEL]: Tap this Laibon or an Aye on him to untap another ready Laibon. not usable by a blocking Laibon.
#31: Sense Vibrations (EK:R)
Cardtype: Master
Master: Trifle.
Put this card on a Laibon with Auspex. This Laibon with Auspex may tap this card during a referendum to get 1 additional vote. A vampire can have only on Sense Vibrations.
#32: Supernatural Resistance (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat/Reaction
Burn option.
Requires a Laibon with three or more Orun.
Tap an Orun on this Laibon to cancel an action card targeting this Laibon or a strike card as it is played. Not usable to cancel a card that doesn't require a discipline or that requires Celerity or Potence.
##33: Taking the Skin: Minion (EK:R)
Cardtype: Action Modifier/Combat
[abo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Skin. Play when this vampire burns a minion. Put this card on this vampire and untap him or her. This vampire may bleed an additional time this turn and gets +1 bleed and +1 stealth when bleeding. Burn this card during your discard phase. A minion can have only one skin.
#34: Taking the Skin: Vulture (EK:R)
Cardtype: Reaction
[abo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Skin. +1 intercept and put this card on the vampire. he gains Flight. Burn this card during your next untap phase.
[ABO]: As above, and this vampire gets an optional maneuver during each combat.
#35: Taming the Beast (EK:C)
Cardtype: Combat
[abo][Reflex]: Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo]: Strike: Hand strike at +1 damage. This combat, this minion cannot cancel frenzy cards nor press to end.
[ABO]: As above, but strike: burn equipment.
[Draft]: [pot]: Strike: hand strike at +1 damage.
#36: The Bitter and Sweet Story (EK:R)
Cardtype: Event
Each Methuselah gets +2 hand size for each victory point he or she has.
#37: Transcendent Laibon (EK:R)
Cardtype: Master
Burn option.
Unique Master. Put this card on a Laibon with 3 Aye and 3 Orun.
During your untap phase,this Laibon gains one blood. Allies and younger vampire must burn 1 blood or life to attempt to block this Laibon or to target him with (D) action. Burn this card if this minion is not ready or has fewer than three Aye or three Orun.
#38: Tunnel Runner (EK:C)
Cardtype: Ally
Clan: Akunanse
Cost:4 pool
Werewolf with 3 life. 1 strength, 1 bleed.
The Runner may play cards that require [ani] as a vampire and may burn 1 life to get +1 stealth. If he successfully bleeds, you may look at the target Methuselah's hand. A vampire stealing life from the Runner takes 1 damage for each point stolen. If the Runner has 2 or fewer life during your untap phase, he gains 1 life.
#39: Unholy Radiance (EK:C)
Cardtype: Action Modifier / Reaction
Requires a Laibon with three or more Orun.
Only usable during a referendum. Usable by a tapped Laibon. Gain 4 votes.
#40: Well-Marked (EK:R)
Cardtype: Action
Cost: 1 blood
+1 stealth action. Requires a Laibon.
Put this card on this Laibon. If his capacity is 5 or more he untaps. once each combat this Laibon may prevent 1 non aggravated damage from the minion's strike. A minion can have only one Well Marked.
"Ebony Kingdom" Spoilers: Complete Crypt
Here's the complete list of crypt cards of the new VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom" (as spoilered in the French VtES forum).
#01: Nestor Kaba (EK:V)
Clan: Akunanse
Capacity: 4
Group: 5
Disciplines: abo ani for
#02: Socrate Cidibe (EK:V)
Clan: Akunanse
Capacity: 5
Group: 5
Disciplines: ani ABO FOR
#03: Aisata Swanou (EK:V)
Clan: Akunanse
Capacity: 7
Group: 5
Disciplines: abo ANI FOR VIC
Laibon: During your master phase you may draw a card and move a card from your hand to your ash heap or the top of your library.
##04: Umdava (EK:V)
Clan: Akunanse
Capacity: 9
Group: 4
Disciplines: vic ABO ANI FOR PRE
