Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Results VtES Singapore Asian Championship Qualifier 2010

On September 5th, 2010 the VtES Singapore Asian Championship Qualifier 2010 was held in Singapore with 12 players attending the qualifier tournament. The final standings after 3 rounds and final were as follows:
1. Robin Pong (SGP) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 1 GW 3 VP -- Rachel Brandywine Madness Network
2. Keith Lee (SGP) -- 1 GW 3.5 VP -- 1 VP -- Khazar's Diary
2. Danz Holandez (SGP) -- 1 GW 2.5 VP -- 1 VP -- AAA Toolbox with !Toreador
2. Stephen Sing (SGP) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- G4/5 Ravnos Breed & Bleed
2. Derek Yang (SGP) -- 0 GW 3 VP -- 0 VP -- G3/4 Tremere/!Tremere Bruise Bleed
Congratulations to Robin for his win of the Singapore Qualifier 2010. You can find a tournament report and the tournament winning deck on the Blood Inc. and Singing VtES blogs.


YY said...

Keith should be Keith Lee, not Keith Lim.

My apologies for the confusion.

The Necromancer said...

Hi. This is Keith here, and I've started a V:TES blog of my own. My Khazar's Diary decklist has been posted there.

URL: http://shamblingvtes.blogspot.com/

Thanks :)