Tonight is the final night for Eden's Legacy.
Tomorrow is the last day for submitting reports for the final tally.
-- Ben Swainbank
VTES Storyline Coordinator
VtES Storyline Website
"For me the question is not if I use Pentex, but how many of them." -- Martin (hungarian VtES Player)Reference: VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
"I don't have cross table buddies. I have a prey I haven't gotten around to yet." -- Shockwave (english VtES Player).
1. Ralf -- 8.13 RtP/game -- 15 games -- 5 GW 20.5 VPParticipants without sufficient number of games (8):
2. Didi -- 5.06 RtP/game -- 17 games -- 3 GW 15.5 VP
3. Sascha -- 4.63 RtP/game -- 16 games -- 2 GW 14.5 VP
4. Hardy -- 3.87 RtP/game -- 15 games -- 2 GW 10.5 VP
5. Michael -- 2.71 RtP/game -- 14 games -- 1 GW 7.5 VP
1. Martin S. -- 8.57 RtP/game -- 7 games -- 2 GW 11.0 VPThe results can also be found in the german VEKN forum (incl. the individual matchday results & decks). Unfortunately the playgroup in Bochum has shrunk a bit (again), and now we're at a point where league days got canceled due to an insufficient number of players (four is the minimum).
2. Frank -- 2.00 RtP/game -- 1 games -- 0 GW 0.5 VP
2. Thomas -- 2.00 RtP/game -- 1 games -- 0 GW 0.5 VP
4. Markus -- 0.67 RtP/game -- 3 games -- 0 GW 0.5 VP
5. Martin E. -- 0.00 RtP/game -- 5 games -- 0 GW 0.0 VP
5. Oliver -- 0.00 RtP/game -- 1 games -- 0 GW 0.0 VP
"To break deals with someone you're in a relationship with is like running through a forest full of werewolves only armed with a knife during a full moon." -- Karo (VtES Player)Reference: My girlfriend is playing VTES
1. Anthony Coleman (UK) -- 3 VP - Ventrue Neo LawfirmCongratulations to Anthony for his win of the UK Nationals 2009. You can find the tournament winning deck in the VtES Usenet Newsgroup.
2. Sven Helmer (GER) -- 2 VP -- Lasombra Nocturn
2. Hugh Angseesing (UK) -- 0 VP -- Guruhi Wall/Rush Combat feat. Nana Buruku
2. Artur Siupik (POL) -- 0 VP -- Rachel Brandywine
2. Rafal Matysiak (POL) -- 0 VP -- Animalism Wall/Rush Combat
"I don't want to rush you. I just want to survive." -- Joaquim to his predatorExchange during the VtES EC 2009.
"Welcome to the club." - Kamel (Joaquim's prey; Kamel's minions got rushed and all sent to torpor earlier by Joaquim).
Résidence Internationale de Paris (RIP)The calendar for the weekend looks like this:
44 Rue Louis Lumière
75020 Paris, France
1.Thomas Gschwandtner (GER) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1,5 VP -- Weenie/MidCap G2/3 Ani/Aus w/ War GhoulsCongratulations to Thomas for his win of the German National Championship 2009.
2. Ralf Lammert (GER) -- 1 GW 6 VP -- 1,5 VP -- Imbued Chainsaw Massacre
2. Martin Weinmayer (AUT) -- 1 GW 7 VP -- 0,5 VP -- G2/3 Midcap Toreador Grandball
2. Marius Iscru (FRA) -- 2 GW 6.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Weenie G2/3 Potence Rush Combat
2. Orian Gissler (FRA) -- 1 GW 5.5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue antitribu/Tremere G4/5 feat. Gerald Windham Bleed
1. Dietmar Range (GER) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 4 VP -- Tremere Bleed/Block feat. PonticulusCongratulations to Didi for his win of the German Draft National Championship 2009. This is the second win in row for him, a feat only Thomas Gschwandtner was able to pull off.
2. Thomas Gschwandtner (GER) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 1 VP -- Gangrel/Malkavian Bleed/Block feat. Randall
2. Johannes Walch (GER) -- 2 GW 7 VP -- 0 VP -- Malkavian/Ventrue HighCap Bleed/Politics
2. Sebastian Meurer (GER) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue/Brujah Midcap Bleed/Politics
2. Peter Botos (HUN) -- 1 GW 4 VP -- 0 VP -- Ventrue Bleed/Politics
"The Gathering in New Orleans. We announced that we’ll be holding a massive convention/meetup for all the fans of our products, whether that’s Mind’s Eye Theatre, oWoD or nWoD, VTES or anything World of Darkness inspired."You can watch the announcement for the general vampire convention on the White Wolf's YouTube Channel as part of the wrap-up session of the ICC.
"The best is no deal. Because it cannot be broken." -- Kamel (french VtES Player) during the VtES EC 2009.
Short Term Investment
Cologne, Germany
November 8, 2009
10 players
Joerg Alten's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name : Undead Army
Author : Joerg Alten
Description : Shambling Hordes with obfuscate and some dirty tricks
Crypt (12 vampires) Capacity min: 1 max: 7 average: 5.25
2x Carlotta Giovanni 7 NEC POT dom obf Giovanni:2
2x Rafaele Giovanni 6 NEC cel obf Giovanni:2
2x Egothha 7 AUS FOR NEC obf Harbinger:2
2x Mina Grotius 6 FOR NEC cel Harbinger:3
1x Roger Farnsworth 4 OBF aus !Malkavian:3
1x Tansu Bekir 4 OBF cel Assamite:2
1x Krid 2 obf Nosferatu:3
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:0
Library (65 cards)
Action (1)
1x Arson
Action Modifier (11)
4x Call of the Hungry Dead
2x Cloak the Gathering
1x Lost in Crowds
2x Spying Mission
2x Veil the Legions
Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Swallowed by the Night
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Spectral Divination
Ally (16)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Ossian
14x Shambling Hordes
Combat (3)
3x Dead-End Alley
Equipment (4)
4x Kevlar Vest
Event (4)
1x Narrow Minds
3x Unmasking, The
Master (19)
1x Channel 10
1x Charisma
1x Direct Intervention
2x Filchware's Pawn Shop
1x Giant's Blood
2x Insurance Scam
3x Jake Washington (Hunter)
3x Liquidation
4x Storage Annex
1x Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper
Reaction (4)
2x Delaying Tactics
2x On the Qui Vive