Laibon magaji: You may use a master phase action to search your library or ash heap for an Aye or Orun to place on a ready Laibon.
#05: Kamiri wa Itherero (ADV) (EK:V)
Clan: Akunanse
Group: 5
Capacity: 10
Disciplines: pot qui ABO ANI FOR OBF
Laibon: Kamiri may inflict two unpreventable damage on a minion as a (D) action.
[MERGED]: Once each action Kamiri may burn a blood to give an acting Laibon +1 stealth.
#06: Fode Kourouma (EK:V)
Clan: Guruhi
Capacity: 5
Group: 5
Disciplines: ani aus pre POT
#07: Batsheva (ADV) (EK:V)
Clan: Guruhi
Capacity: 6
Group: 4
Disciplines: obt pot ANI PRE
Laibon: +1 strength against Malkavian.
[MERGED]: +1 strength.
##08: Ngozi Ekwensu (EK:V)
Clan: Guruhi
Capacity: 9
Group: 5
Disciplines: cel ANI POT PRE VIC
Laibon Magaji: Once each combat she can tap one Orun on her to make her hand strike aggravated for the current round.
##09: Lucian, the Perfect (EK:V)
Clan: Guruhi
Capacity: 11
Group: 4
Laibon: Strikes against Lucian cost an additional blood or life. A minion opposing Lucian may choose not to strike. +3 bleed.
##10: Nana Buruku (EK:V)
Clan: Guruhi
Nana Buruku
Clan: Guruhi
Capacity: 8
Group: 4
Disciplines: ANI POT PRE
Laibon: While Nana is ready, you get two master phase actions (instead of one) each master phase and +1 hand size.
#11: Abu Nuwasi (EK:V)
Clan: Ishtarri
Capacity: 3
Group: 5
Disciplines: cel for
#12: Elizabeth Conde (EK:V)
Clan: Ishtarri
Group: 5
Capacity: 5
Disciplines: pre CEL FOR
#13: Luanda Magere (EK:V)
Clan: Ishtarri
Capacity: 8
Group: 4
Disciplines: for CEL PRE PRO
Laibon: Luanda gets +1 strength for each Orun he has.
#14: Jibade el-Bahrawi (ADV) (EK:V)
Clan: Ishtarri
Capacity: 9
Group: 5
Disciplines: aus CEL DEM FOR PRE
Laibon: If Jibade is ready, he may burn a blood and tap X Aye to prevent X damage done to any ally or retainer in combat.
##15: Undele (EK:V)
Clan: Ishtarri
Capacity: 9
Group: 5
Disciplines: obf pre ser CEL FOR
Laibon magaji: Undele may call a referendum to move two minion cards from your ash heap to your hand as a +1 stealth political action (discard afterwards).
##16: Arriette Sylla (EK:V)
Clan: Osebo
Capacity: 3
Group: 5
Disciplines: POT
Laibon: If Arriette has no Orun, she gets -1 bleed.
#17: Titi Camara (EK:V)
Clan: Osebo
Capacity: 5
Group: 5
Disciplines: pot AUS CEL
#18: Mamadou Keita (EK:V)
Clan: Osebo
Capacity: 7
Group: 5
Disciplines: aus pot pre vic CEL
Laibon Magaji: Mamadou may call a referendum to do 1 unpreventable damage to a ready minion as a +1 stealth political action.
##19: Abiku (EK:V)
Clan: Osebo
Capacity: 6
Group: 4
Disciplines: cel obt AUS POT
Laibon: Abiku gets +1 stealth when hunting.
##20: Cesewayo (ADV) (EK:V)
Clan: Osebo
Capacity: 10
Group: 4
Disciplines: ani AUS CEL DOM POT THA
Laibon magaij: During a (D) action against you, Cesewayo may tap an Aye on him to untap.
[MERGED]: Cesewayo gets two additional votes.
Friday, May 22, 2009
VtES Promo Cards 2009 Tournament Legality
For those whom it may concern, like VtES tournament organizers, players and such:
Since I hadn't really noticed (and others maybe as well), this post in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup states, that the VtES promo cards 2009
And it's still not on the White Wolf website!
Since I hadn't really noticed (and others maybe as well), this post in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup states, that the VtES promo cards 2009
- Abactor
- The Fourth Cycle
- Inceptor
- The Marrakech Codex
- Salt of Thoth
- Rogue
- Rubicon
- SchreckNET
April 1st, 2009
and therefore these promos became tournament legal onMay 1st, 2009.
And it's still not on the White Wolf website!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gelsenkirchen VtES League 2009: May 20th
Here are the decks of the Gelsenkirchen (Germany) VtES League 2009 from our weekly meeting on May 20th (prey is from left to right, from top to bottom):

