Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Deck of the Month: February 2010: Wax on, Wax off

This month's deck is the tournament winning deck "Wax on, Wax off" played by Martin Schumacher.

I am huge fan of "Ashur Tablets", and since this deck features a huge amount of it, I have to love this deck. Basically the deck is a rush combat based on Animalism and Potence, with a bit of Presence based bleed cards. What makes the difference to other rush combat deck is the huge "Liquidation" / "Ashur Tablets" engine. The three master phase actions provided by the "Nana Buriki's" special ability and "The Parthenon" allow the deck to gain a large amount of pool, while getting the cards into the hand and back into the library it needs at a given table. Another big advantage for the deck is the build-in-rush "Nanglia Were" has, as well as the +2 hand size provided by the special ability of the deck's two main Guruhi vampires.

Deck Name: Wax on, Wax off
Created By: Martin Schumacher

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 27, Max: 36, Avg: 7,91)
3 Nangila Were obf ser ANI POT PRE 9 Guruhi
4 Nana Buruku ANI POT PRE 8 Guruhi
1 Fish pre ANI POT 5 Guruhi
1 Mateusz Gryzbowsky ANI OBF POT 8 Nosferatu Antitribu
1 Lukas pre ser ANI OBF POT 8 Nosferatu Antitribu
1 Sundown ANI POT obf pre 6 Nosferatu
1 Ellison Humboldt ANI OBF POT PRE pro 9 Nosferatu

Library: (90 cards)
Master (36 cards)
18 Ashur Tablets
7 Liquidation
4 Blood Doll
1 Mbare Market, Harare
1 Effective Management
1 Fame
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Brothers Grimm
1 Parthenon, The
1 Giant`s Blood

Action (16 cards)
4 Deep Song
4 Bum`s Rush
5 Legal Manipulations
3 Heroic Might

Combat (38 cards)
7 Carrion Crows
7 Torn Signpost
7 Slam
7 Immortal Grapple
5 Taste of Vitae
3 Burning Wrath
2 Canine Horde

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