Monday, May 24, 2010

Bochum VtES League 2010: May 21st

Here are the decks of the Bochum VtES League 2010 from the meeting on May 21st, 2010 (prey is from left to right, from top to bottom):

Left: Hardy played his well-known and -feared Weenie Computer Hacking/Dominate bleed deck.
Right: With his Nergal Powerbleed deck Ralf didn't have a real chance against Hardy's aggressive bleed deck, and was ousted quite quickly.

Left: Michael played his War Ghoul deck, and did have good chance to win the table with a whole lot of ready minions.
Right: The deck Didi used that day was a high cap Tremere vote deck, which he used to split the table with an Anarchist Uprising.

Result: Didi 2 VP, Hardy 2 VP

Left: During a casual game afterward Michael showed what pre-combat action really means.

Right: In the same game, after a short while Michael had the Town Musicians of Bremen on one of his Laibon vampires.


Dr.Mafrune said...

Die bremer Stadtmusikanten XDXDXD...ich habe mich tod ausgelacht!!!

extrala said...

Your German is (almost) perfect!

Dr.Mafrune said...

Better than my english for shure.
Ich habe Schweize Matura abgeschlossen, obwohl ich mein ganzes leben in Madrid verbracht habe.
I prefer to write in German, than in English, but if have to...