Left: Martin played a G2/3 Toreador Obfuscate Bleed deck which worked quite well until he ran out of stealth cards.
Right: Thomas' deck featured G4/5 high cap. vampires with Potence. Partially rush, partially bruise & bleed combat.

Left: Zille played a weenie Cryptic Mission deck, stopped by an impeccable blood supply of his prey and getting rushed by his predator.
Right: Didi's deck featured the well-known Nosferatu Royalty crypt with Good Stuff!. With this setup he won the game with 3 VP.
To my shame I was ousted very quickly after my star vampire ("Rachel Brandywine") got brainwashed, and I wasn't able to put a solid defense against the Toreador bleed deck played by Martin.
Right: Thomas' deck featured G4/5 high cap. vampires with Potence. Partially rush, partially bruise & bleed combat.
Right: Didi's deck featured the well-known Nosferatu Royalty crypt with Good Stuff!. With this setup he won the game with 3 VP.
To my shame I was ousted very quickly after my star vampire ("Rachel Brandywine") got brainwashed, and I wasn't able to put a solid defense against the Toreador bleed deck played by Martin.
"Ebony Kingdom" Spoilers #2
The online magazine "Eye of the Vortex" features a preview article of the up and coming VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom" in its May issue. The article contains two new cards from the expansion, which were previously not known.
#06: Despiral [EK:C]
Clan: Ishtarri
Cost: 1 Blood
+1 stealth action.
Put this card on this Ishtarri and put 1 counter on this card. This Ishtarri get +X bleed, where X is the number of counter son this card. This Ishtarri can add a counter to this card as a +1 stealth action that costs X blood.
[Draft]: Put this card on this Laibon and untap him or her. This card counts as an Aye and an Orun, even when on in play.
#09: Lucian, the Perfect [EK:V]
Clan: Guruhi
Group: 4
Capacity: 11
Laibon: Strikes against Lucian cost and additional blood or life. A minion opposing Lucian may choose not to strike. +3 bleed.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Your Deck ...
This epic exchange of posts took place during March/April 2009 in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup. To preserve the mighty battle of words, here's the digest of it:
Your deck sucks -- by Cthulhukitty
Your deck is awesome -- by Jozxyqk
Your deck is a metaphorical reflection of your personal inadequacies -- by Mongrel
Your ghastly, blasphemous deck! -- by Professor Whateley
Your deck isn't original -- by Orpheus
Your deck sucks -- by Cthulhukitty
You heard me. It sucks. I don't care what silly trick you think it can do, or how much card cycling and Dominate you have tacked onto it. Maybe you've played it a few times and got some VPs. Maybe you even won a game. I don't care. All the decks you were playing against sucked too. I hate you.Reference: Usenet Newsgroup Thread #1
Just a friendly reminder.
Your deck is awesome -- by Jozxyqk
You heard me. It rocks. I don't care how many Up Yours and Deadliest Sin are in it, or how you're violating the Grouping Rule by using Nakova and Rico Loco together. Maybe you've played it a few times and gotten ousted before your predator's second turn. Maybe you even finished your burrito before the game ended.Reference: Usenet Newsgroup Thread #2
I don't care. All the decks you were playing against were just as great as yours. I love you.
Just a friendly reminder.
Your deck is a metaphorical reflection of your personal inadequacies -- by Mongrel
Despite your claims of "it's just a game", your selection of crypt and library cards in your VTES deck actually embodies the personal inadequacies that you are attempting to escape via the fantasy of gaming. Often, your choice of combat cards is an expression of your desire to physically overwhelm people in ways that are socially unacceptable and personally impossible (especially given your meager physique). Other times, you choose to use political and social manipulation powers which are a reflection of your deep social flaws and inability to influence other people.Reference: Usenet Newsgroup Thread #3
Maybe you got some vp's with your deck. Maybe you won some games, or perhaps a tournament. The more your deck succeeds in VTES, the more you convince yourself you've been absolved of your personal failures. It's all just a coping mechanism for your defeat in the game of life.
Your ghastly, blasphemous deck! -- by Professor Whateley
You have heard the piping in the distance? IT... sucks! I care not what frivolities your deck dwells upon, nor on the most ephemeral of banalities of card cycling and dominate you submerge yourself in to hide from the cyclopean cosmic truths! Mayhap you've learn things best left unknown and in your brief time on this orb earned knowledge of forbidden VPs. Mayhap you've even won small victories against horror. The Great Old Ones care not!Reference: Usenet Newsgroup Thread #4
All the decks you have labored to produce pale into insignificance with the alignment of the stars! Your end is nigh!
Just a Lovecraftian reminder,
Professor Whateley, Arkham
Your deck isn't original -- by Orpheus
Let's face it. What you're doing has been done before. Lots of time. Sure, you've changed a few cards from the tournament winning archetype, or from the strange abstract concept you found on the net, a vampire here, a master there. So what? It's still exactly the same. Same concept, same tactics, same results. And it's only a slight variations from decks you've played yourself a zillion times already.Shame on you.Reference: Usenet Newsgroup Thread #5
Mean Orpheus
Monday, May 18, 2009
Results Spanish (North) EC Qualifier 2009

1. Eneko Oribe (ESP) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 4 VP -- Gangrel Garou & Parity ShiftCongratulations to Eneko for winning the second Spanish ECQ 2009.
2. Txus Escorial (ESP) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 1 VP -- Tzimisce
2. Unai Lopez de Briñas (ESP) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Hardestadt
2. Iñaki Jimenez (ESP) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Group 1/2
2. Txus Alutiz (ESP) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Followers of Set Spell of Life
Results Hungarian EC Qualifier 2009

