Thursday, November 3, 2011

Results Norwegian National VtES Championship 2011

On October 29th, 2011 the VtES Norwegian National VtES Championship was held in Oslo, Norway with 12 players attending the championship tournament. The final standings after 3 rounds and the final were as follows:
1. Øyvind Monsen (NOR) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 1,5 VP -- Ventrue Princes
2. Frode Løining (NOR) -- 1 GW 3 VP -- 1,5 VP -- Nakhthorheb bleed
2. Joakim Peerson (NOR) -- 1 GW 6,5 VP -- 0,5 VP -- Ventrue w/Arika
2. Patrick Robinsson (NOR) -- 2 GW 6 VP -- 0 VP -- Gangrel Renegade Garou
2. Eric Meland (NOR) -- 1 GW 5 VP -- 0 VP -- Ravnos
Congratulations to Øyvind for his win of the Norwegian Nationals 2011. You can find the full standings in the VEKN forum.


Anonymous said...

does anyone have decklists for the finalists?

extrala said...

Good question. I don't. :(