Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Ambulance" Story Part 1 & 2

"Salubrious_vampire" wrote on the "Presence Forum" why a vampire can use an "Ambulance" to continue an action:
  • Medic 1: "Look! That guy just punched that guy through a building, turned into a bat and flew off!"
  • Medic 2: "who cares about that, we need to get that guy toa hospital!"
  • Ambulance rushes off. Medics try and stabilize the vampire. Vampire sits up.
  • Medic 1: "Sir! You need to stay still. You might have some serious internal bleeding!"
  • Vampire: "I don't care about that. Now, if you excuse me, I have some computers I need to be hacking."
  • Vampire exits the ambulance.
  • Medics 1 and 2: "What the hell?"
As a followup "Jeff Kuta" wrote also on the "Presence Forum" why an "Ambulance" helps in killing an Imbued (affectionately known as "pillow facing" among VtES players):
  • Medic 1: "Look! That guy just punched that guy through a building, turned into a bat and flew off!"
  • Medic 2: "Who cares about that!. This guy showed up, waved his hands around and the other one ran away. He seems hurt badly though. We need to get him to a hospital!"
  • Ambulance rushes off. Medics stabilize the Imbued who is groggy from the anaesthetics. Imbued tries to sit up.
  • Medic 1: "Sir! You need to stay still. You might have some serious internal bleeding!"
  • Imbued: "I don't care about that. I sense something is wrong with the trip we're taking."
  • Medic 2 (baring fangs): "Dinner is served!"
  • Medic 1: "What the hell?"

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