1. Gyula Erdos (HUN) -- 2 GW 8 -- 2.5 VP -- Anson Cel Gun w/ Ashur TabletsCongratulations to Gyula for his win of the Hungarian ECQ 2009. You can find the final standings as well as the winner's deck list in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Stefan Ferenci (AUS) -- 3 GW 10 -- 0.5 VP -- Tzimisce Wall
2. David Wittmann (HUN) -- 2 GW 7 -- 0.5 VP -- Pascek Alastor
2. Martin Weinmayer (AUS) -- 3 GW 10 -- 0 VP -- Tremere Wall
2. Rudolf Edlmayer (HUN) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Ravnos Bleed
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Results English EC Qualifier 2009

1. Mike Wilson (ENG) -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 1.5 VP-- Lasombra Ani/DomCongratulations to Mike for his win of the English ECQ 2009. You can find a short tournament report in the English VtES forum and the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Hugh Angseesing (ENG) -- 3 GW 12 VP -- 0.5 VP-- !Ventrue For/Dom Combatish
2. Paul O'Connor (ENG) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0.5 VP-- Ventrue Pre/Dom Breed
2. Martin Randers (DEN) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0.5 VP-- Council of Doom Obf/Dom
2. Edd Phipps (ENG) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP-- !Gangrel Pro/Dom
For Want Of A Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.Sometimes little things lead to greater things, and paying attention to these little things and just really concentrating on the game sometimes makes the difference between losing and winning a game of VtES.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
During one of the VtES games last Friday I played a "Wash" in a previous player's turn, and had a "Life in the City" and "KRCG Newsradio" in hand. What to play next? I didn't need any of those two immediately (even though the "KRCG Newsradio" should be more useful in the long run). Now you can say it doesn't really matter, but on the contrary. In this turn playing one of these cards would use up the current turn Master Phase Action (MPA), but playing the "KRCG Newsradio" right now, would allow me to play the "Life in the City" in the next turn (MPA) as a trifle and (possibly) a second master card as well.
Other little things that can lead to greater mishaps include:
- Not taking pool if you control the Edge.
- Not taking blood provided by Hunting Grounds.
- Not using four transfers to buy a new vampire for the crypt (e.g. when you want to play "Arcane Library" next turn).
- Not using "Blood Doll"/"Vessel" (in either direction).
- Not using your discard phase action.
- Not reading the special abilities of your own and your opponent's minions.
- Not noticing the outferior ability on a multi-discipline card.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Poll Results: "What do you think of the upcoming 'Ebony Kingdom' mini-expansion?"
Here are the results of the latest poll what the readers of this blog think of the next VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom" that will be released on May 27th, 2009. 109 readers of this blog have voted in this poll.
- Laibon rule! More! -- 35 (32%)
- Right theme, right size. I like it. -- 48 (44%)
- I am not interested in Laibon. Next! -- 21 (19%)
- Where's the Ebony Kingdom? -- 5 (4%)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rustwurk: 5 Tips to be a Better Player
Another old strategy article originally pusblished on Rustwurk in 2002. This time Gregory Williams gives you 5 tips how be a better VtES player, and you can learn some Latin, too.
- Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo. -- "A drop of water hollows a stone, not by force, but by continuously dripping - (Ovidius, Ex Ponto)."
Simply put...Be patient! V:TES is a not a quick game by any means. Most games last two or more hours. Take your time and you will be a better player. If I had to choose just one tip to give you, this would be it. Patience!
First, remember not to rush your play. I can't count how many times I have seen experienced players play a card before it was their time to do so, and therefore giving away cards in their hand and potentially changing their opponents card-play. Take your time and go through the stages of play. In combat, remember that the acting player plays his cards first...and let him. When bleeding, don't immediately slap down a bleed modifier, even if you are sure you have enough stealth, it may yet be deflected. I see this mistake more among new players, but it occasionally happens with more experienced players. Furthermore, when you are being bled, let them bump their bleed before you deflect!!!
Second, don't burn yourself out. Don't go 'balls out' on your prey when it means you leave yourself vulnerable to your predator. Every game is different, but, in general, you must remember that while there may be times when you can bleed your prey out, it may not be advantageous to do so. If you have to tap yourself out to gain 6 pool and a victory point (presumably your first), and this leaves you wide open to your predator and he bleeds you out...what did you really gain? One victory point doesn't win the game. I have mostly seen this behavior in former Magic:TG players. They tend to focus more on the immediate kill and not the overall game. They end up going full out on their prey and more often then not, their grand-prey takes the game due to lack of pressure.
Lastly, Never give up! Quite often, when players get in a bad situation they tend to do stupid moves. Here's an example: four players in the game. My prey looked poised to take out his prey (my grand-prey). So my Grand-prey, on his turn says, "Well, I am probably dead next turn.... so I will bleed with everything". His prey (my predator) defends every bleed attempt. On my turn, I play an Anarchist Uprising [Worth 1 Vote. Called by any vampire at +1 stealth. Successful referendum means each Methuselah burns 1 pool for each minion he or she controls.] which kills both my predator and prey. My grand-prey (now my prey) has no vamps to defend with, so I bleed him out that turn as well. If he had left his vamps untapped, he very well could have managed to win the game. And I think he could have managed it too, since I had nearly run myself out of cards. The point here is, you never know what can happen in a game. Even when all seems bleak, play to win, you might just dig yourself out of whatever hole you are in.- Fortuna caeca est. -- "Fortune is blind."
