Sunday, May 10, 2009

Results "Imperator" Storyline Tournament in Bochum

Here are the results of the VtES Storyline event "Rise of the Imperator" in Bochum, Germany after 3 rounds and final. The tournament was played on May 10th, 2009 with 8 players participating. Here are the standings after the final round:
1. Martin -- 1 GW 7 VP - 1,5 VP -- Group 2/3 Tremere Permanents Wall
2. Hardy -- 0 GW 2,5 VP -- 1,5 VP -- G4/5 Brujah Princes Toolbox
2. Sascha -- 0 GW 2,5 VP -- 0,5 VP -- G4/5 Ventrue Lawfirm
2. Michael -- 1 GW 5,5 VP -- 0 VP -- G1/2 Malkavian Wallish Aggro Combat
2. Didi -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- G4/5 Tremere Gerald Windham Stealth&Bleed
Congratulations to Martin for his victory in the storyline tournament. He named "Blythe Candeleria" as his key minion, and nominated "Gerald Windham" (although not in his own deck) as Imperator.

Right: Table 1 Round 1: Hardy with his Brujah Princes deck on his was to his 2nd VP.

Left: Table 1 Round 2: Martin S. struggling several turns on 1 pool, while Thomas is trying to oust him with his Brujah Potence Rush deck.

Left: Round 2 Table 2: The only that saw a timeout without a gamewin.

Right: The final table just before the start, everbody pretty relaxed.

Right: Michael's deck at the 1 hour mark:

Right: Hardy's deck at the 1 hour mark:

Right: Didi's deck at the 1 hour mark:

Right: Sascha's deck at the 1 hour mark:

Right: Martin's deck at the 1 hour mark:
The Imperator deck had a limited impact to the game. Some Boons (e.g. Major and Minor Boon) were played, also frequently vote cards were used as 1 vote during political actions, but most the time (especially early in the game) cards were discarded that seemed too useful for another player. The card most played during the tournament was probably Second Tradition: Domain vs. Mirror Walk as close second.


Wanderer's Counsel said...

"also frequently vote cards were used as 1 vote during political actions,"

This is specifically disallowed.

-Ben Swainbank
V:tes Storyline Coordinator

"Political Actions in the Imperator Deck can be played. They can not be burned during referendum for a vote. "

extrala said...

We had "only" the printed version of the Imperator rules (PDF) printed out on each table. This explains why we didn't know about this specific ruling.