"A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective." -- The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
"A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective." -- The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
Gerhard "Hardy" Range
prinz (/dot/) bochum (/at/) gmx (/dot/) de
German VtES Forum
"When we’re losing, we focus. When we’re winning, we play sloppily." -- Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa (MtG Pro-Player)Reference: How to Lose a Match in 10 Plays.
Nothing is safe!
The Anarchs seek to disrupt the resurgence of the Sabbat and Independents. It’s all on the line and the Anarchs have nothing to lose. This is a booster-only VTES expansion with 60 brand new cards, supporting the Anarchs game mechanic.
VTES Twilight Rebellion Booster Display:
Stock #: WWP02788
ISBN: X978-158846-496-5
Retail Price: $107.64 US
Contents: 36 booster packs.
VTES Twilight Rebellion Booster Pack:
Stock #: WWP02789
ISBN#: 978-158846-497-2
Retail Price: $2.99 US
Contents: 11 all-new cards.
Details about the VTES: Twilight Rebellion Launch Kit will be available soon.
1. Lucien P. (BEL) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- Weenie/Midcap Dementation BleedCongratulations to Lucien for his win of the Dutch Nationals 2011. And the Belgians got their revenge after a Dutch player won the Belgian Nationals earlier this year.
2. Peter B. (NED) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- Ventrue G2/3 Obf Vote
2. Sahan A. (NED) -- 2 GW 5 VP -- Nana Buruki Deep Song/Brutal Influence
2. Koen T. (NED) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Lutz ..
2. Thomas K. (NED) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Toreador Antitribu Anarch Bleed
Malkav: Ooo! Ooo! I've got an idea!
Ventrue: What?
Malkav: Ooo! Ooo! We're ALL ... aliens! Yeah! From the planet ... Yuggoth!
Brujah: Malkav?
Malkav: Yeah?
Brujah: Drop dead. (silence)
Malkav: Ain't it just too bad you don't have Dominate?
Brujah: Real men don't need Dominate! (THUD)
Malkav: Owww!
"It's not over until the last booster gets opened." -- GreenO on the news that VtES is no longer in production.Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
Old V:TES websites that have disappeared from the web can be rehosted. The second such site is Kindred Whispers from 2004. Do you have an old V:TES website that isn't being hosted anymore (Geocities victim, etc.) that you have the source code for? Contact me about hosting it for you. There is a new page that will list all of these types of sites that I am hosting, Rise From Your Grave!.You can contact him by the email address given above as well as on the VEKN.net forum (where he roams under the alias Adonai).
"Innistrad is a plane of menace and dread where every creature hides a darker aspect. Here, hedonistic vampires stalk the shadows to quench their thirst, and the full moon can transform a simple villager into a savage werewolf. Best to huddle inside, Planeswalker, lest the horrors of this world rend you limb from limb."
White Wolf Announces Vampire: Blood Shadowed Court
Now in its 13th year of play, White Wolf celebrates the latest product for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES).
Blood Shadowed Court is a reprint set of the 100 vampires from the Camarilla Edition. The crypt cards will be printed in the newest standard layout with the original art, with one exception. The Marcus Vitel crypt card will have new art. Furthermore, this product will feature new deluxe packaging.
VTES Blood Shadowed Court Display:
Stock #: WWP2786
ISBN#: 1-588464-946
Retail Price: $59.94 US
Contents: Contents: 6 VTES Blood Shadowed Court Collector Decks.
VTES Blood Shadowed Court Collector Deck:
Stock #: WWP2787
ISBN#: 1-588464-954
Retail Price: $9.99 US
Contents: Contents: 100-card deck.
Developer: L. Scott Johnson
PRICES MAY VARY FOR INDIVIDUAL RETAILERS. Princes, organizers, or retailers with concerns may contact Oscar Garza, the Organized Play Coordinator at orgplay@...
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle celebrates its thirteenth anniversary this year. Designed by Richard Garfield, designer of Magic: The Gathering®, VTES allows players to pit clans of vampires against one another in a mix of intrigue and action.
1. Konstantin Prischepa (RUS) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- Daughters of Cacophony ChoirCongratulations to Konstantin for his win of the Russian ECQ 2011. A tournament report and the tournament winning deck have been posted on the VEKN.net forum.