Don't rely on the luck of the draw. Quite often I see players play cards hoping to draw into what they need. Sure it happens from time to time, but never often enough. Rely on what's in your hand. Don't bleed unless you have the stealth. Don't 'Bum's Rush' unless you have the cards to do some damage. If you do end up drawing into more of the cards you need, all the better. Don't make that bet unless you are willing to pay the price. Understandably, there are situations when sometimes you need to go for it. But remember Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and at the worst possible moment."
I know that some people might argue that if you build a good deck, then chances are that you would draw into what you need. Well, if you have built a good deck, then everything you need should be in the seven cards in your hand! Right? Truly, the situation dictates your actions, and every new game brings a new situation. Just don't let your action be a wasted one. Make each action count and don't rely on luck. That bitch is ever fickle!- Semper paratus, numquam non paratus. -- "Always be prepared, never unprepared."
Read the cards! Know what cards are played and re-read them! I know, let me guess, you have been playing since 1994 and you know every card from every set, why should you re-read the cards, right? Because, the fact is that unless you have a photographic memory, nobody will remember every nuance from every card. For instance, what is Blythe Candeleria's (Tremere) negative ability? Or Leon's (!Gangrel) negative ability? What is the secondary ability on The Hand of Conrad? Do you remember them all? Maybe you do, but there will be cards that you don't. Take a moment, remember tip #1, use patience, and read the cards that are played. When another player (even across table) plays a card and you can't remember what it does, or you can't think of what the card text is in your mind, verbatim, then ask to look at the card. Don't let yourself get surprised. Even if the person is across table, if you play your cards right (pun intended) they will eventually end up next to you.
Also, don't forget what cards are on the table. Quite often players forget about the Rumour Mill across table, or the Masquer Wraith, etc ... that can give intercept to another and they get burned for it. Be prepared for that contingency and pay attention to the cards in play!- Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. - "That man is wise who talks little (know when to hold your tongue)."
Don't give it away! So often I see players, experienced or not, do something so simple that hurts them so much ..... they show their hand to their predator. How many times have you looked over and ...whoops... there is your prey's hand looking you square in the face? Did you mean to look? No! But how can you not notice 5 red-bordered cards, and 2 gray-bordered cards staring back at you? Well, I wasn't planning on bleeding, but since he has no wakes or intercept cards ... well, how can I not! It seems such a simple thing to do, but you would be surprised at how much better you will play without your predator knowing all your secrets. Don't show your hand.
Another silly thing I see players do is mention or hint at cards they have in their hand. Don't mention a card in your hand unless it's a strategy of some kind. Keep your secrets hidden. When you opponent's know what's in you hand, they change their strategy accordingly (sometimes this is to your advantage if you play it right). And as likewise mentioned in Tip #1, take your time and don't play your cards too fast revealing cards before their time. Don't it give away!- Animis opibusque parati. -- "Prepared in minds and resources (ready for anything)."
Always think they have it! What does this mean? Well, it is always better to overestimate your opponent than underestimate them. Play as if your prey has a Wake in his hand or a Deflection. Play as if your predator has a Conditioning and the stealth to get it through. Play as if the vote deck has the Kine Resources Contested and the necessary votes. I think you get my point. I am not saying that you should play as if you are afraid of what your opponents have in their hand. Just be ready for anything and expect them to pull off the unexpected. If they do, you will be more prepared for it, and if they don't you will be pleasantly surprised. As I have said before, every situation is different and there are no absolutes, but it is wise to play as though you opponent has what they need in their hand. Prudence is the better part of Valor.Gregory Williams is the VEKN Prince of Providence and has been a VTES player since Jyhad debuted in 1994.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Memorable Quotes (Part 41)
"The best card is obviously Psyche!, the only problem is that it's a combat card - and by default that makes it not so good .." -- Ruben FeldmannReference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Monday, May 11, 2009
"Ebony Kingdom" Spoilers #1
Here are the first (non-Preview) spoiler cards (1 crypt and 3 library cards) for the next VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom". It seems that the cards can be seen in the French trading card magazine "Mana Rouge".
#13: Luanda Magere [EK:V]
Clan: Ishtarri
Capacity: 8
Group: 4
Disciplines: for CEL PRE PRO
Laibon: Luanda gets +1 strength for each Orun he has.
#18: Jua Vema [EK:C]
Cardtype: Combat
[for]: This vampire treats aggravated damage as normal damage this round.
[FOR]: As above, but for the remainder of the action if you tap an Aye on him or her.
#38: Tunnel Runner [EK:C]
Cardtype: Ally
Clan: Akunanse
Cost:4 pool
Werewolf with 3 life. 1 strength, 1 bleed.
The Runner may play cards that require [ani] as a vampire and may burn 1 life to get +1 stealth. If he succesfully bleeds, you may look at the target Methuselah's hand. A vampire stealing life from the Runner takes 1 damage for each point stolen. If the Runner has 2 or fewer life during your untap phase, he gains 1 life.
#39: Unholy Radiance [EK:C]
Cardtype: Action Modifier / Reaction
Requires a Laibon with three or more Orun.
Only usable during a referendum. Usable by a tapped Laibon. Gain 4 votes.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Results "Imperator" Storyline Tournament in Bochum
Here are the results of the VtES Storyline event "Rise of the Imperator" in Bochum, Germany after 3 rounds and final. The tournament was played on May 10th, 2009 with 8 players participating. Here are the standings after the final round:

Right: Table 1 Round 1: Hardy with his Brujah Princes deck on his was to his 2nd VP.
Left: Table 1 Round 2: Martin S. struggling several turns on 1 pool, while Thomas is trying to oust him with his Brujah Potence Rush deck.

Left: Round 2 Table 2: The only that saw a timeout without a gamewin.
Right: The final table just before the start, everbody pretty relaxed.
Right: Michael's deck at the 1 hour mark:
Right: Hardy's deck at the 1 hour mark:
Right: Didi's deck at the 1 hour mark:
Right: Sascha's deck at the 1 hour mark:
Right: Martin's deck at the 1 hour mark:
1. Martin -- 1 GW 7 VP - 1,5 VP -- Group 2/3 Tremere Permanents WallCongratulations to Martin for his victory in the storyline tournament. He named "Blythe Candeleria" as his key minion, and nominated "Gerald Windham" (although not in his own deck) as Imperator.
2. Hardy -- 0 GW 2,5 VP -- 1,5 VP -- G4/5 Brujah Princes Toolbox
2. Sascha -- 0 GW 2,5 VP -- 0,5 VP -- G4/5 Ventrue Lawfirm
2. Michael -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 0 VP -- G1/2 Malkavian Wallish Aggro Combat
2. Didi -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- G4/5 Tremere Gerald Windham Stealth&Bleed
Left: Table 1 Round 2: Martin S. struggling several turns on 1 pool, while Thomas is trying to oust him with his Brujah Potence Rush deck.
Right: The final table just before the start, everbody pretty relaxed.
- 11 Pool
- Asylum Hunting Ground, Parthenon, Papillon
- Gilbert Duane with Vessel
- Lucian with Improvised Flamethrower, Bowl of Convergence, Blood Doll and Minor Boon
- 9 Pool
- Shawnda Dorrit
- Carlak
- Jann Berger with Heroic Might
- 7 Pool
- Powerbase: Madrid, Monastery of Shadows
- Orlando Oriundus with Vessel, Sniper Rifle
- Zane with Camera Phone
- 2 Pool
- Lucinde, Alastor with Blood Doll
- Johannes Castelein
- ~8 Pool
- Chantry, Powerbase: Montreal, WHRM Talkradio,
- Blythe Candeleria with Vessel, Heart of Nizchetus, The Rack
- Eugenino Estevez
- Selena with Vessel, Palatial Estate
- Thelonius with Pier 13, Baltimore, Camera Phone, Sport Bike, .44 Magnum
Friday, May 8, 2009
"Ebony Kingdom" Preview Review
The preview of the next VtES expansion "Ebony Kingdom" cards contained 8 new cards (4 library and crypt each). Here are the pictures of the cards as well as some commenting words for each of the cards.

Left: Umdava -- nice addition for the two other Akunanse Magaji, and even usable as addition for Guruhi vote deck because of the superior Presence.
Right: Nana Buruku -- this vampire will definetely gonna see some usage. So interesting that she will get some playtime in non-Laibon decks, even if she lacks a title or the bounce capabilities Anson has to offer.