2. Alexander Figlin (RUS) -- 1 GW 3 VP -- Salubri Toolbox
2. Kirill Erohin (RUS) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Followers of Set Stealth Bleed
2. Alexander Palkuev (RUS) -- 1 GW VP -- Malkavian stealth bleed
2. Armen Khachikyan (RUS) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- Lutz Obf/Pre Vote
1. Karl Cheng Chua (PHI) -- 2 GW 8 VP -- Trujah ToolboxCongratulations to Karl for his win of the Philippine Qualifier 2011. You can find a tournament report and the tournament winning deck in the VEKN.net forum and on the Blood Inc. blog.
2. Troy Espiritu (PHI) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- Weenie Assamite Vote
2. Mark Villareal (PHI) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- Giovanni Bruise & Bleed
2. Johann Ong (PHI) -- 1 GW 5 VP - Giovanni Cry Wolf/Khazar's Diary
2. Frederick Tomas (PHI) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- Cock Robin Ani/Pot Wall
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."-- attributed to Seneca The Younger
Zebulon (Bar)
Stockenstr. 19
53113 Bonn
10:00 - 11:00 Registration
11:00 - 13:00 Round 1
13:00 - 13:45 Lunchbreak
13:45 - 15:45 Round 2
16:00 - 18:00 Round 3
18:15 - 20:15 Finals
11:00 -- Registration
11:30 -- Start Round 1
~19:00 -- End
Paladin's Place
Kirchstraße 21
64283 Darmstadt
'Margaret Murray Room'
Union House, Level 4
University of Adelaide
Adelaide SA 5000
1. Andrew Kashpar (BLR) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 3 VP -- Una FreakshowCongratulations to Andrew for winning the Belorussian Nationals 2011. You find the full results and more information on VEKN.net.
2. Zhmyh (BLR) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 2 VP -- Daughters G5/6 Shattering Crescendo
2. Vadim Grigorev (BLR) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Auspex G2/3
2. Alex Minov (BLR) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie Cel Gun G1/2
2. Dmitriy Konstantinov (BLR) -- 1 GW 4.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Brujah G4/5 Vote
Deck Name: Fire In The Blood: Marcus, Marc and the Funky Bunch
Author: Robert Scythe
Fire In The Blood
San Jose, CA USA
August 13th, 2011
20 players
This is my Faerie Guardian deck with a couple of changes. I put in a Lilith's Blessing for one of the Master Discipline cards (not Presence, of course) and replaced a Wake with an Eternal Vigilance nicking an idea from John Bell's more defensive Faerie Wards wall deck. I didn't mean to play this deck again in a tournament but I hadn't taken it apart and it felt right to play at the time. I did forget to put in the 2 Perfect Paragons that absolutely belong in it, luckily they didn't cost me the game.
Crypt (Capacity min=9 max=10 avg=9.5; 12 cards)
3x Ambrosio Luis Monçada, Plenipotentiary 10 aus for DOM OBT POT PRE Lasombra:2
2x Francisco Domingo de Polonia 9 pro DOM OBT POT PRE Lasombra:2
4x Marconius 9 pot DOM MYT OBT Kiasyd:2
3x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE Ventrue:3
Library (74 cards)
Master (18 cards)
1x Animalism
1x Celerity
1x Fortitude
1x Giant's Blood
1x Lilith's Blessing
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
2x Presence
1x Serpentis
1x Ventrue Headquarters
5x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (5 cards)
1x Clan Impersonation
1x Eternal Vigilance
1x Far Mastery
2x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (12 cards)
1x Ancient Influence
2x Banishment
4x Kine Resources Contested
1x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
2x Reinforcements
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (2 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Zaire River Ferry
Ally (1 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Action Modifier (16 cards)
1x Blanket of Night
1x Iron Glare
3x Shadow Play
4x Shroud of Absence
2x Shroud of Night
1x Stone Travel
4x Voter Captivation
Reaction (20 cards)
2x Deflection
10x Faerie Wards
2x Obedience
2x On the Qui Vive
4x Wake with Evening's Freshness