Left: Undele -- a 9-capacity Magaji with a very potent ability is usually a solid vampire. What I am missing here is one (or two) additional points in disciplines. The vampire would have been much more playable if the had superior Obfuscate or superior Presence
Right: Abiku -- solid Osebo vampire, the special is not overly useful, but she's worth her points in disciplines anyhow. Non-Osebo clan based decks she could be included in: Anarch Hell-for-Leather or Weenie-/Mid-Cap Auspex Potence deck.

Left: Taking The Skin: Minion -- nice addition to the Abombwe cards like "Predator's Transformation" and the discipline's "theme" of torporizing/burning other minions.
Right: Remnant of the Endless Storm -- this unique werewolf has a very nice ability and stats, but for most decks the ally is way too expensive. Yes, even with Charisma and/or Powerbase: Tshwane.

Left: Neebi -- "Set Range" effects are not that often seen on VtES cards, so this a quite interesting combat card. Though it would have been nice that it only requires two Aye cards in non-draft games.
Right: Guinea-Bissau Carnival -- this Master card is somewhat similar to Festivo dello Estinto, and supports the whole /Orun-mechanism which is a good thing. On the other hand the "once-per-game"-clause makes the card clearly less useful, and you'll find often other Master cards more useful than this.

Right: Nana Buruku -- this vampire will definetely gonna see some usage. So interesting that she will get some playtime in non-Laibon decks, even if she lacks a title or the bounce capabilities Anson has to offer.

Right: Abiku -- solid Osebo vampire, the special is not overly useful, but she's worth her points in disciplines anyhow. Non-Osebo clan based decks she could be included in: Anarch Hell-for-Leather or Weenie-/Mid-Cap Auspex Potence deck.

Right: Remnant of the Endless Storm -- this unique werewolf has a very nice ability and stats, but for most decks the ally is way too expensive. Yes, even with Charisma and/or Powerbase: Tshwane.

Right: Guinea-Bissau Carnival -- this Master card is somewhat similar to Festivo dello Estinto, and supports the whole
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Munich VtES Playgroup 2009: May 6th
This week I was in Munich, Germany, and joined the local playgroup for two intense rounds of VtES. Here are the pictures of the decks played during the evening:

Left: Peter played a hybrid Malkavian G4/5 bleed/vote deck with rather small vampires.
Right: A Ravnos Stealth & Bleed was piloted by Markus. The deck had some rather toolboxy additions like "Edged Illusions".

Left: Robert fielded a Bruise/Bleed Tzimisce deck with Chiropteran Marauder/Quick Jab as main combat combo.
Right: A rather straigthforward Weenie Dragon Breath Rounds/Graverobbing deck played by Ralf.
Result: Robert GW 3 VP, Peter 1 VP

Left: Another Tzimisce Combat deck, this time more heavily based on War Ghouls, was played by Peter.
Right: Markus had big problems getting into the game with his Bruise & Bleed deck based on the Guruhi clan.

Left: Robert's Jyhad only Aus/Cel Gun deck. At that point all of this vampires where in torpor.
Right: Fighting with different weapons, Ralf's deck featured an Aus/Obf/Cel crypt with Improvised Flamethrowers.
Result: Peter GW 3 VP, Robert 1 VP
Right: A Ravnos Stealth & Bleed was piloted by Markus. The deck had some rather toolboxy additions like "Edged Illusions".
Right: A rather straigthforward Weenie Dragon Breath Rounds/Graverobbing deck played by Ralf.
Result: Robert GW 3 VP, Peter 1 VP
Right: Markus had big problems getting into the game with his Bruise & Bleed deck based on the Guruhi clan.
Right: Fighting with different weapons, Ralf's deck featured an Aus/Obf/Cel crypt with Improvised Flamethrowers.
Result: Peter GW 3 VP, Robert 1 VP
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Memorable Quotes (Part 40)
Juggernaut1981: "Kamiri (wa Itherero): I'm waiting to potentially be staggered by what could be added to a vampire that automatically burns allies if combat occurs... seriously what do you add to that kind of vampire?"
Jozxyqk: "Something that stops him from sucking."
LSJ: "You mean like Pulled Fangs?"
Reference; VtES Usenet Newsgroup
Monday, May 4, 2009
All Praise to Thee, Eternal Matt

- He lives five different lifes, as Wrestler, Comedian, Politican, and VtES God and Rock Star (parttime).
- He gives killer decks to other players .. and let them win the NAC with it (see NAC 2008 TWD)
- He shows the world that you win tournaments with the most obscure clans other players wouldn't consider for casual play like in his tournament winning deck "Fuzzface".
- He survived a well-aimed car .. in real life!
- He knows how to use Freak Drive (refer to "The Real Freak Drive").
- He still assumes Germans worship David Hasselhoff for bringing down the Berlin Wall. He's sooo right about it..
- He taught me many new english words like "git", "moron" or "witless idiot".
- You can visit his home in Washington, D.C. in the computer game "Fallout 3". Slightly damaged, of course.
- He's the most skilled player and deck builder of the world (except for those liberty defying frenchies from Old Europe).
- He's an American, and therefore a citizen of the world's most decent country. Yes, that's the US of A.
- His representation as vampire in VtES has the coolest combination of disciplines!! Except maybe Quietus, but that's something that should be discussed on "The Path of Blood" by those Assamite lovers.
- You can talk to him day after day on the IRC channel #VTES, and can be lectured why your deck bites so much. Free sarcasm included!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Deck of the Month: April 2009: Team Africa
This month's deck is the tournament winning deck "Team Africa" played by Ira Fay. The deck concept is not entirely new, you might also want to check Jay Kristoff's Team Laibon deck (unfortunately I could never find Mark Peterson's original design), but still I consider the deck something out of the ordinary when played on tournaments.
When looking at the deck, it looks as if there are many problems when playing it, e.g. lack of inherent votes, lack of considerable stealth, etc. But when actually playing it, it becomes more apparent how resilient and powerful the deck is. At its core the deck is a Weenie Politics deck, that gains vote by playing the different "Kholo" action modifiers pretty fast, trying to gain a considerable vote power early in the game. But even if politics fail, the deck can resort to swarm bleed. But read Ira's comment on his deck yourself.
When looking at the deck, it looks as if there are many problems when playing it, e.g. lack of inherent votes, lack of considerable stealth, etc. But when actually playing it, it becomes more apparent how resilient and powerful the deck is. At its core the deck is a Weenie Politics deck, that gains vote by playing the different "Kholo" action modifiers pretty fast, trying to gain a considerable vote power early in the game. But even if politics fail, the deck can resort to swarm bleed. But read Ira's comment on his deck yourself.

Alacrity #1, Eudemonia
March 28, 2009
Berkeley, CA
12 Players
Ira Fay's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name: Team Africa
Author: Ira Fay
Description: Try to build up without looking like a huge threat, which is tricky. Decrypt even while you have unique vampires in the uncontrolled region, especially if you don't have Lumumba or all 4 clans yet. Cross-table oust if necessary to stablize the table. Use the Abombwe's on 4-caps, so you can get them up to 5 for Ancestor Spirit, or a bigger voter cap. Voter cap with Lumumba, since that's the only vamp with PRE (if you get out 6 vamps, you have a ~76% chance of getting Lumumba.)
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 4 average: 3.41667
2x Lumumba 4 PRE ani Guruhi:4
1x Urenna Bunu 4 ani pot pre Guruhi:4
1x Hasani 4 ABO for Akunanse:4
1x Dolie 3 abo ani Akunanse:4
1x Meno Ngari 2 abo Akunanse:4
1x Idrissa 4 CEL aus Osebo:4
1x Kamaria 3 aus pot Osebo:4
1x Misrak 2 pot Osebo:4
1x Kenyatta 4 cel for pre Ishtarri:4
1x Zhara 4 ani for pre Ishtarri:3
1x Panya, The Wicked 3 cel pre Ishtarri:4
Library: (65)
Master: (17)
5x Abombwe
4x Tribute to the Master
1x Ancestor Spirit
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
1x Information Highway
1x Mbare Market, Harare
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Sunset Strip, Hollywood
1x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Wash
Action: (7)
4x The Embrace
2x Mozambique Allure
1x Entrancement
Equipment: (3)
1x Camera Phone
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Kduva's Mask
Political Action: (10)
5x Kine Resources Contested
2x Autarkis Persecution
1x Conservative Agitation
1x Disputed Territory
1x The Secret Must Be Kept
Ally: (1)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Retainer: (2)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Mr. Winthrop
Action Modifier: (7)
3x Excellent Thirst
2x Predator's Mastery
2x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat: (2)
2x Predator's Transformation
Action Modifier/Reaction: (4)
1x Akunanse Kholo
1x Guruhi Kholo
1x Ishtarri Kholo
1x Osebo Kholo
Combat: (6)
6x Dodge
Reaction: (6)
4x Terra Incognita
2x On the Qui Vive
Complete Preview for "Ebony Kingdom"

The contents of the mini-expansion are (almost) exactly as expected. The expansion brings 20 new rare and common cards each. And the 20 new vampires are evenly spread among the new four known Laibon clan, so that each of them get 5 new vampires, although one of them is always an Advanced version.
Read the full Ebony Kingdom preview article on the White Wolf website.
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